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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Just one of those nights...

Ever get those randomly depressing nights? Yeah, that's what I'm having right now.

I blame part of it on an argument I had on a forum where sexuality was brought up. Stupid 15-year old Swedish boy just couldn't get it through his head that pansexuality meant not viewing gender as important in a relationship, and INSISTED that it meant you would screw anything. Apparently, he doesn't realize that wanting to screw everything is a fetish, not a sexuality. And yeah, the argument was heated, but no one swore, and no harsh stabs were made at each other. I think the worst thing I said was why he even cared about butchering the English language if he was Swedish (and seriously, no one was about this so he was wrong to begin with), and then I called him an idiot for not putting two roots together. Because it's pan, a slang for omni, meaning all or everything; and sexuality, meaning gender preference. And he was like "Yeah, ALL." and I told him, "Put it together idiot! All genders!" That's as BAD as it got.

And another girl comes in and posted an image that says "Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics: Even if you win you're still retarded." WHICH PISSES ME OFF. And I'll tell you why. I know for a FACT that this girl is not innocent of arguing online herself. She also feels like a GOD because she has so man fans in the anime community, even though her art is not that great. And this girl has passed judgment on TONS of people on the forum, made fun of them behind their backs (myself included I have found out), and yet plays the innocent girl. She'll make mean jabs and stabs at others expenses, and just not care. She can be two faced, rude, and totally hypocritical. In short, IRRI-FUCKING-TATING. And yet she has the NERVE to post that.

Not to mention the fact, that with as big a thing as the internet is, it DOES mean something. Most people get their information off of the internet, and the thing most read is the internet. The internet is a BIG DEAL when it comes to being an information highway. Same with communication. Proving your point online will sway others to believe it. It's why some of the GREATEST April Fools Jokes are played online. Because 9/10 times people will believe just about ANYTHING they read online because hey, it's the internet, and it can't POSSIBLY be controlled by ignorant masses, right? I'm not even joking when I say that. It's a proven fact that people tend to believe what they read, and since we mostly read the internet these days... I think you catch my drift.

So yeah, I'm really pissed. I HATE hypocrites. And I hate people who think they're better than others. Just because you're little webcomics are super popular online, and because people like your art is nothing. When it comes to art, getting noticed and paid and PUBLISHED is big. And she hasn't got ANY of that. She probably never will. Because she doesn't try to improve, and her colouring/shading/lighting SUCKS. I don't have to be able to draw to see that.

But she's popular because she does boys love, and her art isn't totally shitty. GAG ME.

I want to kill someone right now. How stupid can people get?

And I'd start shit with her too, but I honestly can't be bothered. I'll just watch her slowly crash and burn from the sidelines, because people like that eventually have karma come right around and kick them in the ass. And I will be the first to throw my head back, point at her, and laugh.

I don't care if she reads this, either. Not like she can do anything about it because I'm smart--no names have been mentioned, nor links given out. There is NO WAY to prove who exactly I'm talking about. And thusly, no legal issue.

Anyways, work tomorrow, 9:30-5. Going to be a boring day, which I'm not looking forward to, since it will probably be slow sales-wise. If ya know me, come visit me yeah? I'll be at the Day by Day calendar kiosk in the Wilton Mall. I'LL NEED COMPANY.

Man, I feel loads better getting all that off my chest.

For my final word tonight, hit up my etsy shop please!

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