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Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's Going Around

That nasty bug that's going around? Yup, I think I've got it. Every time I've eaten today, I've suddenly felt nauseated. And my brother was vomiting this morning. And now, I have a fever. And I feel super run down. And just... blah. I hate this. Don't want it at all. I don't want to be sick! D: I have a grad party coming up, and I need to go do stuff tomorrow. v_v;;;

In the mean time though, I have the Gaia Rejected Olympics to keep me occupied, and a light kit waiting to be set up and used once I'm not feeling like I'm going to loose my innards. @x@;;;

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Visitor from the Past

I may not agree with all views in this, but I do support the message this video is sending. America is no longer as free as it once was. As patriotic as I can be, I am angry at the government. Watch, listen, and try to understand.

One More Thing

If you have something to say to me, especially if it's negative, you better include a name other than "Anonymous", because I'm not publishing it otherwise. Hide behind that name all you want, but remember, there is a law in effect that states "It is illegal to abuse and harass someone on the internet anonymously".

And another thing. If you don't like what I have to say, you can chose not to read my blog. Freedom of speech.

So to those of you who send me anonymous comments that are not productive, nor kind, nor serve any purpose other than to be an ass, can go away. Nothing says you have to read my blog, and nothing says you have to agree with me.

This is my opinion, my life, and my words (generally). So deal or leave.

Hello Higher Gas Prices

This whole article pissed me off in the first paragraph. Gotta hand it to Hilary though, for once, tax the shit outta the oil companies profits, not us. I totally agree. Fuck you Republicans, and your shitty idea to back oil, because it sucks. Damn straight we're not buying as much gas! What do you want us to do!? People can barely afford to feed their families, let alone drive! So fuck you, and go die in a ditch. You're putting American into economic hell. We're just trying to survive. And know what? The roads have always sucked out where I am. The highways are fine. Major roadways are fine. Just because you pansy-assed city drivers can't handle a little pot hole does not mean anything. Maintain to the minimum and I bet you see those costs drop. We don't have to repave every year, and contrary to popular believe, dirt is drivable. Even in two wheel drive, with a little car. Believe me, because I do it.

All right, enough with my rant, here's the whole article. Copy-pasted off the Roadrunner website.


Dream of gas tax holiday falters over job losses
Published- July 20 2008 7:29AM EDT | AP
By JIM ABRAMS - Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON(AP) The political vision of a summer gas tax holiday died a quick death in Congress, losing to a view that federal excise taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel will have to go up if they go anywhere.

Despite calls from the presidential campaign trail for a Memorial Day-to-Labor Day tax freeze, lawmakers quickly concluded _ with a prod from the construction industry _ that having $9 billion less to spend on highways could create a pre-election specter of thousands of lost jobs.

Now, lawmakers quietly are talking about raising fuel taxes by a dime from the current 18.4 cents a gallon on gasoline and 24.3 cents on diesel fuel.

With gas prices setting records daily, Republican presidential hopeful John McCain and former Democratic candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton called for a 90-day suspension of the federal fuel tax to give drivers a little relief at the pump. The fuel taxes go into the Highway Trust Fund, which is used for road construction and repair and mass transit.

Clinton suggested making up for the loss by imposing a windfall profit tax on oil companies, an idea that Republicans rejected. McCain said the money could come out of the general Treasury fund, in effect adding to the federal deficit, and is still getting mileage from the idea.

"Some economists don't think much of my gas tax holiday," he said in a speech this month. "But the American people like it, and so do small business owners."

Barack Obama, the likely Democratic nominee, opposed the idea from the beginning and the White House gave it a cold shoulder. Depriving the 52-year-old Highway Trust Fund of $9 billion at a time when it is heading into the red doomed the notion of a gas tax holiday in Congress.

The chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Rep. James Oberstar, and the chairman of the highway subcommittee, Rep. Peter DeFazio, presented fellow lawmakers with a list of how many jobs and how much money each state would lose. It ranged from $30 million and 1,000 jobs in Vermont to $664 million and 23,000 jobs in California.

"Because the trust fund is already looking at a looming shortfall, it would have moved project cancellations into the construction season," DeFazio, D-Ore., said in an interview. He said it was "highly unlikely" that oil companies would have passed savings along to consumers.

Just three years ago, that trust fund enjoyed a surplus of $10 billion. Even without a tax freeze, the fund is projected to finish 2009 with a deficit of $3 billion. That that could grow as Americans drive less and buy less gas because of higher pump prices.

The consequence is that only about $27 billion in federal money will be available next year to states and local governments for new infrastructure investment even though the current highway act calls for spending $41 billion a year. For many, the solution is to raise rather than suspend or cut federal fuel taxes, which haven't changed since 1993.

The Transportation Construction Coalition, a group of industry companies and unions, said that if Congress does not do something about the shortfall, states will lose about one-third of their road and bridge money in the budget year starting Oct. 1. That would put 485,000 more jobs at risk.

That message carried the day this summer. But now Congress has the bigger task of dealing with the short-term deficit crisis in the fund and coming up with a new spending plan, including revisiting the gas tax issue, when the current six-year, $286 billion highway-transit act expires in September 2009.

Senate Democrats in May tried to add $5 billion to an aviation overhaul bill to replenish the highway trust fund next year; Republicans objected. Democrats tried again in June, but this time for $8 billion; Republicans objected to that, too.

Congress should first reduce spending on pet projects, known as earmarks, argued Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C. "I'm not going to let the Senate spend all this money when nobody is looking, especially when we refuse to stop wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on earmarks."

Oberstar, D-Minn., said his committee is working on the next long-term highway bill. He estimated it will take between $450 billion and $500 billion over six years to address safety and congestion issues with highways, bridges and transit systems.

"We'll put all things on the table," Oberstar said, but the gas tax "is the cornerstone. Nothing else will work without the underpinning of the higher user fee gas tax."

At the very least, the gas tax should be indexed to construction cost inflation, DeFazio said.

The nonpartisan National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission concluded in a report this year that the U.S. needs to spend $225 billion annually over the next 50 years to create a highway and transit system capable of sustaining strong economic growth. Current spending, at federal, state and local levels, is about $90 billion a year.

Among other revenue-raising possibilities, the commission recommended gradually increasing the current federal fuel taxes to 40 cents a gallon.

The American Road & Transportation Builders Association is calling for a 10-cent-a-gallon raise and indexing the tax to inflation. With construction costs soaring because of competition for building materials from China and other developing nations, the tax rate would have to be about 29 cents a gallon to achieve the same purchasing power as the 18.4-cent rate imposed in 1993, the association says.

Including state and local levies, people in the U.S. pay about 47 cents on average in taxes for a gallon of gasoline. Fuel in many European countries costs $8 to $9 a gallon, with half or more of that going to taxes.

Other ideas that will be on the table when lawmakers write a bill next year including more toll roads and public-private partnerships, congestion pricing and user fees where drivers pay a tax based on how many miles they drive.


On the Net:

American Road & Transportation Builders Association:


So there you have it. I. AM. PISSED.

Rained Out

My fireworks pretty much got rained out. And then I went and got fast food with Dad, and it appears that I can't even eat Wendy's anymore. Which is sad, because that means no more fast food for me. Goodbye basic teenage staple. :( So yeah, I'm sick as hell right now, but since I can't sleep I might as well blog.

I finished Ceres: Celestial Legend tonight. To all you manga fans out there... AMAZING STORY. READ IT. READ IT NOW!

I've got more busy days coming up too. Besides trying to find a job, I'm looking at:

Parents leave for camp Sunday (20th)
Tuesday (22nd) My sister returns from Europe.
Saturday (26th) I have a graduation party to attend.
And Friday (1st) is Conneticon.
Then Saturday (2nd) I'm going to see an Indian Pow Wow.
And Sunday (3rd) my parents return from camp.

And during all this I also want to:
Go out to MA to visit Rachael, Nikki, and Dani.
Visit my parents up at camp.
Hang with friends.
Make a gift for Kizzy, who has a bday coming up.
Do more beading projects
And clean my disaster of a room.

...I won't be bored I guess. D:

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Saratoga County Fair

So today I went to the Saratoga County Fair to support my friends, Collins, Cristina, and Sarah, in the talent show there. But, hey, it's a fair; I wasn't about to attend and not see anything else! And man... did I see stuff. Oh dear god...

So to start the day off, finding parking was insane. But thankfully, where I parked had a school bus shuttling people back and forth (does this count as public transport...?) from the parking lot to Entrance Gate 5, which is where I then entered. Well... that was the WRONG ENTRANCE to go in, because one of the first things you passed was the tent for the Born Again Christians (let's call them BAC for short). And here is where my day gets interesting...

So I was walking by the tent, when they asked if I'd like a smile from God today, and I politely declined, saying no thank you and tried to be on my way. Tried... and failed. Miserably. Because BACs just DON'T GIVE UP. Oh my goodness, if there was anything I wish I never went through again, it's that. GOOD GOD.

So like, this woman, Maggie she said her name was, was talking to me about Jesus Christ being my Lord and Savior. And that God loves us, and will forgive us of all our sins if we accept him, and accept that Jesus died on the cross for us. Yeah, that's all fine and dandy, but the minute I said I wasn't 100% sure I was going to Heaven, well, now they really wouldn't let me go. Had to make sure I was 100% sure. So we're debating, and I told them straight up that I have an open mind, but that I really have no ties to the church or religion. That was probably a bad thing to say... Hindsight's always 20/20. Dammit.

Anyways, so we're talking, and I told her that I had negative feelings towards it because of how many people have said I'm evil, disgusting, a monster, going to Hell, ect... ect... And she asked why. So I told her that I was homosexual. Well THAT made her have to stop and think. To which she told me she went to Skidmore. Good job lady, so you know Saratoga. She went on about how it wasn't her who would pass judgement on me, and how I had to stand before Jesus in Heaven, and how we all sin, blah blah blah.

No matter how many times I told her I was polytheistic and liked to study and believe in many different Gods and spirits, she would NOT leave me be.

To the point that I finally let her "save" me, said the prayer that she wanted me to, filled out a little card...

And left with a Bible. I shit you not, she gave me a bible. I went to a county fair and came home with not extra tickets, or balloons, or popcorn (though I did get cotton candy), but a BIBLE. A BIBLE.

Shoulda told them I was a Satanist... but they probably would have broke out the holy water. Maggie gave me her cell number though... I'm gonna wait until my friend trips on drugs again and THEN call her. See how she deals with that. >.>

On the plus side, they tried to get my brother yesterday, and since he was born on Christmas, as he left he turned around and yelled at them "AND I AM JESUS!" ROFL, thank you Ethan, you made my day. x'D

But I'm going to be calling the fair officials to complain. Seriously, you can't get around these people when you enter, and they target you and harass you. And normally I don't put up with that shit, but I'll be damned, I wasn't getting thrown out for starting a scene.

The only credit I give them: She honestly seemed to care.

That's great, but I don't think I'm going to heaven. I believe I'll be reborn on this earth to continue helping people. Sorry, but I don't think I'd like a perfectly happy life. That's too boring. Sorrow sucks, but it makes happiness all that better.

On the other side of things, I got a henna tattoo. Which is cool, because I love henna. A lot. Debated on going to my grandmothers and tell her it's real. x'D She would FLIP OUT and I would LAUGH. Hahaha

I saw the talent show, and my friends did great. I'll be posting images of that soon. Once I edit them. x'D A lot of good acts were there. It was awesome.

And then I had a tarot reading done. And she told me I had been under a lot of stress, but that it was going to leave soon. And that my wish (to become a well known and respected photographer) was going to come true. That I was creative, and I'd be attending college next year. Meaning I guess I'm going back. Been debating on it, but hey, we'll see. She talked about my relationship with someone, and how we loved each other, and that I was glad my last one was over, and I realized it was bad for me. That during September and October this relationship would grow stronger. And that someone in my family was ill. That he would be better soon, as he passed on to a better place. She spoke about loosing a close pet, and that it was my guardian angel. And she spoke of the future, that I would be making a career soon, that I was artistic, and that I'd marry at 24. That I'd only marry once, and live a long life. That as much as I enjoy kids, I'd only have two, a boy and a girl, because I don't have the patience for them. She spoke of me having a car, and finances, but to be careful with my money. That it seemed to be coming in, and leaving just as fast. She said that physically I was healthy (aka not sick), but mentally I was troubled, and that I was a thinker. But it would sort itself out.

Well, sounds pretty true to me. Guess we'll see where it takes me.

So that was my day at the fair. Crazy, huh?

Came home to find that I have a new admirer, who turns out to be the boy that my Aunt knows who almost went to Hallmark but got a scholarship to Boston U instead for photography, and he knows my friend Shelly. How did he find me? Searched "Saratoga" on DeviantART, and my photos from yesterday's shoot came up.

It's a small, small world.

I'm off to chat. And edit photos. xD

She has the Bluest Eyes

So I met up with ALemery today, and we had some photo fun at Yaddo. And I knew it was going to be a good day because she didn't flake. How'd I find that one out? Well, she wasn't sure where Yaddo was after all (I can really suck with directions lol), so she called, and we ended up meeting at the Wilton Mall. And then I lead her to Yaddo.

She brought along a friend named Tyler, who was a great help being my reflector man. He has such a personality, it's no wonder they're friends. And she's a really nice girl, with a lot of spunk, and she's not afraid of anything. Not even getting dirty, which I was afraid of with her dress since the bench I had her lay on at one point wasn't the cleanest. I did try to brush it off though! ^^

But it was tons of fun, and we really made a great connection. So we plan on shooting together again, because we want to go explore Congress Park and the Avenue of the Pines together as well. And then I might head out to Vermont to shoot with her, because she and Tyler were talking about this great place they knew of with water. Whoo! I'm totally up for that.

The most amazing part though?

I edited all the best photos in one sitting. TONIGHT. So here they are!

Enjoy! And be as captivated by her blue, blue eyes as I am. *covets them*

As Delicate as Flowers by *Saknika on deviantART

Oh my... Hello there. by *Saknika on deviantART

Heart in my Hands by *Saknika on deviantART

Stop... You Make me Blush... by *Saknika on deviantART

Over the Shoulder by *Saknika on deviantART

Gazing Ponderously by *Saknika on deviantART

I am... a Princess by *Saknika on deviantART

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Busy Week Ahead

So, I've got some stuff lined up for this week. Nothing paid, but hey, that's all right since it allows me more material for my portfolio.

So here's the schedule:

Monday- Job hunting. I have at least three places, possibly five, that I'd like to look into. Don't know if I'll get to them all in one day though.

Tuesday- Job hunting again if I need it. If not, I really have to work on cleaning more of my bedroom. >.<

Wednesday- Shoot at Yaddo and around Saratoga with a model from Model Mayhem at 5pm.

Thursday- Going to the Saratoga County Fair for the talent show and to shoot my friend who is performing three different dance/karate routines.

Friday- Day of relaxation... maybe?

Saturday: Fireworks and fun with friends in the Town of Day.

Sunday- See my family off to camp, I'm staying home to mind the animals and work on that job thing.

So yup, it's going to be a busy, busy week. Oi. At least I won't be bored. x'D

Friday, July 11, 2008


This is something I wanted to share, because it's so important not only to the economy, but to our environment. Two of my classmates from college started this, and are the two documenting it all. So please, if you can, lend them your support. Be it by following the journey and spreading the word, or offering them a donation, or even just well wishes. I, for one, am all for what they're doing. The faster we get away from oil, the happier I am.

It's a small world after all

So I'm a part of this forum called DIY Scene, which is for people who love to craft. And on there is a thread asking about anyone who lives in New York. So of course I had to frequent that thread.

So I'm chatting in there, and not only did I find someone who lives less than an hour from me, she's my age, just graduated high school, but the most shocking part? She and I both know two of the same people, Logan and Yokie. HOLY SHIT. So we're planning on meeting sometime soon.

But god damn, do I have some crazy luck or what? First I met Rachael off of a forum, and she lived five minutes from me in MA, and now I meet Tiffany who lives less than an hour from me in NY and shares the same friends as me. Wow. I have got to stop meeting people like this. x'D lmao

But yeah, new friends are win! WHOO!

Now I just can't wait for the 19th, so I can go see fireworks with all my friends. ^^

Life is Always Interesting for Me...

So... job hunting was postponed again today. I'm very picky about going in the morning to make a good impression, but just as I was getting ready to leave we got a call from my Dad. Turns out his eyes were light sensitive this morning when he went to the doctors, but they'd gotten to the point that he wouldn't be able to drive back. So, Mom and I drove out to get him, and that screwed up my plans. v_v;;; But, I guess it happened for a reason... who knows.

Tonight though, I'm horribly sick. Ate waaaay too much chicken wing pizza, and I feel like I'm gonna vomit. The grease has sent my stomach into an angry tirade. So I have no idea if I'll be able to get to sleep to even be up in time in the morning and safe enough to drive. -_-; I really gotta start listening to my brain and not my hunger when I'm eating... this totally sucks.

Seriously, it's bothersome to even breathe at times because the nausea gets so bad. And I'm doing all I can to cool down because I'm probably running a slight fever (so says the cold sweats) and to relax. Just to try and help. It's not easy.

So, I'm going back to my book, and my fan, and I'm hoping to pass out soon. Looks like that might be the only way I'm getting any sleep tonight, because laying down isn't working.

And yeah, it won't be the first time I've fallen asleep sitting up. v_v;;

Wish me luck. I have more events from today to tell you tomorrow, too. Wanted to talk about them tonight... but me and blogging big entries aren't going over so well right now.

I tried. >.<;;;

So look for it tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tonight is a Bad Night

Tonight is not a good night. It's one of my down ones, and I'm really missing the people I met at Hallmark. I just checked the Hallmark Hipsters blog, and I saw the video of Mark, and I've been crying ever since. I wish I could have been there with everyone. Hell, I wish I'd found more time to hang out with people or something. But of course, me being who I am, I befriended people in their 30s and 40s mostly, or above that, so there really wasn't any hanging out to be done. Still... I miss them dearly. Debbie, Althea, Dan, Loretta, Lauranne, Christie, all three Adams, Angie, Larry, Brandy, Lindsay, Kathleen... and so many more. Since I failed though, I didn't get to say goodbye or anything, so there's a big lack of closure, so I'm sure that has an effect. But I do miss them, and I wonder what they're up to. Probably not job hunting the way I am.

Which is what I did today. It was hazy, hot, and humid; and I was in long pants. Had to, because I couldn't find my capris to save my life. If tomorrow is anything like today, since I'm hitting the pavement again, I'll be wearing a skirt. I had such bad heat exhaustion when I got home that I ended up napping for two hours.

On the side I've been talking with an alumni from Hallmark class of 2006 by the name of Melanie. She's super nice, and believes in my work which makes me feel a bit better. Until I get working and get my feet back on the ground, I'm really shakey. There are times when I'm fully confident in my abilities, and then there are points in time like right now where I just hate myself and feel like I wasted ten months of my life.

So yes, definitely need that job. Wish me luck.

In the mean time, I'm still shooting. Went to Congress Park around 9:30pm with Megan, another alumni from Hallmark (2003), and we shot long exposure because there are some cool shadows. I've been really lax on my retouching though, so I only have one shot to show for it right now. I'll do more... another time.

July 19th I'm off to the town of Day for more fireworks, so I'll get some other practice in on that. Gonna bring as many friends along as possible. Maybe use them as models in the mean time.

And July 17th there is a fair going on, and I'm gonna shoot my friend's performances in the talent show. That'll be good for my portfolio.

July 26th I have a graduation party to attend, which will have a pool and fireworks. Most fun indeed.

July 20th is when my family leaves for camp for two weeks... but I don't know that I'll be going. Depends on my mood, and if I have a job yet or not. They don't return until August 3rd. But it's only 30min to an hour away (depending on traffic) so I can visit all I want.

My sister is in Europe right now, for American Music Abroad, so I'm hoping she's having a good time. And I hope she comes home and dumps her douchebag of a boyfriend. But I won't go into that because it's one hell of a rant.

And it's really hard to believe, too, that this time last year I was starting to freak out about attending Hallmark, dating Tabby (who I haven't heard from in forever, and don't know that I want to because of all that happened), still feeling young and shielded from the real world, and generally very happy.

Right now, I'm in a long distance relationship, I get down on myself for failing Hallmark because hey, hindsight is 20/20, and the real world has come up to bite me in the ass and make me feel old as hell and that scares me. And I don't care how many Zoloft you shove down my throat, it doesn't make it all go away. But it makes it better... except for tonight.

But I'm done moping. I should just go to bed and hope for a better day tomorrow.

Spitting Man by *Saknika on deviantART

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Contest Say What?

So I've decided it's finally time for me to enter Popular Photography and Imaging's "Your Best Shot" contest. Basically, you submit five images and hope your's is chosen so that you get money, and exposure. You can submit five new images each month as well, which is nice. So I have picked five images and submitted them, excluding a few of what I feel are my better images, because they're also holding an Image of the Year contest... and I might want one for that. And I say one, because it costs $25 an entry if you're not a student. D: So it'd be one entry for me and hoping desperately that I win.

But yeah, here are the images I submitted to "Your Best Shot". Cross your fingers for me!

Royal "Purple" Glassware by *Saknika on deviantART

The British are Coming by *Saknika on deviantART

You Called by *Saknika on deviantART

Inner Innocence by *Saknika on deviantART

Meeting of the Minds by *Saknika on deviantART

I love Saratoga

The fireworks at Congress Park were AMAZING. I will DEFINITELY go back next year to see them. Saratoga has always had wonderful firework displays though, because we used to go to the Harness Track to see them years ago. But it's just too crowded there and not enough bathrooms so we stopped. But they were amazing there, and they're amazing in Congress, so I'm good. Congress was crowded too, but since there's no admission fees and it's a wide open park, it doesn't seem like it. At the Harness Track you have fences all around and that just doesn't work for me. The other thing with Congress is, even though they're porta-potties, there are enough of them that there aren't huge lines, plus there are local venues you can go to. xD

The only issue of the day, was with my car. See, I brought my friend Brendan with me, and was under the impression that we were meeting up with Megan at the carousel. Well, no, we were supposed to meet up at her house, and she'd give me gas money. So, Brendan and I went to my luck-gotten parking spot in the parking garage and went to start the car to get her.

Only the car wouldn't start. D:

It made this fast clicking sound, and the dashboard lights flashed in unison with it, and my radio console got locked out and the clock reset. Oh shit. So I call Dad's cell phone since he was supposed to be at the ambulance building, no answer. I left a message, called home. Mom was glad I had Brendan with me, but was worried it was the alternator. Great. But she gave me the number to the ambulance building, and I called there. No answer because it rang, and then went to what sounded like dial up as it connects to the internet. Double shit. Thankfully, Dad got my message and called me back, said he was on his way. Thank god. At the same time, Brendan called his parents, explaining the situation to them, and they were also willing to come out and help if needed.

So I called Megan, and told her to stay put because we didn't know what was going on.

Dad didn't know where the parking garage was though, so I ran to the street corner to direct him down. He's easy to spot when he has his ambulance core shirt on, it's obnoxiously bright. xD And my hair sticks out in a crowd. So we hooked jump cables up to the car, after having to push it backwards and block off a bit of the parking garage traffic area.

It started. Phew, it's only the battery. Not the alternator, or the starter. So I called Meg and told her to hop the bus since we didn't know how long that charge would hold and I wanted it to start when we were ready to leave. But it started without the jumpers so we felt pretty safe. Rolled it back into its spot, and Dad headed home. Said to call if we needed anything, and left me the jump cables just in case.

All the while there was an officer who came to the parking garage (since someone else needed to be towed and was leaving just as Dad got there) who checked up on us occasionally just to be sure we didn't need any help. Never gave us any trouble, and was really nice. We have a good police force in Saratoga. ^^

So Brendan and I went back into the park, walked around, I took some photos, and then we went back to the carousel an hour later to wait for Megan, since she said it'd take an hour to get there.

Hour and a half later, no Megan. It's 8:30pm now, and they're getting ready for the fireworks. Well, we decided we'd go secure a good place and headed over to where they were going to do the display. We'd waited for an hour and a half after all without spotting her. We only left our spot waiting for her once, too, at 8pm to go grab my tripod. And of course, on the way back to wait for her again this kid was all "I want my picture taken! Take my picture!" so I did... he was odd. Never gave a name or anything to get a hold of it. Just wanted his photo taken. Oh well, it's Saratoga, they exist. xD

Also saw one of the historical reenactors, and did a photo for another couple who wanted a picture with him (he was Guidian Putnam) with their camera. It was pretty cool. I didn't ask to take his photo though, because he seemed to be pretty busy and I'm a bit too anal about my portraits. Bad backdrop with all those people. xD

But yes, we went over to get a spot, set up the tripod, and waited. While we waited I decided that the glow-stick balls this woman was putting together for her kids were the COOLEST thing since sliced bread. I WANTED them. Man... gotta find myself one. OwO

But the fireworks started, just as I got a call from Megan. She couldn't find us, (upon calling it back later that night I discovered it was from Stewarts, not a friend's cell phone. x'D She doesn't own a cell phone but I wish she did) and we tried to give her a location but it didn't work. Brendan and I were both glad we saw the display though, because it rocked. Some of the explosions were so loud that the ground shook. <3

We did find Megan at the carousel later that evening. After running into people from Galway we didn't know (started talking to them when they were discussing a family member that taught there, turned out to be Mr. Reynold's brother x'D), which just proves Senora Peter's theory right: you can't go anywhere without meeting up with someone else from Galway. x'D I mean, we ran into Aeriel and Mike too. But anyways, we did finally meet up after the fireworks with Megan. She and I were on the same wavelength to go back to the carousel.

So we chatted, and then headed to the car. Well, it almost started... almost. Turned over halfway and went back to the clicking. Rather than call my dad though, we went and asked this random group if they could jump us, and they did. So the car started, and I dropped Megan off before heading home. Switched the car out for Dad's truck, and brought Brendan home. If Megan hadn't been on the way, I wouldn't have dropped her off first. And for the love of using gas (haha) I did NOT turn the car off. D:

Dad switched the battery today. So now I have to go to a GM/Pontiac dealer and get my radio unlocked so I can play CDs again. Friggin' anti-theft-needing-a-code system. >(

But, at least the fireworks were pretty! Right?

Fireworks Fountain of Glitter by *Saknika on deviantART

Swinging Rings of Fire by *Saknika on deviantART

Firework Waterfall by *Saknika on deviantART

Friday, July 4, 2008

Fireworks go BOOM


So I'm definitely going to see the fireworks! Myself and Megan, and who knows what other friends, are all heading into Saratoga to Congress Park to watch them tonight. It's going to be AMAZING, minus the crowds. x'D There are supposedly going to be reenactors in the park as well, and a bunch of vendors, and stuff going on along Broadway. No matter what though, it'll rock. A LOT. So I'm super excited! And you better believe I'm totally taking pictures! ^^v We're planning on heading there around 5ish, because that's when it'll be good light, and it won't be too long a wait for dusk. Not that we'd be bored, but I don't really feel like spending all day in Congress Park. xD

In other news, I'm thinking about starting an etsy shop. I already have a storefront, because that's completely free, I just don't know if I could actually sell anything. I love making necklaces, and scarves, and mod-podge boxes and stuff. And people seem to enjoy them. I just don't know if they'd sell. So, we shall see I suppose. Lemme know what you think? I'll post a few images of the kind of things I'd want to see, well, what I have images of at the end of this. I really hope that they will sell though, because that'd be a really cool way to generate some extra income. I really love DIY crafting as much as photography, so it'd be fun. Lots and lots of tedious fun. x3

Modge Podge Box Collage by *Saknika on deviantART

Ocean Necklace by *Saknika on deviantART

Ocean Choaker Necklace by *Saknika on deviantART