So, yesterday was a fairly eventful day at work. I'm not going to go into too many details, because you'd be here reading for too long if I did. x'D
So, it started off fairly slow. Kinda had a sale at 10:15am. That's... actually kind of early. x'D Mall opens at 10am so... wow.
Actually, we had fairly steady traffic all day. It was nice. I didn't get as bored, and I learned a lot more on the register. I sold close to $350 worth of calendars.
Some woman paid with a $100 bill too. o_o;
And another asked if we had a Twilight calendar... to which I had to say no without laughing. Because seriously, if there are only books and no movie yet... what imagery will they use for a calendar? x'D
The district manager for Belden Jewelers tried to hire me. He's looking for two full time employees. I turned him down. xD; So if you're looking for a job and live near the Wilton Mall!!! Belden Jewelers is hiring!!!
I helped a lot of people too. And I really think that made them want to buy stuff, because I know when I get good customer service I'm more likely to purchase the product. I felt bad though because I was having such issues scanning this one calendar that the lady opted not to buy it. I was on the phone with Bonnie and everything. Turns out I just needed to wiggle the scanner a bit. I mean, the lady still bought $67 worth of merchandise so it wasn't a horrid sale.
And holy smokes, talk about the number of immigrants that came through and only spoke English when they were ready to check out!
Not to mention all the handicapped people... mentally handicapped. I felt bad when this one set came though with four wheelchairs, because I was just staring at this one guy. He looked like he had stick legs, and I couldn't decide if they were prosthetic or not. Turns out he just had no muscle mass. And like... I really don't think the mall is the place for these people, personally. Because you could tell they were making a lot of other patrons uncomfortable. And having been in class with a kid like that before, who was actually very physically harmful to the rest of us because "he didn't know any better", it just makes me wonder...
I also saw a puppy in training to be a seeing eye dog! That was really cool! Actually, it's just plain cool that animals can be in the mall like that! :3
That's pretty much it though.
Aside from dress shopping with my sister and being frustrated with Tiffany, since they wanted to meet up with guys. I was tired, and I wasn't handing the credit card over to Amelia for fear of what she'd get. But in the end we found a cute dress. ^^
So um... yeah. x'D
And in the end I did Mom's Staples shopping in FOUR MINUTES FLAT. That includes getting through checkout. xD
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