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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Dad isn't going...

So my Dad isn't gonna go with me tomorrow, which really sucks. Half the fun was going with him, because we both share a love for this kind of stuff. But instead he's going to be doing the Trap Shoot at the Gunclub. Because a lot of people want to do it and he couldn't get in contact with Chuck. And of course because next weekend he goes to the hunting camp.

I'm wicked bummed. It looks like I'm going it alone tomorrow instead.

I totally understand Dad having a responsibility to the Gun Club, but there are enough members that he and Chuck shouldn't be the only ones who run trap. And even so, Chuck took a whole month off once according to my brother, so why can't Dad take another two weeks? It just doesn't seem fair.

And you watch, Chuck will be there tomorrow and Dad totally could have gone with me.

I'd rather go with him than have the $50 he gave me to buy stuff with. The memories are more important to me than the material objects.

Stupid Dad. D':

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