Man... totally did not update you about yesterday's visitor.
This guy came over and was browsing the calendars, and I asked if I could help him find anything. That's just what I do when their body language doesn't tell me that they're just browsing. Sometimes you can tell.
Anyways, he told me he was just seeing what we had, since his wife made those decisions. And from there on in he was such a chatty Kathy. Holy crapscicles. He went on about movies I needed to see, and his wife, and his jobs, and being a reenactor at Fort William Henry (which was cool, I'll admit), and doing drugs, and being an athlete... it was a good 30-45min conversation. And then he suddenly had to leave because his people were there. Said he;'d swing by later.
I had work to do anyways. I had been hoping for someone to come buy something so that he would have to leave, but luck just wasn't with me so I had to endure until he left.
So I went about my shift, sold at least $50 worth of calendars, and about 2pm (I remember because he asked about the time) he comes back over. Now, he knew my name from my badge, and he had introduced himself as well. So Sergent Arthur Harris is forever engraved in my brain, probably due to being a reenactor. That's how I found out his name after all, aside from him greeting me and shaking my hand.
Well, he came back, and we chatted for another 10min, but he couldn't stay long because he was on duty at Sears. Shit. He works near me. D: He was going on about them cutting his hours a bit, and that the boss was shoveling shit on him [Arthur] that was being thrown at him [Boss] from upper management, blah blah blah.
And then he asked my age. And when I told him 19 he goes, and I quote, "Oh, well don't I feel like the dirty old man now." As he left, he continued to hit on me, and tell me I was a very attractive young lady. And I said it was probably just my personality, hoping that he was just attracted to conversation, but that just couldn't be it. Nope, he told me it was a lot more than that as he got the roaming eyes. DEAR GOD. DD:
Him leaving was a big relief. >.<;
I hate being hit on by creepy people. Especially when they are MARRIED AND IN THEIR 40s. OxO;
I also had a woman ask me if we had any 2008 calendars left from last year... lolwut? xD
So today wasn't very eventful compared to yesterday. Sold at least $60 worth of calendars and then had to go home sick. :<
Subway for lunch just didn't sit well, and half an hour after eating that rock in my stomach flared up my IBS. I dealt with it for as long as I could, walking it off by moving around the kiosk and stuff, but it just wasn't working and an hour after it started I called the store and asked Bonnie if Glen could come relieve me because I was going to be sick.
So it took a good 15-20min, since he had to finish something up at the store, but he relieved me, and I just had to leave. I have red marks from where I was digging my nails into my arm from the pain still, since it's a bad habit of mine when I get sick like that. I felt so bad too, because I hate not doing what I promised, but it just wasn't working. I haven't felt good after eating since last night though, and even after dinner tonight I didn't feel too great. So we'll see what happens tomorrow. I'm hoping nothing bad. D: At least I only missed 3 hours today. >_<;
In other news, I applied for a second seasonal job today to be a photographer for the Picture with Santa thing at the mall. It's part time and could pay up to $11/hr depending on experience (which I have xD) so it could be a good opportunity! :D Cross your fingers and hope for the best, yes? I know I am!
That's about it though. This weekend I have a Civil War Reenactment I want to attend in Congress Park, and I still have retouching to do from my last shoot, so expect more images later on. xD
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