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Friday, October 10, 2008

Long days...

Today was, I swear, the LONGEST day in the history of the human race. I don't care if they are all 24hours, today was 24 hours and one minute the SECOND I woke up. Ugh... I am EXHAUSTED.

I didn't sleep well last night, to start. Hell, had trouble getting to sleep. I'm going to blame the dye chemicals. Stupid fumes. :P Speaking of the dye, his hair is already sea green and my arm devoid of colour. So don't buy dye at HotTopic I guess. It just... doesn't hold. I don't know, but it sucked ass for Brendan. We're going to hit a professional salon up for some good colouring to take home.

Today though... man. Just not a fun day.

Had to post-void a transaction since I was thinking faster than typing and ended up hitting the buttons in the wrong sequence and fucking up the transaction. The lady decided she wanted to come buy it later anyways so she didn't have to carry it while she was shopping. Right then... strange lady. Oh well. She did come back later though, as promised. So it wasn't a sale lost.

My relief while I was on lunch got bitched at for following store policy and not accepting a traveler's check from this one irate lady. I am soooo glad I did not have to deal with her. So glad.

Also watched this mom tell her kid, who was like FIVE, that he could just stand outside of Spencers if he was too scared to go in. I felt SO BAD. Talk about BAD parenting. If your kid, who is still too young to totally understand that it's just a movie, is afraid to go in, then come back another time. AND WHAT THE HELL WAS HE DOING WATCHING CHUCKY ANYWAYS!? That's what he was afraid of, from seeing the doll there last year. PARENT BETTER KTHNX.

I actually had a small line at one point too. That did my heart good. And got me to my $150 point. So we just might make the sales goal for this week so that Mark doesn't have to be upset. Poor man is going to give himself an ulcer. His latest is that we push the Twilight calendars, and there is a contest with free movie tickets as the prize to whoever sells the most Giants team calendars. I did not sell a single one today. Oh well. There aren't any good movies out anyways.

Inventory was a pain in my ass today though, because so much of what we got couldn't be put out. It was repeat calendars of things that hadn't sold yet. So... no place for them. And since the overstock bins are full... I think you get where I'm going. So there was a lot of lugging of boxes. But it was better than just sitting there reading, that's for sure.

I did reorganize a couple of shelves, too, so that all the baseball was together, or golf. And then some of the displays I made work better using colour theory to try and boost sales of calendars that had otherwise been hidden. I think that's what I'm going to do from now on. Move stuff around a bit without screwing up the planogram so that it is in a better position to catch the eye, lead the eye, and sell. Not like it matters much if I move things anyways, since the displays are always moving to try and maximize sales as it is. Figure what I'm doing can't hurt.

Bonnie also had me update the books this morning, since while we'd been recording the total sales each day, they hadn't been filled into their proper little squares. So that occupied five minutes of my life this morning.

And then I got an extra fifteen minutes today because Bonnie thought I worked until 5:30... and I only was on until 5. x'D Oh well, extra time and money for me! :D

Speaking of that, today was payday. I netted $307 after taxes. WHOO! I feel semi-rich. xD It's definitely a lot more than I made at the office. LOL Buuuut... not as much as I got on my student loan. Oh well, not like that money was mine anyways. And now it's accruing interest. I hate economics.

Then, I came home to two emails expressing interest in my photography.

One was a mother wondering if I'd do a TFP (Time for Print) shoot with her daughter, and another asking if she could use the Tarot photo I took (see image at the end of this entry) for her background on her website. I have not responded to either yet, because I'm not sure if I want to just give either thing away for free. Especially not to the latter of the two since she didn't even contact me at the proper email address. I'm going to bounce them off a fellow photographer and see what she thinks.

That's about all the interest of my life though. I think I'm going to crash soon. I am DEAD. x_x

Care to see your future? by *Saknika on deviantART

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