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Friday, March 13, 2009

Website v2

So tonight I updated my website to v2, and I have to say, it looks AMAZING. >.> You totally should check it out! :D

It all started with that background. I was debating on how I wanted to do my site, since I knew I wanted to get away from iFrames and into the SimpleViewer (iFrames and SimpleViewer do not play nice together), and considering all options. I didn't have a photo I could put there that would work that wouldn't stick me with black and white, and that just wasn't good. I like colour, it's as simple as that. Which is why v1 was brown and green and stuff. But this one had to be cleaner than that, since I was also tired of such an overwhelming colour. Lemme tell ya, balance is not an easy thing when it comes to wanting something clean, but something with colour.

I don't know how the idea fully hit, but as I was going through what I could do, I started considering making a negative strip and putting some of my photos in it. But this just didn't seem like a good idea because then there would be too many colours for a single theme. And then it just kind of hit me that I could use my old b+w negatives from High School for the background, and I taped my favourite ones down to paper and put it in front of my strobe and took a picture. Voila, I had a background.

It started there with that background. I got my colour scheme from it, and I built around it. The header was actually really easy, since I created that style when I started planning out some stationary and stuff, so it wasn't too big a deal.

What was a big deal, were the damn links. Since I wasn't going to be using iFrames (and they weren't working anyways *shakefist*) I had to figure out a way to specify two sets of link properties. And I failed miserably, but my friend James from SSD came to the rescue! So those links are courtesy of James, who explained how to create them to me. THANK YOU JAMES, I LOVE YOU HARDCORE STYLE. <3

After that was done it was basically just adding in content. I edited stuff from the old site, but mostly it was just copypasta. The hard part was the photos... since I had to go fish them off of my discs. I'm not quite done yet either, but that's okay. I got the majority up and that's what matters. And thanks to Lightroom, it was hecka simple to do. LIGHTROOM FTW!

It was a long nine hours. But overall, I'd say it's worth it.


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