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Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's Going Around

That nasty bug that's going around? Yup, I think I've got it. Every time I've eaten today, I've suddenly felt nauseated. And my brother was vomiting this morning. And now, I have a fever. And I feel super run down. And just... blah. I hate this. Don't want it at all. I don't want to be sick! D: I have a grad party coming up, and I need to go do stuff tomorrow. v_v;;;

In the mean time though, I have the Gaia Rejected Olympics to keep me occupied, and a light kit waiting to be set up and used once I'm not feeling like I'm going to loose my innards. @x@;;;

1 comment:

Elise said...

You're not feeling well again? You need a stronger immune system, Saki! XD I hope you feel better soon!