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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mom's Surprise 50th

This entry is back-dated.

So yesterday was Mom's surprise 50th party, and it went off without a hitch for the most part. Mom was shocked (for the most part), and it was a blast.

She was definitely suspicious though, because I left so early for what she thought was someone else's party, someone that none of us kids knew. And Mia went to get Cory fairly early, and Ethan suddenly decided he was going, since we filled him in a bit late.

My family had no say in the planning at all really. My Aunt was in charge, and I'm sorry, but that woman can't plan shit to save her life. I was an email away, ONE EMAIL, and she was SCREAMING at me when I got to Aunt Diane's to help out where I could at 2pm. She told me that I was supposed to be there an hour ago to help out, and where the hell was my sister, blah blah. Well, I told her flat out that I didn't know, and then she said she was going to beat Amelia since she was supposed to tell me and I was like "You know, I have a damn email. You could have used it!"

I... really hate that woman.

And honestly, if you're not going to include me in the planning of my mother's surprise party, don't you dare expect me to help pay for a porta-potty (that no one used) and come do the manual labour for you. I am not a pack mule, and I have better things to do!

Another thing was how they were getting mom to come. Dad had to freaking stall her because she wanted to show up early to help set up too. I got there and she was like, ready to leave when I was. So I had to warn them. It was bad. And when I told my Aunt that it was hard enough to get out of the house as it was, she told me "Well you could have just said you were going to the mall"

Yeah, okay. We're going to go to the mall because:
A) Ethan loves to shop.
B? Mia has money.
C) That's totally in the same direction as Aunt Diane's.

If you can't tell, that was loaded with sarcasm.

God that woman PISSES ME OFF. So I have completely blocked her from my email, and I told my mom flat out that I wanted nothing to do with her any more. This is the second time she has totally screwed up and overstepped her bounds. I'm not dealing with it anymore.

Other than that, the party was a blast. I lost about $5 gambling between Left, Right, Center; and Screw your Neighbor. xD But it was worth it because we had fun. There was also loud music, which I didn't care for very much, and Wacky Ball.

I. LOVE. WACKY BALL. LOL It's just a lot of fun. And it seems that when you're drunk, you play better.

Speaking of drinking, both Uncle Ken and Aunt Diane would have let me get wasted. x'D I was responsible though, and just tried some of Aunt Diane's Captain Morgan and Iced Tea. It was yummy. :3 One sip doesn't impair my judgment to drive.

I also took the kids down to Stewarts to get some stuff to amuse them, since no one brought any games for them to play. They mostly hid out in the house anyways, since the adults were all doing their own thing at the party. I felt bad.

Well... I also felt sore, but that was because I had done karate the day before and was feeling the workout. x'D Vic says we'll have to grapple, so it'l be cool. Gotta love my cousin.

That was about it.

And in case you're wondering, this is me playing wacky ball. Ignore the photo quality, my other drunk cousin, Kate, took it. ^^;

And here are some more Wacky Ball photos that I took, totally candid and not for art at all. Even us photographers do some average stuff.

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