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Friday, November 21, 2008

Gelatin Arms

So I did two hours of exercise tonight, working at my martial arts. We decided to do another two hours and call it a month since the last Friday is Black Friday... and neither one of us is up for it on that day. Me because I'll be tired, and him because he has stuff he'd like to do. SO! Two hours it was!

And now I can hardly use my arms. >.<;;; We decided to focus on upper body strength and abs, so that I could throw a more effective punch, and take a hit better. Great idea... bad sensation. I'm glad it means I'm getting stronger though and that he's able to get me to push myself. Effectiveness is key. But like... we attempted (loose interpretation of that LMAO) a push-up pyramid. If you don't know what that is (like I didn't until now xD), it's where you do 9 push-ups, rest, then 8, rest, then 7, so on and so forth. Well, I did the 9... barely. And he told me to focus on using the left arm more since it was obvious to him that I was doing more support on my right one. Understandable. Well, then he matched me for 9. And we attempted 8... and did 5. ^^; Steve did 8 though. So now we were going to try to make 7.. yeah, barely got to 5. BARELY. Steve then did 7... and I couldn't even do one more. x'D Steve then did another 6, the show off... >.>

Of course, that was just because I showed off in flexibility... >.>;

See, we were trying to stretch my lower back, so he had me get on hands and knees, and then turn my legs inward, and arch my back. I felt... nothing. So he had me crawl forward and try again. This time I felt it in my knees. So we went forward a bit more and tried again... still in the knees. So he told me to try turning them in more... nothing. I ended up flat on my stomach feeling nothing. But when I pushed back while keeping my stomach down and really applied force I felt it.

...Steve decided I was a mutant... >.>;;;

So yes, he's jealous of my flexibility. And the other guys in his group jujitsu class don't believe how flexible I am. I think I'll have to make a guest appearance... Fufufufufu~

We also worked at stretching my knees... and almost did serious damage. ^^; Turned out the muscled just tightened up, but the stabby pain I was feeling when it bent was bad. Oops... >.>; Like, when Steve pushed me the extra bit, there was PAIN. But I can stretch better now. \OwO/ WIN! I always wanted to be flexible!

I also did the gymnast ab rock thing... for beginners. x'D That was actually pretty fun, but I know I'll feel that tomorrow too.

So I won't be lifting anything heavy for a while, and probably not moving too fast either. x'D

BUT! During grappling/sparring (we did a combo session), even though I took a lot of hits, I managed to land blows, constantly worm away, and I got a pin. :D I just kept pushing forward until I did. Hell, when he tickled me I caught him near the collar bone with a backhand and left a bruise on accident. Natural instinct when being tickled: flail and hit. I think Steve figured this out... for now. x'''D

It was fun though. And it really helps keep my mood up without meds. Which is GREAT, because I keep forgetting to take them. And I really hate taking them anyways.

Steve is such a good instructor. Seriously, if you're in the area, check out Inpakuto-ryu. It's totally worth it. We had two drop ins tonight who are considering it, so be quick about it. Or Steve might be at his limits. ;) And if you do go, tell him Samantha sent you. ^^ Referrals mean discounts or even a free month of lessons! So join, tell your friends, and have a blast! And be able to defend yourself!

And ladies, Steve is teaching me how to escape and maim any rapist/attacker, and how to get over the panic. IT IS WORTH IT. Of course, we were laughing because in some of them you could just sit and hold your attacker at bay with one hand while you called the cops with the other.

Can you imagine being the cop that gets the phone call "Yeah, so I just had a guy attempt to rape me... I'm currently sitting on him and may or may not be close to breaking his arm. Kinda immobilized the fuck."

If I were the cop, I'd be laughing. Hard.

But really, totally worth it. I'm glad I'm going there.

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