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Monday, December 1, 2008

Possibly Seeking Legal Action

So many of you have been reading right along and know of the issues I've been having with Tiger Direct. You have read through about how I went to buy just a laptop cord, and the man on the other end also ordered me a PC program I didn't know about, and never told me. You read about me having to call about that, and then having to call again when the package arrived and it was the wrong cord, even though I gave them my laptop model number. You're aware of me having to call again because they only refunded the PC program within the 10 days stated, but nothing else, and that I got the shipping back but had to wait another 48-72 hours for the last piece, which was the refund for the wrong cord they sent. You know about being run around by Gateway to get the right card, which turned out to be at Mundo Corp. And all the problems that came with that night.

Well, that was all the middle of November. I gave them their time, and then never had a chance to call. Kept checking my bank account though, and never received credit for that cord.

It has been a month since they received that cord and program back. I called them tonight around 8pm.

The man on the other end of the phone gave me the same 48-72 hours bullshit, and I got mean.

I told him flat out that I was pissed off, and exactly why. He said he was emailing his manager right now about it, and that I would have the money within that time. I told him that I'd heard that before, and that I better see it. And I also told him that if it was not returned to me within that time limit, I would pursue legal action. And I'm not kidding, I will.

This is bullshit. They have had that cord back for a month now, and I have not gotten my full refund. There is no reason why I should not have that money back. And I also told him that I was disgusted with them, and that I would not be purchasing anything from Tiger Direct or Gateway again. Tiger Direct is now Gateway's supplier, which is sad because they do make good computers. But I'm not going to go through this again. No way, no how.

I will be reporting them to the Better Business Bureau no matter what. I am also going to contact Gateway, and let them know that if I do have to press legal action, it will be against them because as far as I'm concerned Tiger Direct is their main and exclusive distributor (if you call product purchase, that is who you get), and therefore they, as the parent company, are at fault. And I will let them know just how disgusted I am.

Honestly, I don't expect to see that money back by Thursday; which is when they have until. I'll give them until that evening since I did call after normal business hours. But you better believe that in the mean time I'll be talking to a friend of the family I know who is a lawyer about exactly what rights I have and where this falls, and preparing for Small Claims Court, or wherever it is that I have to take them.

At this point, not only do I want my refund, I want them to pay for the proper cord I had to order. I'm sorry, but I've been far more than patient enough. As far as I'm concerned, this is extortion. They have had my money that was supposed to be refunded to me for a month now. That's wrong. And it's a good $40.00 too, at least. And with the PC program, that's consumer fraud. I was content to just send it back until I made the fourth or fifth phone call to them tonight to try and get my money back. Now my Italian temper is totally fired up, and I'm not backing off. I will call them from work if I have to.

My advice to all of you would be to not buy from Tiger Direct ever. Because this is the shit they pull.

I'll keep you updated.

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