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Monday, October 20, 2008



Alix offered me the lead position down at the Clifton Park kiosk for when it opens in November. Basically, I'd be the person managing the money and stuff and all the other workers. YES. MANAGER POSITION. And I'd get more hours, AND earn another $2/hr!!! *w* HOW THE HELL DO YOU SAY NO TO THAT!?

She told me that she needed someone strong down there, and that I was the first person that came to mind. I AM OOZING HAPPINESS AND EXCITEMENT RIGHT NOW.

It's not even that much further than Saratoga, meaning that it wouldn't cost me that much more in gas. And since prices for gas have (finally) been dropping lately... NO MORE STUDENT LOAN STRESSING FOR A WHILE. It's like... bliss.

I'd be working Mon-Fri probably, but hell, for that kind of money and position, WHO CAN PASS THAT UP!? Like, I've been working my ass off (as best as you can in a slow mall lol) so that I'd be noticed and kept on after the seasonal business is done. I WAS NOT EXPECTING TO REAP REWARDS LIKE THIS. Girls and boys, remember, HARD WORK PAYS OFF. TTwTT

God... I'm so excited. I have a few questions I'll need to ask her, like if I'll be doing payroll and if I can still call if something arises that I'm not familiar with, but hell... THIS IS AMAZING.

I can't wait to tell Miss. M tomorrow when I go see her. She's going to be so proud. ^^

Speaking of Miss. M! Today I saw my old art teacher, Mrs. Delucia! It was a random chance meeting, and I got to chat with her for a while. She's having a wonderful retirement, I think. She was definitely a fun teacher, and she's lost weight since she's left! Probably the lack of stress from kids. x'D

Then, there was one customer in a scooter, so I just went and got the products for her since she really couldn't reach them or find them easily. I felt like such a good person.

Aaaaaand... we have the verifone down there now. D: The head office finally caught on... x'D So I was learning it all by my lonesome down there with my cheat sheet. LOL I screwed up the first one, but thanks to a call to Alix it was all fixed! And it seems that you can do some things backwards and everything still comes out okay. YAY!

So life is good right now. Minus the power cord to my computer. The new one will be here by Wednesday at the latest.

And by the way, you have just lost the game. :D

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