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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Grave of the Fireflies

I am a total sucker for Studio Ghibli films. Hayao Miyazaki is probably my favourite directer of all times, and the stuff Ghibli and he produce are AMAZING.

That being said, Grave of the Fireflies made me cry all over my keyboard.

The movie is set back in WWII Japan, and you follow the life of this boy and how the war basically tears his family apart. I'm not going to say too much incase you want to watch it, but it's a SAD MOVIE. No if, ands, or buts; this movie is just PURE SADNESS. I'm not a crier, but I cried through a lot of it, and just thinking about it makes me want to cry again. Still, as sad as it is, it's a REALLY GOOD movie. And I recommend it to everyone. It makes you really thankful for all the small things in life, that's for sure.


Someone get me a tissue. TTATT

Anyways... in the better half of society (god it's been a while since I said that LMAO)...

I called Sears back... for the third time... and I may or may not have a job. What. The. Hell.

Basically, as maddening as the winter rush is going to be, they hired someone else and since Beth (the person who does the hiring) is going on vacation and won't be back until September 2nd, she said to call back (again) then and we'll see what we can work out.


So I really don't like this being-jerked-around game. But I sure as hell won't be working for Walmart, because good god, I'm not going to walk into a headache.

But I'm not so sure that's not what I'm doing with Sears.

Damn. Looks like the job hunt shall continue. Bastards.

1 comment:

Elise said...

Definitely a great film. I've seen it a couple of times and I cry every time, too. And sorry to hear about your situation with Sears... I don't get it, why didn't they call you back and ask if you were still interested before they hired someone else?! That totally sucks. I hope you're able to work out something with them or find employment elsewhere. Good luck, Saki! ^^