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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Activities with Dad

OH YEAH! Almost forgot!

Dad went with me to the Civil War Encampment. :3

So we got to hang out there together, and had Subway for lunch. I drove though, and it's a good thing because he didn't know about the upper part of the parking garage or anything! Hell, he hadn't walked the main strip in 30 years! O_O

We visited a couple of shops too, including a tobacco one since he is looking into getting a pipe again. Not exactly what I want to hear since seeing him ruin his health bothers me, but I won't deny him his pleasures and stuff I guess. :\

He and I also walked up to this stopped 1931 Ford at a traffic light to ask where it was headed. My idea. xD Turns out there is an old car show going on in Lake George.

We thought about harassing the protesters as well, but decided against that. I don't get why they were protesting sending the soldiers to war, since it's a volunteer army. No draft, they could have said no. So like... I don't know. Protesting the war is different than sending soldiers in my eyes I guess. His too.

It was fun though. I enjoy hanging out with my Dad. :)

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