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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I am so Inconsistent

Wow, am I inconsistent. I used to update this blog 50x a day it seemed, and now I'm lucky if I update once a month. *headwall* What happened to my drive!?

Oh wait, I know what happened.

I started working again, and have been sicker than hell.

So the pink eye cleared up relatively fast, which was good, and I was able to continue working with no issues. In fact, I was finally starting to adjust to and kind of enjoy my job at Stewart's. Miranda and I ended up blowing everyone away at the milkshake sale, and I've been earning incentive for being good at upselling and a good worker.

Sadly, the dojo did have to close near the end of May. Steve just wasn't able to pay the rent when we lost another five students to the economy, and he still had himself to think of because he was unemployed still, despite every effort made to change this fact. So the dojo is gone, but private lessons are going to continue out of his home. It just has to be cleaned, and a couple of unruly tenants need to either do some serious shaping up (haha... this isn't the first time they've been asked to do as much) or leave.

On my end, I finally got a 26 hour week at Stewart's, and I worked 28 hours that week because they needed me. What was terrible was that I was so sick I pretty much lost my entire voice. Everyone said I sounded A) Like Rachel Ray, B) Like a Man, or C) Like a Dead Horse. I coughed like crazy, sometimes uncontrollably, and I barely slept at night because of it. I have no idea how I managed 28 hours, but I did.

I finally started to recover from that illness, when I caught another. I worked with it for about a week and a half, and then I finally had to go see the doctor. Why? Well, because my glands were so swollen they were touching each other and you couldn't see the back of my throat too well--but on what you could see were ginormous white spots. I called out of work last Monday because of it, and the doctor prescribed me penicillin and forbid me from working Tuesday as well. She gave me a doctor's note and I was on my way. So last week I got only eight hours, which really sucks because it means I'll have about enough for a little gas and a little food money. Thank goodness I already have this month's car payment. But it's not helping me for next month with student loans and my next car payment. However, I told myself not to worry, because this week was coming and it'd make up for it.


I was given ten hours this week, six of which I'm working on Independence Day. And upon looking closer at the schedule, I am the only one with under 20 hours this week aside from the one person going on vacation. Even the new hires have at least 21 hours.


I don't get it either, but it feels like I'm being punished for calling out. My manager despises call outs, and in fact anyone you talk to that knows Stewart's will tell you that the whole company is a bitch about being sick and calling out. I would not be shocked if someone got fired for being sick too much.

Mom said to wait and see what the do next week, so I'm not saying anything just yet. We'll see if my hours are shit again next week, and if they are then I might have to start asking why. Possibly raising a stink as well.

In the mean time I'm looking for either a second job, or a definite full time position. I'd honestly prefer the full time job though, and just walk away from Stewart's at this point. I love my coworkers, and the work isn't difficult, it's just not the kind of place where I feel I'm a good fit. I can do it, and I do it as well as I can, but when it gets super busy I feel I'm more a burden than asset which can't be good. It's probably because I'm also trying not to pick up some of the bad habits other employees have. >_>;

But anyways, enough about my crappy job.

On the flip side of things, for those who aren't aware of it yet, I did start dating Steve. This caused quite an upset with my one ex who decided I had lied yet again, and that it was shit I didn't tell her but she instead found out through a mutual friend. She actually IMed me to find out what was running through my head, and when I tried to explain to her civilly, she just exploded and swore at me a lot in anger. All I could do was laugh, really, at how immature she sounded. I think what I laughed the hardest at, was that she said if I had told her from the start she wouldn't have been angry. Which is a load of crap because she would have bitched then too. There was no way to win, honestly.

But yes, I have been in a relationship with Steve for a little over two months now, but it feels like a lot longer. Every moment I spend with him is enjoyed, and every minute apart I can't wait for the next moment I see him again. I know it sounds clingy, but honestly it's not because we both feel the same way, but understand that we do need our time apart, and that we both have to work and such. So it's actually a healthy relationship, which I am incredibly thankful for.

On the photography side, I got some of my work hung in the Hair Art Salon and Spa in Saratoga, and it's for sale. I'm not sure if any sold, but I have to go pick them up sometime this week. I suppose I will know then. We also had this place called Jax Kitchen open that is a delivery place and restaurant, and they're looking for art so I'll be in contact with them as well. He's already interested, so that's a plus. I was supposed to contact him either Sunday or yesterday, but things just got way too hectic and I wasn't able to.

I'm also planning on doing a pinup shoot sometime soon, which will be fun. I'm just waiting for when my little studio in the basement can be created so that I have the space. Just have to help get the upstairs finished so that we can move my brother's furniture back into his room.

Once that studio is created, I'll also have the ability to really work the senior portraits and stuff. So I will be advertising like crazy, and I hope it works out well. I know I have at least one person that's very interested in having me do her's. Score!

Speaking of seniors, my sister graduated this past Saturday, and we had her party. It was pretty fun. Congrats class of 2009!

I think that's pretty much if to playing catch-up. So here is my latest photography, enjoy!

Hello Kitty Cat by =Saknika on deviantART

Dreaming of Fish... Maybe... by =Saknika on deviantART

A Little Unbalanced by =Saknika on deviantART

Perky and Pink by =Saknika on deviantART

Feeling a Little Blue by =Saknika on deviantART

Entering for Souls by =Saknika on deviantART

Bridge of Sanzu by =Saknika on deviantART

Prom09 CLassic Togetherness by =Saknika on deviantART

Elegant Couple: Prom 09 by =Saknika on deviantART

The First Infrared by =Saknika on deviantART

Surreal Blue River by =Saknika on deviantART

Cryptic Stones by =Saknika on deviantART

Painted Infrared Lake by =Saknika on deviantART

Lake Sunset 2009 by =Saknika on deviantART

Elegant Walkway from the Past by =Saknika on deviantART

Delicately Pink by =Saknika on deviantART

Optimistically Orange by =Saknika on deviantART

The Heart of the Plant by =Saknika on deviantART

As Time Passes By by =Saknika on deviantART

Hidden Falls by =Saknika on deviantART

Rushing Falls by =Saknika on deviantART