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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Diaper Man

So today I was lucky enough to work with someone else at the kiosk, rather than by myself. Because for the 30min I was alone while she took lunch... kinda... sucked. :< And I'm not for 28 hours between Tuesday and Friday next week. D: SOMEONE COME VISIT. I WILL NEED COMPANY. <3

But today... I learned two things that no one told me before hand.

The first makes me very glad that the Dollar Store right next to us is closing. I'm not racist or anything, but these guys make me wish I were so I could slam them good. Basically, the Middle Eastern people run the Dollar Store, and they'll get the kiosks around us. And when you're alone and female working the kiosk, they come over. And from what Nicole was saying, they're very nice at first, and just friendly. And you're desperate for human interaction, so it's not entirely unwanted. Until they start hitting on you. And it doesn't matter what you tell them, they will continue to do so. And no casually she said, she said that they are very forceful about this matter. That to avoid it you shouldn't smile at them or make eye contact, or they'll come over. Like, they've met and shook her husband's hand, and they STILL bother her.

Then there is infamous Diaper Man. I guess all the female department store staff knows about him. He won't hit the kiosks usually, thank god, but he goes around asking girls if they like guys who wear diapers. And that he wears a diaper. He will SHOW YOU this. And he makes up all sorts of ridiculous reasons for this. I guess he even managed to talk some workers into helping him out in the changing rooms, and then tried to get the girls to change his diaper. He's been thrown out numerous times by mall security, but keeps changing his MO so he blends right in. CREEEEEEEPY~!

So... looks like it's a good thing Joe came over and introduced himself. He is mall security, and I think I'm going to be knowing those guys quite well. D:


I totally want to make this work. I'm going to keep putting up prints and such to sell because it's going to be much better than DA. Much much better. So think of Christmas approaching. Tell your friends! Tell your coworkers! WHORE THAT LINK OUT.

Along with my photography. Because you love me. <3

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