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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It Happened on July 24th...

Okay, before you say ANYTHING... I was talking with someone and saved the conversation so I have the exact date. LMAO And I saved that conversation FOR THIS VERY REASON.


Now, I'm sure you're wondering WHY I have to blog about something on the 24th, so let me clue you in.

On the 24th, weird things started happening AGAIN. Now, I'm totally used to this in my life, but it's fairly rare lately, and it certainly didn't happen often to Mousey. And Mousey is a friend of mine in California that I met online.

So let me explain.

Throughout my life, I've always been fascinated by ghosts, spirits, and the supernatural. I suppose it's why I study religions and fairy tales and am not overly religious myself. And with this fascination, I've found that if you open your mind to it, you can kinda open yourself up to actually experience it. Or maybe I'm just naturally in tune with it, I don't know. I do know that I've seen and heard and had a lot of unexplainable things happen to me though.

In my house, I've heard voices in the basement when waking up in the middle of the night. And I'm not alone in that, because my sister has heard them too. They're very audible, and I definitely was NOT sleeping. But it wasn't just voices, it was movement too.

My woods out back are the creepy silent type, where no animals make any sounds. The kind from horror movies, and they kind of remind you of that when you go in them too. The swamps don't help that much. But the trees don't grow right back there. Plant cells are very rigid, and as such grow in a linear fashion. These trees grow in beautiful curves a lot of the time. It just doesn't belong.

Up the road from us is an old abandoned graveyard. Actually, I know of at least two in town. Anyways, the ghosts in this place have been incredibly restless ever since the fence was stolen around the perimeter. To the point that sometimes you don't even want to drive down that seasonal road because there's such a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. I've been in it during the day and at night (hell, went on Halloween once >.>), and I can tell you there's definitely a lot of activity there. Well, one of my friends did actually remove a piece of gravestone about... five years ago? She has since returned it, but the night she took it was my 15th birthday party, and she and my other friend and I were going to sleep out in the camper in the yard. There is this one corner it always leaked in then, and of course the night had to be stormy and rainy. Well, whatever she brought back with that piece of stone (we're going for poltergeist) was not happy. That leak FOLLOWED her around. And in the morning, she had a slight concussion even though at no point in time did she ever hit her head. And while I was asleep, I remember waking up because I felt hands on me, but there was NO ONE near me at all because I'd removed myself to the dinette bed in order to cool off from heat sickness. She does miss her friend though, she had that small chunk of broken gravestone for at least three years.

And before anyone screams thief or vandalism, mind you, this gravestone was already shattered and destroyed, no one even cares about tending to this graveyard unless they desperate for community service like the Boy Scouts, and the little chunk she had fit in her hand. We didn't break the gravestone, and by no means did anyone care. And, as I already said, it has long since been returned.

Anyways, onward...

Remember those woods? There was a night once in the 9th grade when my friend Tabby was over, and it was the lunar eclipse. We were both outside on a low porch roof (no longer exists due to putting an addition on) watching it, and we both got this feeling that we needed to get back inside. I will NEVER forget that night. I can't tell you what it was, or why, but I can tell you we were scared. It was late, after everyone had gone to bed, and we barricaded ourselves in my room and stayed out of sight of the window kind of scary. Because all you could hear, on all my walls and in my closet, was scratching. Like claws on wood. And it was ALL OVER. Somehow they couldn't get into my room, but we were wide awake and it was not cool. You can believe me or not, but I swear on my grandmother's grave I'm not lying. And being that we both liked to mess in areas we probably shouldn't, it wouldn't shock me if there were more than a few angry spirits with me.

Up the road a ways is an abandoned infirmary. It was an orphanage, a TB Sanitarium, and rumour has it an asylum, but that's probably just rumour. But it IS incredibly haunted, and with the permission of the caretakers I have been in there. A lot. Both during the day and at night. And I'm going to tell you this... DO NOT GO IN ALONE. Not only because the building has a lot of structural issues (holes in the floor, roof that will not hold you, asbestos...), but because of the spiritual activity. Down in the basement, there is what's known as the "Dark Hallway". Now, there is light all around said hallway, but because there are no windows in the actual thing, the only light you will get is from the surrounding rooms. But entering it is like entering another dimension. It's just a wall of black SO DARK you can't see your finger even if you were about to poke yourself in the eye with it. And no light from the two rooms it connects gets in. And when you enter, you can hear the screams of the ghosts of the dead that used to be carried out through it. It's not a safe hallway though, since one wall has collapsed in from the pressure of the earth outside. If you go through with a flashlight you can see, but the first time I went through was with no light at all and I was TERRIFIED. Up in the library, I have had books thrown at me by what appears to be nothing there. And one of my friends has a photo we took looking up into that room, and quite visibly are two very red and very angry eyes in it. The gurney is constantly moving not just rooms, but FLOORS, and this thing is SO RUSTY that it shouldn't be possible. Not with how destroyed this place is. The last few times I was in though, we couldn't locate it. At all. And there's no way it was stolen, because you can't get it out the windows you have to climb in if you're not going in with permission, and then after that there's no way you'd get it out the fence. So we really have NO IDEA where it went. Doors will slam of no accord in there as well, and then open back up. It's insane. And many people will tell you that driving by there at night, they've seen blue lights in the windows, or their cell phones suddenly loose service, and all sorts of odd things. It was once a beautiful building, too, but too many kids have vandalized it. I'd like to restore it someday though... And outback, before I forget, the incinerators still sit.

But, that's not all. I've been in plenty of other old abandoned places ranging from barns to houses to churches and factories.

In my dreams, I see things. Premonitions, if you will, because they tend to come true if/when I have them. I do tarot readings that are 90% accurate and have predicted the death of my cat with them. I'm into it all.

At my grandmother's, both my sister and I were terrified to sleep in the upstairs bedroom, and it felt like if we did we would die. When we did sleep, all we could dream about were out parents dying on the trip back home to come get us. And the Virgin Mary statue up on the bureau was constantly shaking and rattling at night it seemed. Like something was trying to get rid of it. And we did tell my grandmother, and she told us not to worry because that statue was blessed. Well, I can believe it, because whatever it was never was able to harm us, and never did succeed in breaking that statue. But I have not slept in that room ever since.

In one of the graveyards I like to go to, first when with a large group we could hear something following us and we were sure we were the only ones there, and we could hear banshee like screams. More than one person, myself included, felt randomly sick and fatigued in there. And when we left, there was a bird that had been SHOVED through the fence, because there's no way in hell it could have flown that forcefully into it and killed itself, let alone in the position it was in. The second time with just two other friends, we were walking along when Tabby told us to stop and turn off the flashlights and look back. Well, there were three of us... but FOUR human shadows. I tried to get a picture, but I didn't have time to use my tripod (time is of the essence when you needed to get someone home on time), and flash kills shadows. So you'll have to take me at my word. It was CREEPY to say the least.

And at my apartment in Massachusetts, there was a ghost that loved to rattle the pipes. And from what I heard from my upstairs neighbor, pee on the bathroom walls as well. Most of the tenants and a good chunk of people in town would tell you that building was haunted, too. I tended to sleep with a light on for good reason, but never anything more than something small as a night light.

So why did I tell you all that? Well, to tell you this of course!

July 24th, while home alone house and pet sitting, my microwave for the second time in its life in this home went AWOL. It was turning itself on and running both the cooking and defrost functions. I had to go out to turn it off. And I was on mic with Mousey at the time, on PalTalk, and she was getting scared too. But we turned the mics off by unplugging them from our computers because they weren't working properly and cutting out so bad that it wasn't worth it. And I was totally channeling something that night, because my emotions wouldn't stay stable at all.

So about every hour I was going to turn off the microwave, waiting for 7am when I could call my parents up at camp to find out about where in the back the plug was, because I couldn't find it as dumb as that is. And as it was I needed to climb up onto the counter to reach it, which might be why, and I did cut myself trying to get this plug out.

But what was freaky, was how the little green box around my avatar kept lighting up on PalTalk to signal sound coming from my side of the chat, even though there was no way sound could get through because there were no mics plugged in AT ALL.

And then we decided to disable audio when Mousey audibly heard a scream of terror and anguish from a girl come out her speakers from me, with no mics plugged in. NOT COOL.

Daylight never looked so good that day, I swear. oo;;; My cats would not stop laying in front of my bedroom door, either, as if they didn't want me to leave, or they didn't want something to get in.

So chalk it up to paranoia or whatever you want, I'm standing behind what I've seen, heard, and experienced. And... I'm going with spiritual activity.


Elise said...

Those are some really creepy stories, Saki... While I'm not a very spiritual person myself, I do believe that when we die, we leave something behind in our wake. Whether that is a soul, spirit, or some type of as of yet undiscovered energy, I do believe that there are things that we do not (and will not ever, until death) understand.

I'm from a town called East Bridgewater, an integral part of King Philip's War in the 1600's. There are all sorts of Native American burial mounds in the woods in town. My friends and I would always go out to them and hang around drinking, smoking, and doing drugs near them. We'd often dare one another to dig up a mound, but nobody could ever do it. Not even miss "There are no ghosts" Rachael. It was almost like there was some force saying "If you dig this up, you're fucked" and we always left them alone.

Samantha said...

Yeah... I wouldn't dig those up either, and I'm prone to doing dumb shit like that if you can't tell. xD