So I got applications to Walden Books, Forever 21, Spirits Halloween, Bath + Body Works, and Limited Too.
Then I sat in the food court, had myself a foot long sub from Subway (god I am SUCH a pig xD), and filled out all of those applications. I'm surprised I didn't get writers cramp. LMAO
And then I turned them all in.
Well, I was offered a job on the spot at Spirits Halloween. Like, the guy asked if I had a few minutes to fill out the tax forms and stuff, and I said sure. So I did.
The store isn't even done being set up yet. xD
But it's only seasonal. :< They're going to be here from September to sometime in November... only. Which... really sucks.
The pay does start at $7.65/hour, which is nice. However...
You don't get pay checks. You get these Pay Cards... that are basically ATM cards. And paid bi-weekly. With only two free transactions. I don't want to have to pay money, to get my money. And you can't take all the money off, because the card won't be active anymore, which means you can't get paid.
What... the hell.
Not to mention I don't know if my bank would withdraw money off of it into my account. :\
Then there were some of the rules in their handbook... Like, most I understand... but some just make you wonder.
Let me elaborate...
- "The first 90 days are a period of training and adjustment" ...There aren't 90 days available. That's three months...
- Policy Violation: "Reporting to work without a positive attitude, regardless of personal issues" ...But I can only be absent four times... I can't be happy when sick or someone died! Cut me some slack here. vv;
- Policy Violation: "Sitting, standing, or leaning on fixtures or counters" So... I can't rest my elbows on anything?
- Policy Violation: "Off duty conduct that reflects negatively on Spirit." My life, kthnx. I bet this blog would be a big red flag. x'D
- Policy Violation: "Failure of Management Associates to inspect all trash, prior to daily removal from the store." Dude... they're going through the trash. D:
- Fraternization Policy: "Peer Relationship" It's called dating.
- Fraternization Policy: "Direct Reporting Relationship" ...Dating your boss. This language is awful.
- Fraternization Policy: Umm... then there's this long winded part that basically says if you're dating your boss, you gotta let Human Resources know so they can decide if that's okay.
- Sales Floor Conduct: "No conversation or congregating between friends/Associates, except on business matters." So... we can't make small talk.
- Sales Floor Conduct: "No arguing with fellow Associates or customers." So basically... kiss everyone's ass or get fired.
- Team Member Dishonesty: "Theft by Trash" Yeah... they went there. LMAO At the bottom, it explains that these actions are "bad for business" ...I don't want to know. x'D
I am simply amazed... Like, wow. So for a seasonal job... I don't know.
I'm going to apply to Barnes n' Noble tomorrow I think. And maybe Target. AND JUST PLAIN FIND SOMETHING FUN TO DO D8
I have cabin fever for social interaction. Seriously. I almost packed and drove to California a few hours ago just to meet up with internet friends.
And with that, I'm off to go find some dinner. xD
1 comment:
Well, it doesn't sound like an ideal job, but at least it's something... I wouldn't worry about the rule book too much. Every company has this laundry list of things that you're not supposed to do, but they're rarely, if ever, fully enforced.
Hopefully one of the other places that you applied at will work out, because seasonal work isn't all that. Good luck tomorrow!
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