So I finally had a chance to set up and photograph the uranium glass that I'm borrowing from my friend's mother's boyfriend. xD
Mom wants to do some more with it, so there might be more photos soon. Never know.
Basically though, uranium glass was radioactive when it was at its melting point, and so it will glow bright green under a blacklight. The people who made the glass pieces though all died of radiation poisoning. I don't think any new pieces have been created in over seventy years though, since this is back from before they knew about those dangers.
I first learned about uranium glass at the National Bottle Museum in Ballston Spa, since they have this amazing collection of it. That place is always worth a gander anyways because there is so much cool stuff, and stories.
Uranium glass under normal light though just looks like a sickly yellow green pretty much.
Sadly, the photo will never do it true justice. But it still looks really cool!
Enjoy, and if I get more good shots I will post them as well. ^^
Uranium Glass by *Saknika on deviantART
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Saturday, August 30, 2008
Crue Fest
So last night Mom got my sister, herself, and I all tickets in the orchestra pit to go to Crue Fest at SPAC. TOTALLY AWESOME.
Trapt, Sixx:AM, Papa Roach, Buckcherry, and Motley Crue all played at this concert, in that order.
Thanks to the wonderful security guards frisking everyone (including those with such tight/lack of clothes that it wasn't possible to hide anything) and getting mad at my camera (I tried LMAO) we missed Trapt. Which I was really upset about, because I LOVE Trapt.
But hey, you win some, you lose some.
So I did see the other four bands play. Sixx:AM wasn't too bad, but they weren't that great either. Papa Roach is totally arrogant, and when he walked the crowds some skank bowled me over to hug him. And when I say skank; I mean tight clothes, dyed blonde hair, bright red lipstick bimbo. Ugh.
Buckcherry, was to say the least, AMAZING. He's so funny. The last song he did was Crazy Bitch, which he said we'd have to go get spiritually clensed from afterwards. Which... you pretty much did need to. He was talking through it, adding on to what the song says, and it was funny. The one quote I remember verbatum is:
"You know those crazy bitches are best. The kind that when you're doing them from behind, they reach back to tickle your balls. Awwwwww yeah"
I was laughing SO HARD. xD
There was also one point where he said something to the effect of:
"Because sometimes you just gotta let out a load. Gotta masturbate. It's probably the most fun and totally free thing you can do anymore."
But the song was great. I sang right along to it. And this guy was making motions as he was talking and just, he puts on a great show.
Motley Crue on the other hand, did not. In fact I didn't even stay for the whole thing because they made me that sick.
The opening was funny. There was this sheer black screen, and a red light to make a devil silhouette that was getting a blow job. I laughed. But then their music... D:
It was WAY TOO LOUD. Couldn't tell if your heart was still beating or if you were still breathing loud. It didn't matter how loud my mom and sister screamed in my ears, I couldn't hear them. And the bass was so harsh it pretty much rattled your teeth. Then there was the fact that it was cramped and hot and humid (and I'm crowd claustrophobic), and the strobe lights were enough to drive you batshit. Their pyrotechnics weren't even that good. And they weren't playing any of their old stuff, so all the songs just sounded like noise.
Well, it nauseated me and I had to leave. Just couldn't take it.
A nice security guard let Mom walk all the way to my car with me, and permitted her re-entry even though that's not supposed to be allowed. So that was cool.
But she said the whole thing turned into a big S+M porno after that basically, and the majority of the crowd either got sick of it and started sitting down bored or left early. Mom and my sister left before the encore, but as they were walking out they heard the encore and it was the older stuff.
So, that was disappointing. Mom says she'll never go see Motley Crue again, and I have to agree.
But, we would all TOTALLY go see Buckcherry again.
And it turns out, the only reason I couldn't bring my "professional grade" (anything with interchangeable lenses is of course, professional grade *eye roll*) camera in, is because one of the artists wouldn't allow it. Well, hate to tell ya, but the videos all come from the little cameras and cell phones. All my camera is going to let me do is have better control. So it's a stupid rule and the artists need to be slapped. Because lets face it, either forbid them all or allow them all. Because with the way digital cameras are improving these days, you can get good photos regardless. And, as said, the point-and-shoots and camera phones are more of a threat because of the video setting.
Hell, we met one girl there who was sharing a video she took on her camera that she was going to upload to Youtube.
So yeah... stupid rule. Stupid stupid rule.
Oh, and there was some woman topless as soon as Motley Crue came out on stage. And no one bothered her.
Also saw a guy get dragged out by not one, not two, but five security guards or so. Two had his arms, two had his belt loops, one had the back of his shirt, there were two in front of him and two following behind and it looked like he'd been stunned or something. So someone got in some trouble. o_o;
But that's about it. When I went to see Poison last summer, it was definitely a lot better. And they let my camera through.
Trapt, Sixx:AM, Papa Roach, Buckcherry, and Motley Crue all played at this concert, in that order.
Thanks to the wonderful security guards frisking everyone (including those with such tight/lack of clothes that it wasn't possible to hide anything) and getting mad at my camera (I tried LMAO) we missed Trapt. Which I was really upset about, because I LOVE Trapt.
But hey, you win some, you lose some.
So I did see the other four bands play. Sixx:AM wasn't too bad, but they weren't that great either. Papa Roach is totally arrogant, and when he walked the crowds some skank bowled me over to hug him. And when I say skank; I mean tight clothes, dyed blonde hair, bright red lipstick bimbo. Ugh.
Buckcherry, was to say the least, AMAZING. He's so funny. The last song he did was Crazy Bitch, which he said we'd have to go get spiritually clensed from afterwards. Which... you pretty much did need to. He was talking through it, adding on to what the song says, and it was funny. The one quote I remember verbatum is:
"You know those crazy bitches are best. The kind that when you're doing them from behind, they reach back to tickle your balls. Awwwwww yeah"
I was laughing SO HARD. xD
There was also one point where he said something to the effect of:
"Because sometimes you just gotta let out a load. Gotta masturbate. It's probably the most fun and totally free thing you can do anymore."
But the song was great. I sang right along to it. And this guy was making motions as he was talking and just, he puts on a great show.
Motley Crue on the other hand, did not. In fact I didn't even stay for the whole thing because they made me that sick.
The opening was funny. There was this sheer black screen, and a red light to make a devil silhouette that was getting a blow job. I laughed. But then their music... D:
It was WAY TOO LOUD. Couldn't tell if your heart was still beating or if you were still breathing loud. It didn't matter how loud my mom and sister screamed in my ears, I couldn't hear them. And the bass was so harsh it pretty much rattled your teeth. Then there was the fact that it was cramped and hot and humid (and I'm crowd claustrophobic), and the strobe lights were enough to drive you batshit. Their pyrotechnics weren't even that good. And they weren't playing any of their old stuff, so all the songs just sounded like noise.
Well, it nauseated me and I had to leave. Just couldn't take it.
A nice security guard let Mom walk all the way to my car with me, and permitted her re-entry even though that's not supposed to be allowed. So that was cool.
But she said the whole thing turned into a big S+M porno after that basically, and the majority of the crowd either got sick of it and started sitting down bored or left early. Mom and my sister left before the encore, but as they were walking out they heard the encore and it was the older stuff.
So, that was disappointing. Mom says she'll never go see Motley Crue again, and I have to agree.
But, we would all TOTALLY go see Buckcherry again.
And it turns out, the only reason I couldn't bring my "professional grade" (anything with interchangeable lenses is of course, professional grade *eye roll*) camera in, is because one of the artists wouldn't allow it. Well, hate to tell ya, but the videos all come from the little cameras and cell phones. All my camera is going to let me do is have better control. So it's a stupid rule and the artists need to be slapped. Because lets face it, either forbid them all or allow them all. Because with the way digital cameras are improving these days, you can get good photos regardless. And, as said, the point-and-shoots and camera phones are more of a threat because of the video setting.
Hell, we met one girl there who was sharing a video she took on her camera that she was going to upload to Youtube.
So yeah... stupid rule. Stupid stupid rule.
Oh, and there was some woman topless as soon as Motley Crue came out on stage. And no one bothered her.
Also saw a guy get dragged out by not one, not two, but five security guards or so. Two had his arms, two had his belt loops, one had the back of his shirt, there were two in front of him and two following behind and it looked like he'd been stunned or something. So someone got in some trouble. o_o;
But that's about it. When I went to see Poison last summer, it was definitely a lot better. And they let my camera through.
Friday, August 29, 2008
In a little over a week, I am gonna go back up to Fort Ticonderoga for the Revolutionary War reenactment. I CANNOT WAIT. I had a BLAST at the Battle of Carillon, so this is going to prove to be just as good! Especially because I like the Revolutionary War better than the French and Indian. LMAO But... I doubt there will be so many naked-ish men around with this one... >.>; THOSE INDIANS WERE AWESOME! xD
It's on September 6th and 7th, a Saturday and Sunday. And like... I'm going. And it won't rain this time, dammit. Because that would suck. D: And this time around, I'll get to buy some souvenirs and go into the fort.
Man... I love that fort so much. =w=d
In a little over a week, I am gonna go back up to Fort Ticonderoga for the Revolutionary War reenactment. I CANNOT WAIT. I had a BLAST at the Battle of Carillon, so this is going to prove to be just as good! Especially because I like the Revolutionary War better than the French and Indian. LMAO But... I doubt there will be so many naked-ish men around with this one... >.>; THOSE INDIANS WERE AWESOME! xD
It's on September 6th and 7th, a Saturday and Sunday. And like... I'm going. And it won't rain this time, dammit. Because that would suck. D: And this time around, I'll get to buy some souvenirs and go into the fort.
Man... I love that fort so much. =w=d
Image Diet
Back in Hallmark, one of the things John Nordell talked to us about was our image diet. What we were looking at, imagery wise, on a day-to-day basis.
And I didn't pay too much attention to it, because hey, I'm unique. Ya know? More like I was afraid of TOTALLY RIPPING SOMEONE OFF. xDDD
But my sister said something at the photo shoot on Wednesday that made me stop and look back at what John said.
When I was posing Nyck on the bench, she told me he looked like he popped right out of a manga. Like one of the bishie boys we all love so much.
And you know what?
It's so funny, because I read a BUTTLOAD of manga the day before, and then now that I look back at the photos, A LOT of them resemble manga-esque poses. But it's not a rip off, which makes me feel MUCH BETTER. I really was/always am worried about that.
So John Nordell, here's to you. It's a few months late, but I get it now. And it's one of the best things I know!
And I didn't pay too much attention to it, because hey, I'm unique. Ya know? More like I was afraid of TOTALLY RIPPING SOMEONE OFF. xDDD
But my sister said something at the photo shoot on Wednesday that made me stop and look back at what John said.
When I was posing Nyck on the bench, she told me he looked like he popped right out of a manga. Like one of the bishie boys we all love so much.
And you know what?
It's so funny, because I read a BUTTLOAD of manga the day before, and then now that I look back at the photos, A LOT of them resemble manga-esque poses. But it's not a rip off, which makes me feel MUCH BETTER. I really was/always am worried about that.
So John Nordell, here's to you. It's a few months late, but I get it now. And it's one of the best things I know!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
So I FINALLY got out of the house for photos. FINALLY. I NEEDED THIS. *foams*
So spur-of-the-moment (as usual xD) I nabbed my sister, Sarah, and Mia's friend Nyck and we went shooting. First we hit Yaddo, and it was funny because this haggle of old people were staring at shirtless Nyck and whispering. LMAO I was HIGHLY AMUSED to say the least. xD
The sun was INTENSE though. Like... in some of the photos there is MASSIVE SUNGLARE and I am SO PISSED OFF. AUGH!!!! *throws things* But I managed to salvage a few, so it's all good. ^^;
Mia, Sarah, and I also hit up the old paper mill for photos after lunch/dinner at Subway. I love Subway... but anyways! So we went there, and there were a couple guys fishing with their dog. Needless to say, the dog went swimming and got us ALL wet. But the animal was sweet and they were nice guys so I didn't mind. They got kind of embarrassed watching us though because of some of the poses I came up with. LMAO
Even with the lens hood I still got it. xP
And lastly, we went up to the graveyard to play with swords. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!
So it was a fun day yesterday. I enjoyed it.
Don't make me... by *Saknika on deviantART
She looks pissed too D: by *Saknika on deviantART
And what a body he has... by *Saknika on deviantART
Gazing Up by *Saknika on deviantART
Stickin' Together by *Saknika on deviantART
Modern Cleopatra by *Saknika on deviantART
Wanna Give Me a Boost by *Saknika on deviantART
Modernly Vintage by *Saknika on deviantART
Industrial Gal by *Saknika on deviantART
Dynamic Posing by *Saknika on deviantART
So spur-of-the-moment (as usual xD) I nabbed my sister, Sarah, and Mia's friend Nyck and we went shooting. First we hit Yaddo, and it was funny because this haggle of old people were staring at shirtless Nyck and whispering. LMAO I was HIGHLY AMUSED to say the least. xD
The sun was INTENSE though. Like... in some of the photos there is MASSIVE SUNGLARE and I am SO PISSED OFF. AUGH!!!! *throws things* But I managed to salvage a few, so it's all good. ^^;
Mia, Sarah, and I also hit up the old paper mill for photos after lunch/dinner at Subway. I love Subway... but anyways! So we went there, and there were a couple guys fishing with their dog. Needless to say, the dog went swimming and got us ALL wet. But the animal was sweet and they were nice guys so I didn't mind. They got kind of embarrassed watching us though because of some of the poses I came up with. LMAO
Even with the lens hood I still got it. xP
And lastly, we went up to the graveyard to play with swords. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!
So it was a fun day yesterday. I enjoyed it.
Don't make me... by *Saknika on deviantART
She looks pissed too D: by *Saknika on deviantART
And what a body he has... by *Saknika on deviantART
Gazing Up by *Saknika on deviantART
Stickin' Together by *Saknika on deviantART
Modern Cleopatra by *Saknika on deviantART
Wanna Give Me a Boost by *Saknika on deviantART
Modernly Vintage by *Saknika on deviantART
Industrial Gal by *Saknika on deviantART
Dynamic Posing by *Saknika on deviantART
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Feeding my Fetish
So I spent the whole day today, reading my backlog of manga. I had eight of them... well, probably more like twelve but I'm not counting the Inuyasha. x'D
So today, I read...
Until the Full Moon I
Boy Princess 1 and 2
Gravitation 1 and 2
Selfish Mr. Mermaid 1
Just My Luck 1
And out of all of those... not a single one wasn't some sort of yaoi. I am a pathetic creature. ^^;
I have to say though... Selfish Mr. Mermaid was the WORST in terms of plot. In that it really had none. orz But somehow it was still good enough to read, so that's all that mattered.
Boy Princess, I found out, is actually known as "Manhwa", which is a term for Korean Manga. And it's so complex that it's really hard to follow. I had to read it a lot more slowly so that I didn't miss anything. Because I actually had to go back at first, before I realized this, and reread stuff that I didn't pay enough attention to. GOOD PLOT. I can't wait to get more. =w=d
Kashinfu was a one shot. And a very good one at that. Lots of dirty scenes. Yum~ (god I am going to Hell... x'D)
Until the Full Moon has three books in the series, and considering it's by the author of Fake, I'm not expecting any steamy scenes until the last one. LMAO
Gravitation is notorious, and fairly mainstream, but dammit, I love it! I don't care how "softcore" most yaoi fangirls say it is, it's still an amazing story, and really funny to boot!
Just my Luck, on the other hand, looks like it's going down the black magic path. Which is highly unusual, and makes it all the more interesting. I do loves me some black magic... >w>
In the mean time, I also read book two to Haruka. That story just keeps getting more cliche, more like Fushigi Yugi, and more loveable. So long as all the good characters don't die though, I'll be happy. Because dammit, I hate those kinds of plot twists.
And speaking of plot twists, one of my favourite webcomics, Vampirates, just took a turn for the worse by revealing that one of the main characters is actually a girl. D: Kizzy and I are SO PISSED about this. We've been ranting about it for days now. It's bad...
In fact... my whole obsession with anime and manga is probably pretty bad. x'D
I'm such a junkie~ =w=d
So today, I read...
Until the Full Moon I
Boy Princess 1 and 2
Gravitation 1 and 2
Selfish Mr. Mermaid 1
Just My Luck 1
And out of all of those... not a single one wasn't some sort of yaoi. I am a pathetic creature. ^^;
I have to say though... Selfish Mr. Mermaid was the WORST in terms of plot. In that it really had none. orz But somehow it was still good enough to read, so that's all that mattered.
Boy Princess, I found out, is actually known as "Manhwa", which is a term for Korean Manga. And it's so complex that it's really hard to follow. I had to read it a lot more slowly so that I didn't miss anything. Because I actually had to go back at first, before I realized this, and reread stuff that I didn't pay enough attention to. GOOD PLOT. I can't wait to get more. =w=d
Kashinfu was a one shot. And a very good one at that. Lots of dirty scenes. Yum~ (god I am going to Hell... x'D)
Until the Full Moon has three books in the series, and considering it's by the author of Fake, I'm not expecting any steamy scenes until the last one. LMAO
Gravitation is notorious, and fairly mainstream, but dammit, I love it! I don't care how "softcore" most yaoi fangirls say it is, it's still an amazing story, and really funny to boot!
Just my Luck, on the other hand, looks like it's going down the black magic path. Which is highly unusual, and makes it all the more interesting. I do loves me some black magic... >w>
In the mean time, I also read book two to Haruka. That story just keeps getting more cliche, more like Fushigi Yugi, and more loveable. So long as all the good characters don't die though, I'll be happy. Because dammit, I hate those kinds of plot twists.
And speaking of plot twists, one of my favourite webcomics, Vampirates, just took a turn for the worse by revealing that one of the main characters is actually a girl. D: Kizzy and I are SO PISSED about this. We've been ranting about it for days now. It's bad...
In fact... my whole obsession with anime and manga is probably pretty bad. x'D
I'm such a junkie~ =w=d
Monday, August 25, 2008
On the Spot!
So I went job hunting today. Got there about 15 minutes after the mall opened, and was able to back into a parking spot in the first row it was so empty. I was unbelievably happy at this. :D
So I got applications to Walden Books, Forever 21, Spirits Halloween, Bath + Body Works, and Limited Too.
Then I sat in the food court, had myself a foot long sub from Subway (god I am SUCH a pig xD), and filled out all of those applications. I'm surprised I didn't get writers cramp. LMAO
And then I turned them all in.
Well, I was offered a job on the spot at Spirits Halloween. Like, the guy asked if I had a few minutes to fill out the tax forms and stuff, and I said sure. So I did.
The store isn't even done being set up yet. xD
But it's only seasonal. :< They're going to be here from September to sometime in November... only. Which... really sucks.
The pay does start at $7.65/hour, which is nice. However...
You don't get pay checks. You get these Pay Cards... that are basically ATM cards. And paid bi-weekly. With only two free transactions. I don't want to have to pay money, to get my money. And you can't take all the money off, because the card won't be active anymore, which means you can't get paid.
What... the hell.
Not to mention I don't know if my bank would withdraw money off of it into my account. :\
Then there were some of the rules in their handbook... Like, most I understand... but some just make you wonder.
Let me elaborate...
I am simply amazed... Like, wow. So for a seasonal job... I don't know.
I'm going to apply to Barnes n' Noble tomorrow I think. And maybe Target. AND JUST PLAIN FIND SOMETHING FUN TO DO D8
I have cabin fever for social interaction. Seriously. I almost packed and drove to California a few hours ago just to meet up with internet friends.
And with that, I'm off to go find some dinner. xD
So I got applications to Walden Books, Forever 21, Spirits Halloween, Bath + Body Works, and Limited Too.
Then I sat in the food court, had myself a foot long sub from Subway (god I am SUCH a pig xD), and filled out all of those applications. I'm surprised I didn't get writers cramp. LMAO
And then I turned them all in.
Well, I was offered a job on the spot at Spirits Halloween. Like, the guy asked if I had a few minutes to fill out the tax forms and stuff, and I said sure. So I did.
The store isn't even done being set up yet. xD
But it's only seasonal. :< They're going to be here from September to sometime in November... only. Which... really sucks.
The pay does start at $7.65/hour, which is nice. However...
You don't get pay checks. You get these Pay Cards... that are basically ATM cards. And paid bi-weekly. With only two free transactions. I don't want to have to pay money, to get my money. And you can't take all the money off, because the card won't be active anymore, which means you can't get paid.
What... the hell.
Not to mention I don't know if my bank would withdraw money off of it into my account. :\
Then there were some of the rules in their handbook... Like, most I understand... but some just make you wonder.
Let me elaborate...
- "The first 90 days are a period of training and adjustment" ...There aren't 90 days available. That's three months...
- Policy Violation: "Reporting to work without a positive attitude, regardless of personal issues" ...But I can only be absent four times... I can't be happy when sick or someone died! Cut me some slack here. vv;
- Policy Violation: "Sitting, standing, or leaning on fixtures or counters" So... I can't rest my elbows on anything?
- Policy Violation: "Off duty conduct that reflects negatively on Spirit." My life, kthnx. I bet this blog would be a big red flag. x'D
- Policy Violation: "Failure of Management Associates to inspect all trash, prior to daily removal from the store." Dude... they're going through the trash. D:
- Fraternization Policy: "Peer Relationship" It's called dating.
- Fraternization Policy: "Direct Reporting Relationship" ...Dating your boss. This language is awful.
- Fraternization Policy: Umm... then there's this long winded part that basically says if you're dating your boss, you gotta let Human Resources know so they can decide if that's okay.
- Sales Floor Conduct: "No conversation or congregating between friends/Associates, except on business matters." So... we can't make small talk.
- Sales Floor Conduct: "No arguing with fellow Associates or customers." So basically... kiss everyone's ass or get fired.
- Team Member Dishonesty: "Theft by Trash" Yeah... they went there. LMAO At the bottom, it explains that these actions are "bad for business" ...I don't want to know. x'D
I am simply amazed... Like, wow. So for a seasonal job... I don't know.
I'm going to apply to Barnes n' Noble tomorrow I think. And maybe Target. AND JUST PLAIN FIND SOMETHING FUN TO DO D8
I have cabin fever for social interaction. Seriously. I almost packed and drove to California a few hours ago just to meet up with internet friends.
And with that, I'm off to go find some dinner. xD
Oh the Woes of Sears
So I don't think I'll be working at Sears after all.
Once I'd gone on the interview at Walmart, I knew I wasn't going to work there. And they called back yesterday saying they'd had me fill out the wrong application, and could I come in to fill out the proper one. Um... if you put the wrong applications in the photography studio... I REALLY don't think I was to work for you... >.>;;;
So I told them sorry, I had found employment elsewhere and wouldn't be able to work for them. Didn't burn any bridges just incase I have to swallow my pride as a human being and work there to pay the bills. *gag gag*
But Sears is just jerking me around, so I don't actually have employment.
Beth, my interviewer, made it sound like she would be hiring a couple of people when she told me, I quote, "I never have enough people for the Christmas rush. I'll have more hours than I can give people."
But as soon as I knew about Walmart, that Thursday I called Sears... Beth wasn't in. Left a message.
Called again Friday... still no Beth, just missed her. No mention of my message. Try again Saturday between 10am and 5pm since she goes on vacation the day after.
So I called back at 10:15am on Saturday. I gave her the little bit of time to get into the store and stuff, since I had been awake since 6:30am, which is when I've been waking lately.
Beth, by some miracle, answered the phone.
And when I told her I was still interested in the job if it were available?
"Well, we just hired someone else and she starts training today, so I'm really not sure. I can't really look right now either, since I am going on vacation tomorrow. Tell you what, call back on the 2nd all right, and I'll see what we can do."
......okay then...
I was very polite to her, so that I didn't burn my bridges, but dammit, I hate being jerked around. There was no mention that I called twice before, and that I had left a message for her. And I feel a little tricked by what she was telling me about the Christmas hours.
So I'm back on the job hunt today. I'm going to check out some other stores and see what I can find. Because you know what? I bet I can find employment elsewhere that won't give me the run-around.
But I'm not going to Lifetouch. They're hiring studio photographers right now, but I've heard some nasty horror stories so I don't think I want to get mixed up in it.
I think I'll take a non-photography job right about now. And do my own photography on the side. Sounds like a good idea to me.
So, at about 9:30 I'm gonna leave for the mall, and get there when it opens at 10am. Which means... I should go start to get ready now. lol
Once I'd gone on the interview at Walmart, I knew I wasn't going to work there. And they called back yesterday saying they'd had me fill out the wrong application, and could I come in to fill out the proper one. Um... if you put the wrong applications in the photography studio... I REALLY don't think I was to work for you... >.>;;;
So I told them sorry, I had found employment elsewhere and wouldn't be able to work for them. Didn't burn any bridges just incase I have to swallow my pride as a human being and work there to pay the bills. *gag gag*
But Sears is just jerking me around, so I don't actually have employment.
Beth, my interviewer, made it sound like she would be hiring a couple of people when she told me, I quote, "I never have enough people for the Christmas rush. I'll have more hours than I can give people."
But as soon as I knew about Walmart, that Thursday I called Sears... Beth wasn't in. Left a message.
Called again Friday... still no Beth, just missed her. No mention of my message. Try again Saturday between 10am and 5pm since she goes on vacation the day after.
So I called back at 10:15am on Saturday. I gave her the little bit of time to get into the store and stuff, since I had been awake since 6:30am, which is when I've been waking lately.
Beth, by some miracle, answered the phone.
And when I told her I was still interested in the job if it were available?
"Well, we just hired someone else and she starts training today, so I'm really not sure. I can't really look right now either, since I am going on vacation tomorrow. Tell you what, call back on the 2nd all right, and I'll see what we can do."
......okay then...
I was very polite to her, so that I didn't burn my bridges, but dammit, I hate being jerked around. There was no mention that I called twice before, and that I had left a message for her. And I feel a little tricked by what she was telling me about the Christmas hours.
So I'm back on the job hunt today. I'm going to check out some other stores and see what I can find. Because you know what? I bet I can find employment elsewhere that won't give me the run-around.
But I'm not going to Lifetouch. They're hiring studio photographers right now, but I've heard some nasty horror stories so I don't think I want to get mixed up in it.
I think I'll take a non-photography job right about now. And do my own photography on the side. Sounds like a good idea to me.
So, at about 9:30 I'm gonna leave for the mall, and get there when it opens at 10am. Which means... I should go start to get ready now. lol
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Heat Snap
We had a sudden heat snap today, and it's killing me, I swear.
I am so nauseated and my stomach won't let me eat, plus this nasty headache. It sucks. And I'm like... super sensitive to my parents' cigarette smoke as well, which just makes it worse. My Dad is sick from the heat too. Ugh.
It wouldn't be bad, either, except it's been chilly for the past few days. Chilly with the coming of autumn. And then waBAM, we get this heat.
And not a nice dry heat, either. No, we have this muggy, rotten, unmoving heat. The air is SO STILL. I know we're probably gonna get a storm from it, and I welcome it just so the rain can cool things off.
Makes me very glad I didn't go with my mom, sister, and brother to see Heart, Cheap Trick, and Journey at SPAC. I wanted to, but it would have been a very bad idea. And as bad as I felt staying behind, gut instinct told me to and I followed it.
I had considered going out to see Vesper in Saratoga instead, but I'm just not up for it at all.
So Dad and I are just chilling, sharing some horrible videos on YouTube, and thinking about maybe fishing out a movie to watch. And we plan on doing it in front of a fan, since that's really all you need.
As long as the air gets moved, it's not bad. But still humidity and mugginess... x_x;;;
I hope we get those storms.
I am so nauseated and my stomach won't let me eat, plus this nasty headache. It sucks. And I'm like... super sensitive to my parents' cigarette smoke as well, which just makes it worse. My Dad is sick from the heat too. Ugh.
It wouldn't be bad, either, except it's been chilly for the past few days. Chilly with the coming of autumn. And then waBAM, we get this heat.
And not a nice dry heat, either. No, we have this muggy, rotten, unmoving heat. The air is SO STILL. I know we're probably gonna get a storm from it, and I welcome it just so the rain can cool things off.
Makes me very glad I didn't go with my mom, sister, and brother to see Heart, Cheap Trick, and Journey at SPAC. I wanted to, but it would have been a very bad idea. And as bad as I felt staying behind, gut instinct told me to and I followed it.
I had considered going out to see Vesper in Saratoga instead, but I'm just not up for it at all.
So Dad and I are just chilling, sharing some horrible videos on YouTube, and thinking about maybe fishing out a movie to watch. And we plan on doing it in front of a fan, since that's really all you need.
As long as the air gets moved, it's not bad. But still humidity and mugginess... x_x;;;
I hope we get those storms.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Studio Ghibli is LOVE
So after my very sad, yet strangely wonderful, experience with Grave of the Fireflies (which I am forcing others to watch to lament with me), I went on to rewatch (because I love it so) Laputa: Castle in the Sky, and then for the first time watch My Neighbor Totoro.
If you have not seen this movie yet, get off your ass and go find a way to see it! Holy crap, it was AMAZING. I was giggling and happy and loving and just... WOW. Total opposite from Grave of the Fireflies. AND SO GOOD.
I want to see the second one, but to do that I'll have to get to the Studio Ghibli museum. Guess we know where I'm going when I get to Japan... >.>
Totoro is basically about these two girls and their imaginary friends. ADORABLE. And WAY BETTER than Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Because there is plot to this, and cuteness, and a way to tie it into the adults, and a bit to reality, and just... LOVE.
Oh god... I feel a fangirl moment coming on. >w<
So yes.
If you have not seen this movie yet, get off your ass and go find a way to see it! Holy crap, it was AMAZING. I was giggling and happy and loving and just... WOW. Total opposite from Grave of the Fireflies. AND SO GOOD.
I want to see the second one, but to do that I'll have to get to the Studio Ghibli museum. Guess we know where I'm going when I get to Japan... >.>
Totoro is basically about these two girls and their imaginary friends. ADORABLE. And WAY BETTER than Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Because there is plot to this, and cuteness, and a way to tie it into the adults, and a bit to reality, and just... LOVE.
Oh god... I feel a fangirl moment coming on. >w<
So yes.
An Honour
So I was contacted by ~jogle64960, asking if he could use one of my portraits and make a pastel of it. And under the condition that he credited me, I said sure. Well, he kept me updated and the piece is finished. And it looks AMAZING. This guy has some serious talent with pastels. So I'd like to show you the before and after. Please, take a look and spread the love. 

Grave of the Fireflies
I am a total sucker for Studio Ghibli films. Hayao Miyazaki is probably my favourite directer of all times, and the stuff Ghibli and he produce are AMAZING.
That being said, Grave of the Fireflies made me cry all over my keyboard.
The movie is set back in WWII Japan, and you follow the life of this boy and how the war basically tears his family apart. I'm not going to say too much incase you want to watch it, but it's a SAD MOVIE. No if, ands, or buts; this movie is just PURE SADNESS. I'm not a crier, but I cried through a lot of it, and just thinking about it makes me want to cry again. Still, as sad as it is, it's a REALLY GOOD movie. And I recommend it to everyone. It makes you really thankful for all the small things in life, that's for sure.
Someone get me a tissue. TTATT
Anyways... in the better half of society (god it's been a while since I said that LMAO)...
I called Sears back... for the third time... and I may or may not have a job. What. The. Hell.
Basically, as maddening as the winter rush is going to be, they hired someone else and since Beth (the person who does the hiring) is going on vacation and won't be back until September 2nd, she said to call back (again) then and we'll see what we can work out.
So I really don't like this being-jerked-around game. But I sure as hell won't be working for Walmart, because good god, I'm not going to walk into a headache.
But I'm not so sure that's not what I'm doing with Sears.
Damn. Looks like the job hunt shall continue. Bastards.
That being said, Grave of the Fireflies made me cry all over my keyboard.
The movie is set back in WWII Japan, and you follow the life of this boy and how the war basically tears his family apart. I'm not going to say too much incase you want to watch it, but it's a SAD MOVIE. No if, ands, or buts; this movie is just PURE SADNESS. I'm not a crier, but I cried through a lot of it, and just thinking about it makes me want to cry again. Still, as sad as it is, it's a REALLY GOOD movie. And I recommend it to everyone. It makes you really thankful for all the small things in life, that's for sure.
Someone get me a tissue. TTATT
Anyways... in the better half of society (god it's been a while since I said that LMAO)...
I called Sears back... for the third time... and I may or may not have a job. What. The. Hell.
Basically, as maddening as the winter rush is going to be, they hired someone else and since Beth (the person who does the hiring) is going on vacation and won't be back until September 2nd, she said to call back (again) then and we'll see what we can work out.
So I really don't like this being-jerked-around game. But I sure as hell won't be working for Walmart, because good god, I'm not going to walk into a headache.
But I'm not so sure that's not what I'm doing with Sears.
Damn. Looks like the job hunt shall continue. Bastards.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Just Say No... to Walmart
Well, Walmart is so far out the door it's in China. Where they manufacture everything.
I went for the interview, and they were offering $8/hr at full time right off, which is a lot better than Sears for a starting pay. BUT... you cannot work for ANY other photo studio NOR be selling your own photos on the side, and like, the girl who was interviewing me said she even kept her hobby with photography hush-hush because she didn't want it to get her fired.
What? D:
So like, when she saw on my resume that I knew Photoshop and Lightroom, she was really excited about that because she could learn from me, but she didn't DARE let me really talk about it there because, once again, not allowed. Could get ya fired.
What the hell Walmart.
And like, me having my own business would be a HUGE no-no. She said she'd pretend she didn't hear that, but like... I'm not risking that. Because then I would have been fired for breaking my contract should they find out. NOT COOL.
Damn Walmart... they're going to ruin the reputation of photographers now.
Right now they have this promotion going on that you can get 30 portraits for $4.95, PLUS, if you do it THAT DAY, you get a free 8x10. But THAT DAY ONLY... all week. vv; I'm sorry, but that's just shit production. And it just goes to show you that Walmart is such a rich franchise that they don't have to charge a lot.
And like... if I'm a THREAT to them because I'm doing my own thing on the side... just wow. Basically, they want to stop small business... which I already knew from the Walmart video.
I didn't want to work for them before, and I REALLY don't want to work for them now. I'm sorry, but you are a BIG FREAKING FRANCHISE. You do NOT need to prohibit competition that way. I wouldn't even be able to work at Sears part time and stuff.
So, even though they would do a bit better pay and hour wise... screw it. it's just not worth the hassle and contracts and bull shit.
And if you're interested in the Walmart video:
So if I knew Walmart sucked, why'd I apply?
Because the assholes tricked me. I saw an ad on Craigslist for Picture Me Portrait Studio... and it said NOTHING about having affiliation with Walmart.
I went for the interview, and they were offering $8/hr at full time right off, which is a lot better than Sears for a starting pay. BUT... you cannot work for ANY other photo studio NOR be selling your own photos on the side, and like, the girl who was interviewing me said she even kept her hobby with photography hush-hush because she didn't want it to get her fired.
What? D:
So like, when she saw on my resume that I knew Photoshop and Lightroom, she was really excited about that because she could learn from me, but she didn't DARE let me really talk about it there because, once again, not allowed. Could get ya fired.
What the hell Walmart.
And like, me having my own business would be a HUGE no-no. She said she'd pretend she didn't hear that, but like... I'm not risking that. Because then I would have been fired for breaking my contract should they find out. NOT COOL.
Damn Walmart... they're going to ruin the reputation of photographers now.
Right now they have this promotion going on that you can get 30 portraits for $4.95, PLUS, if you do it THAT DAY, you get a free 8x10. But THAT DAY ONLY... all week. vv; I'm sorry, but that's just shit production. And it just goes to show you that Walmart is such a rich franchise that they don't have to charge a lot.
And like... if I'm a THREAT to them because I'm doing my own thing on the side... just wow. Basically, they want to stop small business... which I already knew from the Walmart video.
I didn't want to work for them before, and I REALLY don't want to work for them now. I'm sorry, but you are a BIG FREAKING FRANCHISE. You do NOT need to prohibit competition that way. I wouldn't even be able to work at Sears part time and stuff.
So, even though they would do a bit better pay and hour wise... screw it. it's just not worth the hassle and contracts and bull shit.
And if you're interested in the Walmart video:
So if I knew Walmart sucked, why'd I apply?
Because the assholes tricked me. I saw an ad on Craigslist for Picture Me Portrait Studio... and it said NOTHING about having affiliation with Walmart.
One day of busy followed by another
Yesterday was great! I pulled off two senior photo shoots--One for a new client (though the senior is a friend of mine x3) and a reshoot for my sister because we had better conditions this time and stuff. And they went GREAT. I am soooooo pleased with the photos. Like, I already went through both sessions and pulled out at least ten from each that are good enough that I'd retouch them. :3 So I'm pretty happy with that. And that kept me hella busy all yesterday, because I had to bring my light kit upstairs, set up, and tear down again since I was borrowing my brother's massive room for the time being to get maximum distance. xD Eventually I'll have my own space, but that day just hasn't come yet. LMAO
That morning I also did photos of my rabbit, because I'd been up since 4:30am, and it was 6:30 and I was like... "What the hell, I'm up." So by 7am I was pissing the rabbit off with my light flashes. xD So far I have one of those images all retouched and stuff. I totally forgot in my morning-mindedness that her white fur was gonna reflect light and glare. x'D So I'll have to figure something out eventually for her, and other white animals. x3 But I still really like what I got. :D
Today is going to be super busy too.
First, I have my second interview at noon. Then I need to go to the bank and get my new business account, now that I've gotten my Federal Tax ID number After that I'm off to find this short and squatty battery for my light meter, since the one I have is like... dead. xD And I need to do some retouching on the photos I did yesterday, to get a jump on that. Then tonight, I'm going to see Vesper play in Saratoga around 8pm. What's really cool about that though, is that they always message me asking if I can go to take photos. So I feel pretty special. I'm not charging for it, like I probably should, but since I'm still trying to get practice at this what does it matter? It's a free concert anyways, so I don't care. LOL No big deal. And I get photos out of it. :3
So that's my busy schedule for the day. Time to go have my cereal and get ready for that interview!
Bunnies like their Toys by *Saknika on deviantART
That morning I also did photos of my rabbit, because I'd been up since 4:30am, and it was 6:30 and I was like... "What the hell, I'm up." So by 7am I was pissing the rabbit off with my light flashes. xD So far I have one of those images all retouched and stuff. I totally forgot in my morning-mindedness that her white fur was gonna reflect light and glare. x'D So I'll have to figure something out eventually for her, and other white animals. x3 But I still really like what I got. :D
Today is going to be super busy too.
First, I have my second interview at noon. Then I need to go to the bank and get my new business account, now that I've gotten my Federal Tax ID number After that I'm off to find this short and squatty battery for my light meter, since the one I have is like... dead. xD And I need to do some retouching on the photos I did yesterday, to get a jump on that. Then tonight, I'm going to see Vesper play in Saratoga around 8pm. What's really cool about that though, is that they always message me asking if I can go to take photos. So I feel pretty special. I'm not charging for it, like I probably should, but since I'm still trying to get practice at this what does it matter? It's a free concert anyways, so I don't care. LOL No big deal. And I get photos out of it. :3
So that's my busy schedule for the day. Time to go have my cereal and get ready for that interview!
Bunnies like their Toys by *Saknika on deviantART
Monday, August 18, 2008
One Down, One to Go
So I had my interview with Sears Portrait Studio today, and it was crazy. Mostly because it didn't feel like an interview, and like they didn't care about my qualifications. The lady who interviewed me was very nice though, even if she wasn't too professional. A friend of some sort actually walked by and the interview was basically put on hold for a moment while they conversed, so I now know that the lady who was interviewing me had a daughter get bit in the face by a dog.
Yeah... not too professional at all. And they do the interview out in the open, so there was no feeling of privacy to discuss things.
Turns out also that you HAVE to start at minimum wage, and through their courses can gain an extra dollar an hour, but that's it. Which... kinda sucks. After that, you are considered for a raise every fiscal year, theirs ending in February. And they only offer part time for now, with enough hours for full time or more between November and Christmas.
There are incentives for what I figure are bonuses in your paycheck during the holiday season, but I need more than that.
They can work around a second job though if need be, since they do it for the students they hire with their schooling...
So I don't know. They said to call with a decision either way, meaning if I want the job I can have it, but I'm going to see what the Walmart studio says. I'm either going to end up with two part time jobs out of this, or one full time. It all depends on what Walmart offers me.
And as much as I really don't ethically agree with Walmart... I'm hoping they can give me a really good offer. Because I have bills to pay and I'd really prefer only having to deal with one steady job if I can help it. Let's face it, right now my personal business isn't going to generate me much income. I gotta build that up. So for bills... it's whatever I can find out there in the world.
Ugh... this was so not in my life plan two years ago.
Yeah... not too professional at all. And they do the interview out in the open, so there was no feeling of privacy to discuss things.
Turns out also that you HAVE to start at minimum wage, and through their courses can gain an extra dollar an hour, but that's it. Which... kinda sucks. After that, you are considered for a raise every fiscal year, theirs ending in February. And they only offer part time for now, with enough hours for full time or more between November and Christmas.
There are incentives for what I figure are bonuses in your paycheck during the holiday season, but I need more than that.
They can work around a second job though if need be, since they do it for the students they hire with their schooling...
So I don't know. They said to call with a decision either way, meaning if I want the job I can have it, but I'm going to see what the Walmart studio says. I'm either going to end up with two part time jobs out of this, or one full time. It all depends on what Walmart offers me.
And as much as I really don't ethically agree with Walmart... I'm hoping they can give me a really good offer. Because I have bills to pay and I'd really prefer only having to deal with one steady job if I can help it. Let's face it, right now my personal business isn't going to generate me much income. I gotta build that up. So for bills... it's whatever I can find out there in the world.
Ugh... this was so not in my life plan two years ago.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
ALL RIGHT! AS OF ELEVEN THIRTY AM TODAY MY ROOM WAS FINISHED. TOTALLY CLEAN. Well... kinda. ^^; I do need to tear through my closet now, which has become a disaster, but SCREW THAT. It took me TEN DAYS to clean my room, I am NOT cleaning my closet for at least a week... maybe a few months or a year...
Nah, I'll get around to it eventually, but I'm going to enjoy my clean room for a while. Because it hasn't been this clean and complete and dusted and vacuumed in a YEAR. Yup, hasn't gotten this kind of treatment since before I left for Hallmark last year. Wow...
I can't believe it... It was this time last year that I was packing for Hallmark, and crying my eyes out just about every night at the thought of leaving my family and current gf at the time. And really, the only reason I was crying over that was because I knew she was going to leave me and stuff. It was a hard time.
And speaking of Hallmark, I had a dream with Rich Barnes in it. He gave me a hug and I was crying, saying how I wanted to go back to Hallmark and it just didn't feel right that I wouldn't walk through those doors this September. And he said "Well then come back". Oh how I wish I could, but it's just too much money.
It really is going to be weird not going to school though. That's all my life has been for the past fourteen years-- School. Now, at 19, I'm facing the real world head on and it's pretty scary. I'm looking at about $1,000+ in bills each month, so I'm hoping for a good job so I can put some extra aside for taking care of fun times too.
I received a call around 12:15pm from Picture Me Portrait studio in the Walmart of Amsterdam, wondering if I'd be interested in coming in for an interview. So I told the lady yes, but that I was going to another interview as well and would have to take the better offer. Meaning... I can play one against the other a bit... Fufufufufu~
So hopefully, I can start out at $10 or $11 per hour. If not more. And that would be nice.
I'm also leaning towards Sears, personally, simply because I really don't like Walmart. But we'll see. Right now money is very important to my future.
One thing I am sad about though, is that I'm not going to attend a party at 3:30pm today. There were gonna be fireworks too... but I'm just toooooooo tired. Since I've been up since midnight, I'm running on 15 hours of no sleep now, and it'd be a dumb idea. So I'm just going to keep myself up until about 6pm, and then I'll probably crash hard for the night.
And in the final news of the day...
Jogle64960 of DeviantART asked if he could use a photo of mine for a pastel piece. I AM SO FLATTERED. OwO So I told him yes, provided he credit me as the reference and show the finished piece. Man... he's REALLY good too, so I'm honoured.
And with that being said, here's the photo he's using. I'm out to shower.
She's a Romanticist by *Saknika on deviantART
Nah, I'll get around to it eventually, but I'm going to enjoy my clean room for a while. Because it hasn't been this clean and complete and dusted and vacuumed in a YEAR. Yup, hasn't gotten this kind of treatment since before I left for Hallmark last year. Wow...
I can't believe it... It was this time last year that I was packing for Hallmark, and crying my eyes out just about every night at the thought of leaving my family and current gf at the time. And really, the only reason I was crying over that was because I knew she was going to leave me and stuff. It was a hard time.
And speaking of Hallmark, I had a dream with Rich Barnes in it. He gave me a hug and I was crying, saying how I wanted to go back to Hallmark and it just didn't feel right that I wouldn't walk through those doors this September. And he said "Well then come back". Oh how I wish I could, but it's just too much money.
It really is going to be weird not going to school though. That's all my life has been for the past fourteen years-- School. Now, at 19, I'm facing the real world head on and it's pretty scary. I'm looking at about $1,000+ in bills each month, so I'm hoping for a good job so I can put some extra aside for taking care of fun times too.
I received a call around 12:15pm from Picture Me Portrait studio in the Walmart of Amsterdam, wondering if I'd be interested in coming in for an interview. So I told the lady yes, but that I was going to another interview as well and would have to take the better offer. Meaning... I can play one against the other a bit... Fufufufufu~
So hopefully, I can start out at $10 or $11 per hour. If not more. And that would be nice.
I'm also leaning towards Sears, personally, simply because I really don't like Walmart. But we'll see. Right now money is very important to my future.
One thing I am sad about though, is that I'm not going to attend a party at 3:30pm today. There were gonna be fireworks too... but I'm just toooooooo tired. Since I've been up since midnight, I'm running on 15 hours of no sleep now, and it'd be a dumb idea. So I'm just going to keep myself up until about 6pm, and then I'll probably crash hard for the night.
And in the final news of the day...
Jogle64960 of DeviantART asked if he could use a photo of mine for a pastel piece. I AM SO FLATTERED. OwO So I told him yes, provided he credit me as the reference and show the finished piece. Man... he's REALLY good too, so I'm honoured.
And with that being said, here's the photo he's using. I'm out to shower.
She's a Romanticist by *Saknika on deviantART
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Backwards Sleeping=Sick?
So these past few days, when my sleeps been all sorts of out-of-whack, I've felt like shit. And I'm really beginning to think there's a connection. So, just another piece of incentive to get that straightened around.
Been up for 15 hours straight as of right now. And I don't think I can hold out much longer. D: Between the dust making me sneeze like crazy and giving me a headache, the nauseated feeling, and the aches; it's really hard to want to stay awake. Bleh.
I could try playing more Rumble Fighter, but I'm kinda sick of being hit on. Because it's so rare to find girls playing a fighting game, especially since most girls will pick a guy character anyways, my pixels get hit on... A LOT. And seriously, that's all they know, are my pixels. It's pretty dumb. But hey, sometimes it gets me free gifts and teammates that will die to save my ass. Ahahaha, so that's good. xD But aside from that it really is a fun game and I enjoy playing. Slowly but surely, I'm getting REALLY good at it too, and climbing up the ranks. YAY! My one friend Brendan seems to hate it though because he's not good at it yet and all he does is bitch about the game or the team set up.
Seriously, it's a game. And if a game ceases to be fun, stop playing. I started out EXACTLY where he is. Getting my ass handed to me by my friends that were A LOT stronger and more experienced than me. So you know what I did? I went to play others on my level, got better, and learned. And then the next time I played my friends we were a bit more even. I still get my ass handed to me by them, but it's getting closer and closer and soon I think I'll be handing their asses to them.
So I don't know what's up with Brendan. Because you gotta play to get better, and if you can't have fun with your friends... well... you're screwed.
But enough about that.
Today I spent close to TWO HOURS folding, sorting, and putting away clothes. Yuck. I never want to fold clothes again. And my dresser is stuffed now too, and Mom has MORE CLOTHES of mine in the basement. >.<;;; Those bitches can STAY down there. Oi. @@;
Also, it is my friend Kizzy-chan is celebrating her 19th birthday today! Had to mention it because even though we live on opposite sides of the country we're really close friends. And someday, I'll get out there to meet her in person, along with Mouse, Vos, Resa, and maybe Hicchu and Niaro. Oh, and Melanie too, who is a fellow photographer.
Geezus... so many people in California... LMAO
Anywho, I'll end this with the necklace I made Kizzy. I am off... to nap or something. ._.;;
Kizzy's Necklace by *Saknika on deviantART
Been up for 15 hours straight as of right now. And I don't think I can hold out much longer. D: Between the dust making me sneeze like crazy and giving me a headache, the nauseated feeling, and the aches; it's really hard to want to stay awake. Bleh.
I could try playing more Rumble Fighter, but I'm kinda sick of being hit on. Because it's so rare to find girls playing a fighting game, especially since most girls will pick a guy character anyways, my pixels get hit on... A LOT. And seriously, that's all they know, are my pixels. It's pretty dumb. But hey, sometimes it gets me free gifts and teammates that will die to save my ass. Ahahaha, so that's good. xD But aside from that it really is a fun game and I enjoy playing. Slowly but surely, I'm getting REALLY good at it too, and climbing up the ranks. YAY! My one friend Brendan seems to hate it though because he's not good at it yet and all he does is bitch about the game or the team set up.
Seriously, it's a game. And if a game ceases to be fun, stop playing. I started out EXACTLY where he is. Getting my ass handed to me by my friends that were A LOT stronger and more experienced than me. So you know what I did? I went to play others on my level, got better, and learned. And then the next time I played my friends we were a bit more even. I still get my ass handed to me by them, but it's getting closer and closer and soon I think I'll be handing their asses to them.
So I don't know what's up with Brendan. Because you gotta play to get better, and if you can't have fun with your friends... well... you're screwed.
But enough about that.
Today I spent close to TWO HOURS folding, sorting, and putting away clothes. Yuck. I never want to fold clothes again. And my dresser is stuffed now too, and Mom has MORE CLOTHES of mine in the basement. >.<;;; Those bitches can STAY down there. Oi. @@;
Also, it is my friend Kizzy-chan is celebrating her 19th birthday today! Had to mention it because even though we live on opposite sides of the country we're really close friends. And someday, I'll get out there to meet her in person, along with Mouse, Vos, Resa, and maybe Hicchu and Niaro. Oh, and Melanie too, who is a fellow photographer.
Geezus... so many people in California... LMAO
Anywho, I'll end this with the necklace I made Kizzy. I am off... to nap or something. ._.;;
Kizzy's Necklace by *Saknika on deviantART
And so...
Well, after applying to:
-Hall of Springs
-JCPenny Portraits
-Lifetouch Studios
-Two random studios on CriagsList
-Sears Portrait Studio
I finally got ONE phone call back.
So, as of two days ago? Yeah, Thursday, I have an interview at Sears Portrait Studio. Monday, 2pm. FINALLY. You'd think it was a crime to get a job lately with how difficult that was.
Granted, it's not my idea of a prime job in photography; but at least it's in photography, and it'll be some form of income. Now all I have to do is nail the interview and get my ass hired. Oh boy.
On the flip side, I'm still working on my room. We're down to folding clothes and the last few large things though, so not too much is left. I just REALLY hate to fold clothes. :P
I was gonna go out and do photos of the full moon over the water behind mountains at about 4am today, but that fell through thanks to RAIN. D: And it was probably a stupid idea anyway considering it was 4am, and I would have been alone.
My sleeping is all sorts of SCREWED UP. I have trouble remembering what day it is and what happened when because of it. Thursday I slept from 1:30pm-9:30pm, and yesterday I slept from 2:30pm to 10:30pm, and I haven't gone back to bed since. But I think I'm going to crash soon and hope I get flipped back around. *crosses fingers*
I also have a senior portrait booked for Tuesday! HUZZAH!
And speaking of HUZZAH, I met my FAVOURITE COMIC ARTIST EVER in a LIVE VOICE CHAT on Wednesday at 8pm! Lora Innes of The Dreamer is an AMAZING writer and artist, and I am SO IN LOVE with her comic it's insane. I plan on stalking the comic store soon enough to buy it, because she just got a printing offer that was WELL DESERVED. Of course, I already have one of the limited edition Issue One teasers, so I'm happy. And I bought this print as well, because it's so amazing. So seriously, check her out. It's worth your time. And, should you be so inclined... buy me her stuff? xD I kid... maybe >.>
Anyways, I'm out. Either to sleep or clean! Ciao!
Oh yeah... and... last one from the shoot x'D
Senior Profile by *Saknika on deviantART
-Hall of Springs
-JCPenny Portraits
-Lifetouch Studios
-Two random studios on CriagsList
-Sears Portrait Studio
I finally got ONE phone call back.
So, as of two days ago? Yeah, Thursday, I have an interview at Sears Portrait Studio. Monday, 2pm. FINALLY. You'd think it was a crime to get a job lately with how difficult that was.
Granted, it's not my idea of a prime job in photography; but at least it's in photography, and it'll be some form of income. Now all I have to do is nail the interview and get my ass hired. Oh boy.
On the flip side, I'm still working on my room. We're down to folding clothes and the last few large things though, so not too much is left. I just REALLY hate to fold clothes. :P
I was gonna go out and do photos of the full moon over the water behind mountains at about 4am today, but that fell through thanks to RAIN. D: And it was probably a stupid idea anyway considering it was 4am, and I would have been alone.
My sleeping is all sorts of SCREWED UP. I have trouble remembering what day it is and what happened when because of it. Thursday I slept from 1:30pm-9:30pm, and yesterday I slept from 2:30pm to 10:30pm, and I haven't gone back to bed since. But I think I'm going to crash soon and hope I get flipped back around. *crosses fingers*
I also have a senior portrait booked for Tuesday! HUZZAH!
And speaking of HUZZAH, I met my FAVOURITE COMIC ARTIST EVER in a LIVE VOICE CHAT on Wednesday at 8pm! Lora Innes of The Dreamer is an AMAZING writer and artist, and I am SO IN LOVE with her comic it's insane. I plan on stalking the comic store soon enough to buy it, because she just got a printing offer that was WELL DESERVED. Of course, I already have one of the limited edition Issue One teasers, so I'm happy. And I bought this print as well, because it's so amazing. So seriously, check her out. It's worth your time. And, should you be so inclined... buy me her stuff? xD I kid... maybe >.>
Anyways, I'm out. Either to sleep or clean! Ciao!
Oh yeah... and... last one from the shoot x'D
Senior Profile by *Saknika on deviantART
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
It Happened on July 24th...
Okay, before you say ANYTHING... I was talking with someone and saved the conversation so I have the exact date. LMAO And I saved that conversation FOR THIS VERY REASON.
Now, I'm sure you're wondering WHY I have to blog about something on the 24th, so let me clue you in.
On the 24th, weird things started happening AGAIN. Now, I'm totally used to this in my life, but it's fairly rare lately, and it certainly didn't happen often to Mousey. And Mousey is a friend of mine in California that I met online.
So let me explain.
Throughout my life, I've always been fascinated by ghosts, spirits, and the supernatural. I suppose it's why I study religions and fairy tales and am not overly religious myself. And with this fascination, I've found that if you open your mind to it, you can kinda open yourself up to actually experience it. Or maybe I'm just naturally in tune with it, I don't know. I do know that I've seen and heard and had a lot of unexplainable things happen to me though.
In my house, I've heard voices in the basement when waking up in the middle of the night. And I'm not alone in that, because my sister has heard them too. They're very audible, and I definitely was NOT sleeping. But it wasn't just voices, it was movement too.
My woods out back are the creepy silent type, where no animals make any sounds. The kind from horror movies, and they kind of remind you of that when you go in them too. The swamps don't help that much. But the trees don't grow right back there. Plant cells are very rigid, and as such grow in a linear fashion. These trees grow in beautiful curves a lot of the time. It just doesn't belong.
Up the road from us is an old abandoned graveyard. Actually, I know of at least two in town. Anyways, the ghosts in this place have been incredibly restless ever since the fence was stolen around the perimeter. To the point that sometimes you don't even want to drive down that seasonal road because there's such a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. I've been in it during the day and at night (hell, went on Halloween once >.>), and I can tell you there's definitely a lot of activity there. Well, one of my friends did actually remove a piece of gravestone about... five years ago? She has since returned it, but the night she took it was my 15th birthday party, and she and my other friend and I were going to sleep out in the camper in the yard. There is this one corner it always leaked in then, and of course the night had to be stormy and rainy. Well, whatever she brought back with that piece of stone (we're going for poltergeist) was not happy. That leak FOLLOWED her around. And in the morning, she had a slight concussion even though at no point in time did she ever hit her head. And while I was asleep, I remember waking up because I felt hands on me, but there was NO ONE near me at all because I'd removed myself to the dinette bed in order to cool off from heat sickness. She does miss her friend though, she had that small chunk of broken gravestone for at least three years.
And before anyone screams thief or vandalism, mind you, this gravestone was already shattered and destroyed, no one even cares about tending to this graveyard unless they desperate for community service like the Boy Scouts, and the little chunk she had fit in her hand. We didn't break the gravestone, and by no means did anyone care. And, as I already said, it has long since been returned.
Anyways, onward...
Remember those woods? There was a night once in the 9th grade when my friend Tabby was over, and it was the lunar eclipse. We were both outside on a low porch roof (no longer exists due to putting an addition on) watching it, and we both got this feeling that we needed to get back inside. I will NEVER forget that night. I can't tell you what it was, or why, but I can tell you we were scared. It was late, after everyone had gone to bed, and we barricaded ourselves in my room and stayed out of sight of the window kind of scary. Because all you could hear, on all my walls and in my closet, was scratching. Like claws on wood. And it was ALL OVER. Somehow they couldn't get into my room, but we were wide awake and it was not cool. You can believe me or not, but I swear on my grandmother's grave I'm not lying. And being that we both liked to mess in areas we probably shouldn't, it wouldn't shock me if there were more than a few angry spirits with me.
Up the road a ways is an abandoned infirmary. It was an orphanage, a TB Sanitarium, and rumour has it an asylum, but that's probably just rumour. But it IS incredibly haunted, and with the permission of the caretakers I have been in there. A lot. Both during the day and at night. And I'm going to tell you this... DO NOT GO IN ALONE. Not only because the building has a lot of structural issues (holes in the floor, roof that will not hold you, asbestos...), but because of the spiritual activity. Down in the basement, there is what's known as the "Dark Hallway". Now, there is light all around said hallway, but because there are no windows in the actual thing, the only light you will get is from the surrounding rooms. But entering it is like entering another dimension. It's just a wall of black SO DARK you can't see your finger even if you were about to poke yourself in the eye with it. And no light from the two rooms it connects gets in. And when you enter, you can hear the screams of the ghosts of the dead that used to be carried out through it. It's not a safe hallway though, since one wall has collapsed in from the pressure of the earth outside. If you go through with a flashlight you can see, but the first time I went through was with no light at all and I was TERRIFIED. Up in the library, I have had books thrown at me by what appears to be nothing there. And one of my friends has a photo we took looking up into that room, and quite visibly are two very red and very angry eyes in it. The gurney is constantly moving not just rooms, but FLOORS, and this thing is SO RUSTY that it shouldn't be possible. Not with how destroyed this place is. The last few times I was in though, we couldn't locate it. At all. And there's no way it was stolen, because you can't get it out the windows you have to climb in if you're not going in with permission, and then after that there's no way you'd get it out the fence. So we really have NO IDEA where it went. Doors will slam of no accord in there as well, and then open back up. It's insane. And many people will tell you that driving by there at night, they've seen blue lights in the windows, or their cell phones suddenly loose service, and all sorts of odd things. It was once a beautiful building, too, but too many kids have vandalized it. I'd like to restore it someday though... And outback, before I forget, the incinerators still sit.
But, that's not all. I've been in plenty of other old abandoned places ranging from barns to houses to churches and factories.
In my dreams, I see things. Premonitions, if you will, because they tend to come true if/when I have them. I do tarot readings that are 90% accurate and have predicted the death of my cat with them. I'm into it all.
At my grandmother's, both my sister and I were terrified to sleep in the upstairs bedroom, and it felt like if we did we would die. When we did sleep, all we could dream about were out parents dying on the trip back home to come get us. And the Virgin Mary statue up on the bureau was constantly shaking and rattling at night it seemed. Like something was trying to get rid of it. And we did tell my grandmother, and she told us not to worry because that statue was blessed. Well, I can believe it, because whatever it was never was able to harm us, and never did succeed in breaking that statue. But I have not slept in that room ever since.
In one of the graveyards I like to go to, first when with a large group we could hear something following us and we were sure we were the only ones there, and we could hear banshee like screams. More than one person, myself included, felt randomly sick and fatigued in there. And when we left, there was a bird that had been SHOVED through the fence, because there's no way in hell it could have flown that forcefully into it and killed itself, let alone in the position it was in. The second time with just two other friends, we were walking along when Tabby told us to stop and turn off the flashlights and look back. Well, there were three of us... but FOUR human shadows. I tried to get a picture, but I didn't have time to use my tripod (time is of the essence when you needed to get someone home on time), and flash kills shadows. So you'll have to take me at my word. It was CREEPY to say the least.
And at my apartment in Massachusetts, there was a ghost that loved to rattle the pipes. And from what I heard from my upstairs neighbor, pee on the bathroom walls as well. Most of the tenants and a good chunk of people in town would tell you that building was haunted, too. I tended to sleep with a light on for good reason, but never anything more than something small as a night light.
So why did I tell you all that? Well, to tell you this of course!
July 24th, while home alone house and pet sitting, my microwave for the second time in its life in this home went AWOL. It was turning itself on and running both the cooking and defrost functions. I had to go out to turn it off. And I was on mic with Mousey at the time, on PalTalk, and she was getting scared too. But we turned the mics off by unplugging them from our computers because they weren't working properly and cutting out so bad that it wasn't worth it. And I was totally channeling something that night, because my emotions wouldn't stay stable at all.
So about every hour I was going to turn off the microwave, waiting for 7am when I could call my parents up at camp to find out about where in the back the plug was, because I couldn't find it as dumb as that is. And as it was I needed to climb up onto the counter to reach it, which might be why, and I did cut myself trying to get this plug out.
But what was freaky, was how the little green box around my avatar kept lighting up on PalTalk to signal sound coming from my side of the chat, even though there was no way sound could get through because there were no mics plugged in AT ALL.
And then we decided to disable audio when Mousey audibly heard a scream of terror and anguish from a girl come out her speakers from me, with no mics plugged in. NOT COOL.
Daylight never looked so good that day, I swear. oo;;; My cats would not stop laying in front of my bedroom door, either, as if they didn't want me to leave, or they didn't want something to get in.
So chalk it up to paranoia or whatever you want, I'm standing behind what I've seen, heard, and experienced. And... I'm going with spiritual activity.
Now, I'm sure you're wondering WHY I have to blog about something on the 24th, so let me clue you in.
On the 24th, weird things started happening AGAIN. Now, I'm totally used to this in my life, but it's fairly rare lately, and it certainly didn't happen often to Mousey. And Mousey is a friend of mine in California that I met online.
So let me explain.
Throughout my life, I've always been fascinated by ghosts, spirits, and the supernatural. I suppose it's why I study religions and fairy tales and am not overly religious myself. And with this fascination, I've found that if you open your mind to it, you can kinda open yourself up to actually experience it. Or maybe I'm just naturally in tune with it, I don't know. I do know that I've seen and heard and had a lot of unexplainable things happen to me though.
In my house, I've heard voices in the basement when waking up in the middle of the night. And I'm not alone in that, because my sister has heard them too. They're very audible, and I definitely was NOT sleeping. But it wasn't just voices, it was movement too.
My woods out back are the creepy silent type, where no animals make any sounds. The kind from horror movies, and they kind of remind you of that when you go in them too. The swamps don't help that much. But the trees don't grow right back there. Plant cells are very rigid, and as such grow in a linear fashion. These trees grow in beautiful curves a lot of the time. It just doesn't belong.
Up the road from us is an old abandoned graveyard. Actually, I know of at least two in town. Anyways, the ghosts in this place have been incredibly restless ever since the fence was stolen around the perimeter. To the point that sometimes you don't even want to drive down that seasonal road because there's such a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. I've been in it during the day and at night (hell, went on Halloween once >.>), and I can tell you there's definitely a lot of activity there. Well, one of my friends did actually remove a piece of gravestone about... five years ago? She has since returned it, but the night she took it was my 15th birthday party, and she and my other friend and I were going to sleep out in the camper in the yard. There is this one corner it always leaked in then, and of course the night had to be stormy and rainy. Well, whatever she brought back with that piece of stone (we're going for poltergeist) was not happy. That leak FOLLOWED her around. And in the morning, she had a slight concussion even though at no point in time did she ever hit her head. And while I was asleep, I remember waking up because I felt hands on me, but there was NO ONE near me at all because I'd removed myself to the dinette bed in order to cool off from heat sickness. She does miss her friend though, she had that small chunk of broken gravestone for at least three years.
And before anyone screams thief or vandalism, mind you, this gravestone was already shattered and destroyed, no one even cares about tending to this graveyard unless they desperate for community service like the Boy Scouts, and the little chunk she had fit in her hand. We didn't break the gravestone, and by no means did anyone care. And, as I already said, it has long since been returned.
Anyways, onward...
Remember those woods? There was a night once in the 9th grade when my friend Tabby was over, and it was the lunar eclipse. We were both outside on a low porch roof (no longer exists due to putting an addition on) watching it, and we both got this feeling that we needed to get back inside. I will NEVER forget that night. I can't tell you what it was, or why, but I can tell you we were scared. It was late, after everyone had gone to bed, and we barricaded ourselves in my room and stayed out of sight of the window kind of scary. Because all you could hear, on all my walls and in my closet, was scratching. Like claws on wood. And it was ALL OVER. Somehow they couldn't get into my room, but we were wide awake and it was not cool. You can believe me or not, but I swear on my grandmother's grave I'm not lying. And being that we both liked to mess in areas we probably shouldn't, it wouldn't shock me if there were more than a few angry spirits with me.
Up the road a ways is an abandoned infirmary. It was an orphanage, a TB Sanitarium, and rumour has it an asylum, but that's probably just rumour. But it IS incredibly haunted, and with the permission of the caretakers I have been in there. A lot. Both during the day and at night. And I'm going to tell you this... DO NOT GO IN ALONE. Not only because the building has a lot of structural issues (holes in the floor, roof that will not hold you, asbestos...), but because of the spiritual activity. Down in the basement, there is what's known as the "Dark Hallway". Now, there is light all around said hallway, but because there are no windows in the actual thing, the only light you will get is from the surrounding rooms. But entering it is like entering another dimension. It's just a wall of black SO DARK you can't see your finger even if you were about to poke yourself in the eye with it. And no light from the two rooms it connects gets in. And when you enter, you can hear the screams of the ghosts of the dead that used to be carried out through it. It's not a safe hallway though, since one wall has collapsed in from the pressure of the earth outside. If you go through with a flashlight you can see, but the first time I went through was with no light at all and I was TERRIFIED. Up in the library, I have had books thrown at me by what appears to be nothing there. And one of my friends has a photo we took looking up into that room, and quite visibly are two very red and very angry eyes in it. The gurney is constantly moving not just rooms, but FLOORS, and this thing is SO RUSTY that it shouldn't be possible. Not with how destroyed this place is. The last few times I was in though, we couldn't locate it. At all. And there's no way it was stolen, because you can't get it out the windows you have to climb in if you're not going in with permission, and then after that there's no way you'd get it out the fence. So we really have NO IDEA where it went. Doors will slam of no accord in there as well, and then open back up. It's insane. And many people will tell you that driving by there at night, they've seen blue lights in the windows, or their cell phones suddenly loose service, and all sorts of odd things. It was once a beautiful building, too, but too many kids have vandalized it. I'd like to restore it someday though... And outback, before I forget, the incinerators still sit.
But, that's not all. I've been in plenty of other old abandoned places ranging from barns to houses to churches and factories.
In my dreams, I see things. Premonitions, if you will, because they tend to come true if/when I have them. I do tarot readings that are 90% accurate and have predicted the death of my cat with them. I'm into it all.
At my grandmother's, both my sister and I were terrified to sleep in the upstairs bedroom, and it felt like if we did we would die. When we did sleep, all we could dream about were out parents dying on the trip back home to come get us. And the Virgin Mary statue up on the bureau was constantly shaking and rattling at night it seemed. Like something was trying to get rid of it. And we did tell my grandmother, and she told us not to worry because that statue was blessed. Well, I can believe it, because whatever it was never was able to harm us, and never did succeed in breaking that statue. But I have not slept in that room ever since.
In one of the graveyards I like to go to, first when with a large group we could hear something following us and we were sure we were the only ones there, and we could hear banshee like screams. More than one person, myself included, felt randomly sick and fatigued in there. And when we left, there was a bird that had been SHOVED through the fence, because there's no way in hell it could have flown that forcefully into it and killed itself, let alone in the position it was in. The second time with just two other friends, we were walking along when Tabby told us to stop and turn off the flashlights and look back. Well, there were three of us... but FOUR human shadows. I tried to get a picture, but I didn't have time to use my tripod (time is of the essence when you needed to get someone home on time), and flash kills shadows. So you'll have to take me at my word. It was CREEPY to say the least.
And at my apartment in Massachusetts, there was a ghost that loved to rattle the pipes. And from what I heard from my upstairs neighbor, pee on the bathroom walls as well. Most of the tenants and a good chunk of people in town would tell you that building was haunted, too. I tended to sleep with a light on for good reason, but never anything more than something small as a night light.
So why did I tell you all that? Well, to tell you this of course!
July 24th, while home alone house and pet sitting, my microwave for the second time in its life in this home went AWOL. It was turning itself on and running both the cooking and defrost functions. I had to go out to turn it off. And I was on mic with Mousey at the time, on PalTalk, and she was getting scared too. But we turned the mics off by unplugging them from our computers because they weren't working properly and cutting out so bad that it wasn't worth it. And I was totally channeling something that night, because my emotions wouldn't stay stable at all.
So about every hour I was going to turn off the microwave, waiting for 7am when I could call my parents up at camp to find out about where in the back the plug was, because I couldn't find it as dumb as that is. And as it was I needed to climb up onto the counter to reach it, which might be why, and I did cut myself trying to get this plug out.
But what was freaky, was how the little green box around my avatar kept lighting up on PalTalk to signal sound coming from my side of the chat, even though there was no way sound could get through because there were no mics plugged in AT ALL.
And then we decided to disable audio when Mousey audibly heard a scream of terror and anguish from a girl come out her speakers from me, with no mics plugged in. NOT COOL.
Daylight never looked so good that day, I swear. oo;;; My cats would not stop laying in front of my bedroom door, either, as if they didn't want me to leave, or they didn't want something to get in.
So chalk it up to paranoia or whatever you want, I'm standing behind what I've seen, heard, and experienced. And... I'm going with spiritual activity.
Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, and MORE CLEANING
Okay, so basically I feel like my own personal maid lately. All I've been doing for about a week straight now, is clean. AND I'M NOT DONE YET! ;_; Holy crap... it's insane. oo;;; I mean, yeah, I've been SUPER ORGANIZING as I go, but this is ridiculous. I've thrown out five bags of trash, and will probably toss another three or four at this rate, and have almost filled my second large box to go to the Salvation Army. I told my parents we just needed to get a dumpster, but as you can see, that hasn't gone very far... because we don't have one. x'D I'm sure the garbage men just LOVE US lately. LMAO
On the other side of the fence... I'm still a jobless bum. v_v;;; Been searching and applying like, EVERYWHERE, but so far no go. I am still working on getting my photography up off the ground though, and I have at least one paying client for a Senior Portrait. IT'S A START. And my friend Karen, whose family portrait I did outdoors for my portfolio, is getting me into her school's PTSA newsletter. So that will be 500+ people coverage. And being that it's the first issue, there won't be too many people in it and a lot of people will see my ad. WHOO! THANK YOU SO MUCH KAREN IF YOU'RE READING THIS!
So maybe, just maybe, I'll land a few jobs from that. :3 I'm not overly hopeful that I'll get a lot since it's so late in the game, but hey, you never know. xD
That's about it though... A lot of cleaning, a lot of mental break downs over upcoming bills, a lot of job hunting... and a lot of wishing I slept for more hours.
On the other side of the fence... I'm still a jobless bum. v_v;;; Been searching and applying like, EVERYWHERE, but so far no go. I am still working on getting my photography up off the ground though, and I have at least one paying client for a Senior Portrait. IT'S A START. And my friend Karen, whose family portrait I did outdoors for my portfolio, is getting me into her school's PTSA newsletter. So that will be 500+ people coverage. And being that it's the first issue, there won't be too many people in it and a lot of people will see my ad. WHOO! THANK YOU SO MUCH KAREN IF YOU'RE READING THIS!
So maybe, just maybe, I'll land a few jobs from that. :3 I'm not overly hopeful that I'll get a lot since it's so late in the game, but hey, you never know. xD
That's about it though... A lot of cleaning, a lot of mental break downs over upcoming bills, a lot of job hunting... and a lot of wishing I slept for more hours.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Man, been a while since I updated, hasn't it? >.< So I'll have a lot to catchup on... later. Right now, and as I have been doing for the past THREE DAYS, I'm cleaning my room while job hunting via the internet. So far I haven't heard anything, but we'll see. It's come to the point that I'll take anything and just do my photography on the side, because bills are coming and I gotta pay 'em. God the economy sucks. v_v;;;
On the plus side, I am doing at least two senior portraits for people soon, and a friend of mine is getting my business card into the first issue of her PTSA's newsletter, so I'll get a lot of coverage that way. So that might help to bring some revenue in. Just gotta remember to go see Tom Mills about the tax thing. Oi.
Cleaning wise, I'm getting there. My room was an absolute disaster, so it's been taking a while. I can't wait for it to be done though, because I can't stand the mess any longer!!! Well, that and I want to be able to hang some more shelves of sorts (aka my crate stand is going on my wall so I can bring up a second nightstand) to hold books and stuff. Because... I have a lot. x'D
Of course, I'm in hardcore mode, so as I go I tear apart drawers and stuff and clean them out. And I'll be doing more of that when I'm done cleaning too, just because. So far I have at least three or four boxes that are going to the Salvation Army and/or City Mission of things I don't need/want that others might. I've already hauled three garbage bags out of here too, and I'm on my fourth. So my room is being MASSIVELY overhauled. And I tend to do this every single time I clean. But I really have to this time, considering I still have stuff in the basement to bring up. ^^;
And speaking of the basement, I'm gonna be going down there with my Mom soon to help clean THAT up so I can have my little corner for studio space near the door. Right now it's the best I can do, so I'm going to make it look nice. Probably get a throw rug or something, since the floor is nasty concrete. And when I say nasty, I mean stained with building materials nasty. >.<;;; Eventually it's going to be a family room, but right now it's just a storage area and work station while we finish remodeling the rest of the house. Which we've been doing for two years now because my brother and sister can't keep their rooms clean long enough to get them finished and stuff. Ugh.
But yeah, I'm going to set up shop down in my basement. And you know what's really cool? I totally traded my Mamiya in for almost $3,000 worth of a light kit, so I really can do that! I only have two lights, but those will do for now. I can make do with the background. Eventually I'll get a third light. ^^ And more Pocket Wizards! LMAO
Anyways, things are starting to move forward for me. I'm dreading bills and stuff, but maybe, just maybe, things will work out. *crosses fingers* I'm hoping so.
And if you're lucky, I'll stop being lazy and blog more. xD
Senior Portrait: First Attempt by *Saknika on deviantART
On the plus side, I am doing at least two senior portraits for people soon, and a friend of mine is getting my business card into the first issue of her PTSA's newsletter, so I'll get a lot of coverage that way. So that might help to bring some revenue in. Just gotta remember to go see Tom Mills about the tax thing. Oi.
Cleaning wise, I'm getting there. My room was an absolute disaster, so it's been taking a while. I can't wait for it to be done though, because I can't stand the mess any longer!!! Well, that and I want to be able to hang some more shelves of sorts (aka my crate stand is going on my wall so I can bring up a second nightstand) to hold books and stuff. Because... I have a lot. x'D
Of course, I'm in hardcore mode, so as I go I tear apart drawers and stuff and clean them out. And I'll be doing more of that when I'm done cleaning too, just because. So far I have at least three or four boxes that are going to the Salvation Army and/or City Mission of things I don't need/want that others might. I've already hauled three garbage bags out of here too, and I'm on my fourth. So my room is being MASSIVELY overhauled. And I tend to do this every single time I clean. But I really have to this time, considering I still have stuff in the basement to bring up. ^^;
And speaking of the basement, I'm gonna be going down there with my Mom soon to help clean THAT up so I can have my little corner for studio space near the door. Right now it's the best I can do, so I'm going to make it look nice. Probably get a throw rug or something, since the floor is nasty concrete. And when I say nasty, I mean stained with building materials nasty. >.<;;; Eventually it's going to be a family room, but right now it's just a storage area and work station while we finish remodeling the rest of the house. Which we've been doing for two years now because my brother and sister can't keep their rooms clean long enough to get them finished and stuff. Ugh.
But yeah, I'm going to set up shop down in my basement. And you know what's really cool? I totally traded my Mamiya in for almost $3,000 worth of a light kit, so I really can do that! I only have two lights, but those will do for now. I can make do with the background. Eventually I'll get a third light. ^^ And more Pocket Wizards! LMAO
Anyways, things are starting to move forward for me. I'm dreading bills and stuff, but maybe, just maybe, things will work out. *crosses fingers* I'm hoping so.
And if you're lucky, I'll stop being lazy and blog more. xD
Senior Portrait: First Attempt by *Saknika on deviantART
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