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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Crue Fest

So last night Mom got my sister, herself, and I all tickets in the orchestra pit to go to Crue Fest at SPAC. TOTALLY AWESOME.


Trapt, Sixx:AM, Papa Roach, Buckcherry, and Motley Crue all played at this concert, in that order.

Thanks to the wonderful security guards frisking everyone (including those with such tight/lack of clothes that it wasn't possible to hide anything) and getting mad at my camera (I tried LMAO) we missed Trapt. Which I was really upset about, because I LOVE Trapt.

But hey, you win some, you lose some.

So I did see the other four bands play. Sixx:AM wasn't too bad, but they weren't that great either. Papa Roach is totally arrogant, and when he walked the crowds some skank bowled me over to hug him. And when I say skank; I mean tight clothes, dyed blonde hair, bright red lipstick bimbo. Ugh.

Buckcherry, was to say the least, AMAZING. He's so funny. The last song he did was Crazy Bitch, which he said we'd have to go get spiritually clensed from afterwards. Which... you pretty much did need to. He was talking through it, adding on to what the song says, and it was funny. The one quote I remember verbatum is:

"You know those crazy bitches are best. The kind that when you're doing them from behind, they reach back to tickle your balls. Awwwwww yeah"

I was laughing SO HARD. xD

There was also one point where he said something to the effect of:

"Because sometimes you just gotta let out a load. Gotta masturbate. It's probably the most fun and totally free thing you can do anymore."


But the song was great. I sang right along to it. And this guy was making motions as he was talking and just, he puts on a great show.

Motley Crue on the other hand, did not. In fact I didn't even stay for the whole thing because they made me that sick.

The opening was funny. There was this sheer black screen, and a red light to make a devil silhouette that was getting a blow job. I laughed. But then their music... D:

It was WAY TOO LOUD. Couldn't tell if your heart was still beating or if you were still breathing loud. It didn't matter how loud my mom and sister screamed in my ears, I couldn't hear them. And the bass was so harsh it pretty much rattled your teeth. Then there was the fact that it was cramped and hot and humid (and I'm crowd claustrophobic), and the strobe lights were enough to drive you batshit. Their pyrotechnics weren't even that good. And they weren't playing any of their old stuff, so all the songs just sounded like noise.

Well, it nauseated me and I had to leave. Just couldn't take it.

A nice security guard let Mom walk all the way to my car with me, and permitted her re-entry even though that's not supposed to be allowed. So that was cool.

But she said the whole thing turned into a big S+M porno after that basically, and the majority of the crowd either got sick of it and started sitting down bored or left early. Mom and my sister left before the encore, but as they were walking out they heard the encore and it was the older stuff.

So, that was disappointing. Mom says she'll never go see Motley Crue again, and I have to agree.

But, we would all TOTALLY go see Buckcherry again.

And it turns out, the only reason I couldn't bring my "professional grade" (anything with interchangeable lenses is of course, professional grade *eye roll*) camera in, is because one of the artists wouldn't allow it. Well, hate to tell ya, but the videos all come from the little cameras and cell phones. All my camera is going to let me do is have better control. So it's a stupid rule and the artists need to be slapped. Because lets face it, either forbid them all or allow them all. Because with the way digital cameras are improving these days, you can get good photos regardless. And, as said, the point-and-shoots and camera phones are more of a threat because of the video setting.

Hell, we met one girl there who was sharing a video she took on her camera that she was going to upload to Youtube.

So yeah... stupid rule. Stupid stupid rule.

Oh, and there was some woman topless as soon as Motley Crue came out on stage. And no one bothered her.

Also saw a guy get dragged out by not one, not two, but five security guards or so. Two had his arms, two had his belt loops, one had the back of his shirt, there were two in front of him and two following behind and it looked like he'd been stunned or something. So someone got in some trouble. o_o;

But that's about it. When I went to see Poison last summer, it was definitely a lot better. And they let my camera through.

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