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Friday, December 12, 2008

Rotten Roads and a General Update

Right, it's been a while, so here comes a long update.

First and foremost, I got my refund from Tiger Direct finally.

The next order of business is that I'm taking up a weapons class for the next ten weeks at my dojo. Should be fun. :3 I'm totally excited! And I even get my own bokken!!! <3 Brendan is going to participate in it with me, which makes it even better. ^^

Karate has been going well also. I went down this past Tuesday to do some photos for Steve, and we sparred to warm him up, and three funny things happened. The first was that somehow the bone to my big toe managed to hit him in that sensitive area between the bones in the elbow and caused his arm to tingle and get numb. Hahaha. Then, I went to kick him again, and he blocked, and I have this huuuuge bruise on my leg. Bone to bone baby. x'D Oops. But the funniest of them all was that not once, but twice, I got inside his range and punched him in the face. x'D He says it's because he's so used to fighting guys with a longer range that he's still adjusting to my speed. Hey, I'll take any advantage I can get. It was a lot of fun though.

I've also realized that I feel so good about myself after karate that I've come to not need my pills as of late. WHOO! I'll take karate instead of medication, kthnx!

Onto the next thing...

On Wednesday; Megan, Jason, and I were working together and it was a riot. Megan was totally sugar high and just making her own music instead of the Xmas stuff that was playing, and at one point Jason goes "What is that beat to?" Well, I just couldn't resist and I was like "It's stripper music! Let's go Jason, bring in some customers!" and Megan follows with "Yeah, the pole is right there!", since we have a power pole that goes from our kiosk to the ceiling. LMFAO. That was pretty much how the whoooole day went. We were quite the scene to see. xD Good thing Alix skipped out coming in on us, because she wouldn't have known what to do. Hehe. Jason also told me it was "Buy your employees lunch day" and I was like "Talk to Alix, she's the one that hired you". xD It was a good day though.

Tuesday wasn't though, because no one plowed the roads and it was a pretty dangerous drive in. Took me an hour and a half instead of 45minutes. Yuck.

And that brings us to the pinnacle of bad weather today.

Yesterday when the ice and snow storm started, Alix told me to get the hell out of Clifton Park and go home as soon as I did the deposit and Andrew was there. FINE BY ME ALIX. I planned on leaving early anyways! I was going to stay until noon at least though, and get 4/7 hours in, but when I walked out at 11am and it was already sleeting, I changed my mind. So I only worked 3 hours, but whatever. My job is not worth my life.

Today I had to open, so I started out early and took it easy, but it still took a good hour and a half again. Icccccey roads are icey. D: I watched limbs falling, and had to change my route a lot because of downed wires and trees. And most of the traffic lights were out due to wide spread power outages. When I got to the mall it was closed as well due to a lack of power. So I had to go home. I was going to go straight home as well, except I didn't have a signal to my cell phone and I needed to let Saratoga know so that Alix was aware. So, I did what was necessary and hopped on the Northway to go up to Saratoga. Even the lights to the Northway were out, it was a MESS.

I stayed in the middle lane, and was actually able to do 70mph at some points in time. But I'd listened to the radio this morning, so I was aware that there were trees that had dropped limbs into the right hand lane, so I didn't bother getting over there until I needed to get off at exit 15.

Alix, it turned out, was also without power. Bonnie was hecka shocked when I turned up at Waldenbooks though, lemme tell ya. x'D Anyways, Alix told me not to bother going in, and got me the list of who also worked today. Turned out to be Jason and Megan. Before I could even call Jason he called the store, and I talked to him there. I don't think either of them went in. Mostly because I don't think the mall ever opened. I have no idea though because I took a nap when I finally got home after calling Megan and Steve.

The roads were really really bad though. We all did about 25mph down Rt50, and that's a main highway. It was BAD. There were like 265 schools closed because of this.

I was supposed to do karate tonight as well, but due to the power outage we decided we'll do it tomorrow before the weapons class, and both of us will be well warmed up. x'D

But man, talk about rotten weather. Alix figured since she couldn't shower she'd hit up the salon in the mall and tell them she needed a wash. LMFAO And in some areas the power isn't expected back for up to a week. We were not as prepared for this as we thought. Yikes.

That's pretty much all the updates though. I'm going to try to keep up with this blog more often now. x'D Trying not to be too busy!

And for your amusement, here are two new pet photos. Enjoy~!

Jack's a bit Tired by *Saknika on deviantART

Fluff is as Fluff does by *Saknika on deviantART

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