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Saturday, August 16, 2008

And so...

Well, after applying to:
-Hall of Springs
-JCPenny Portraits
-Lifetouch Studios
-Two random studios on CriagsList
-Sears Portrait Studio

I finally got ONE phone call back.

So, as of two days ago? Yeah, Thursday, I have an interview at Sears Portrait Studio. Monday, 2pm. FINALLY. You'd think it was a crime to get a job lately with how difficult that was.

Granted, it's not my idea of a prime job in photography; but at least it's in photography, and it'll be some form of income. Now all I have to do is nail the interview and get my ass hired. Oh boy.

On the flip side, I'm still working on my room. We're down to folding clothes and the last few large things though, so not too much is left. I just REALLY hate to fold clothes. :P

I was gonna go out and do photos of the full moon over the water behind mountains at about 4am today, but that fell through thanks to RAIN. D: And it was probably a stupid idea anyway considering it was 4am, and I would have been alone.

My sleeping is all sorts of SCREWED UP. I have trouble remembering what day it is and what happened when because of it. Thursday I slept from 1:30pm-9:30pm, and yesterday I slept from 2:30pm to 10:30pm, and I haven't gone back to bed since. But I think I'm going to crash soon and hope I get flipped back around. *crosses fingers*

I also have a senior portrait booked for Tuesday! HUZZAH!

And speaking of HUZZAH, I met my FAVOURITE COMIC ARTIST EVER in a LIVE VOICE CHAT on Wednesday at 8pm! Lora Innes of The Dreamer is an AMAZING writer and artist, and I am SO IN LOVE with her comic it's insane. I plan on stalking the comic store soon enough to buy it, because she just got a printing offer that was WELL DESERVED. Of course, I already have one of the limited edition Issue One teasers, so I'm happy. And I bought this print as well, because it's so amazing. So seriously, check her out. It's worth your time. And, should you be so inclined... buy me her stuff? xD I kid... maybe >.>

Anyways, I'm out. Either to sleep or clean! Ciao!

Oh yeah... and... last one from the shoot x'D

Senior Profile by *Saknika on deviantART

1 comment:

Elise said...

Congratulations! I hope the interview goes well and you get the job! You've earned it with all the hard work that you've put into applying at different places. ^^