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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tiny Dog Pawty

So I photographed a Tiny Dog Pawty on July 26th, and it was a lot of fun. Everyone there was very kind, and the dogs were tons of fun to be around! They seemed very curious about myself and Steve, too, since they just all kind of congregated around us as soon as we arrived. It was super cute.

Some must have felt I was invading their territory though, since they kicked dirt at me. Haha, silly pooches.

There was this one poor poodle too. It just wanted to play, but since it was twice the size of all the other dogs, they all just kind of ran away from it. Except for this one really beautiful white dog. I wanted to take that one home with me. >_>

The best part was that this was a paid assignment. Not only did I get paid for coming out to do candids, but I did some posed work that has gained some interest. Definitely a double win for me!

Here are some of the photos:

Hi, Please Pet Me by =Saknika on deviantART

I'm Coming by =Saknika on deviantART

Happily Lazy by =Saknika on deviantART

Get My Good Side by =Saknika on deviantART

It's All About Us by =Saknika on deviantART

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Meeting of Chance or Fate?

I met a young boy, who couldn't have been more than six years old, today while I was out doing some flower photography. After the terrible week I had at work, and the bad night last night with my stomach, this child had a vast effect on me, and really made me stop and be thankful for what I had, and not angry at what was going wrong.

The reason why this is, is because I was doing flower photography in a graveyard today. Graveyards always have the best flowers, don't they? But anyways, aside from the photos...

So I was taking photos, and I heard his voice calling out "Hi there, what's your name?" This is pretty strange, since I'm in a graveyard, and it was stranger to look over and see a six year old calling that out to me. So I told him my name and asked his. It was Collin, and he proceeded to tell me the following:

"Hi Samantha! I'm here praying at my Mom's grave, are you here praying too? (I told him I was not) Oh, well I come every day to pray at her grave, my grandparents bring me because I never knew my father. And my great-great-great grandfathers are in here too. One died in WWI and the other died in WWII. (I asked him if he was proud of them for dying honorably.) Yeah I am. And one day, I saw an American flag on the ground, so I picked it up and washed it at home and put it at my Mom's grave. (I didn't have the heart to tell him you're supposed to burn the flag, he was trying to right the wrong in his own way. I then asked if he liked to leave flowers at his Mom's grave too.) Yeah, I do. I pick them, well actually I'm killing them, but I pick them myself for her grave. Once I pulled out a flower's roots too, so I dug a hole and put them in it. (I asked if they were still alive.) Yes, they are! (He looked so proud. By now we were wandering towards the exit since I had to get back to my friends. I asked if he was at the playground with people.) Yeah, I am with my grandparents. I really like looking at the big gravestones in here though, they're cool. Are you leaving Samantha? (I told him yes, I had to get going.) Bye Samantha! (I said goodbye, and he waved, and ran off to go meet back up with his people at the graveyard.)"

Honestly... what are the chances? It broke my heart, but at the same time it made me so thankful that I do have a complete family, and good friends. The fact that he prays every day at his mother's grave though, and did that with the American flag... This is the kind of youth America needs. A respectful youth, and a youth that's proud of their country.

Collin is a special little boy. I really just wanted to give him a hug. I hope the rest of his life is a happy one. So far, it seems like it, but I think he's lonely.

Thank you Collin for teaching me a lesson I had forgotten.

Friday, July 17, 2009

I hate my job

I seriously cannot put enough emphasis on how much I HATE my job. Seriously, I will NEVER work in food service again, because this shit is ridiculous. Stewart's, you are the WORST work experience I've ever had.

To start off, I have injured my right shoulder from scooping ice cream. It aches every night now when I get home from work if I've scooped a lot of ice cream or moved a lot of really heavy items.

My feet, legs, knees, hips, and back all KILL from standing all day, because those special pads are only at the registers, and they don't work very well anyways.

It's DEADLY HOT even with AC, because all we have are these heavy-fabric shirts, and we HAVE to wear long pants, but not jeans! So good luck finding anything decent for the summer.

You have to do EVERYTHING in the store. You ring customers, stock shelves, stock the cooler, stock freezers, sweep and mop, clean the bathroom, make coffee, make food, scoop ice cream, and various other tasks. And you know what the pay rate is? Not nearly enough. I do all this for $8.50/hr.

So the job was shit from the start, but I put up with it because it's money in an even shittier economy.


Yesterday I went in, and my manager bitched me out for leaving my coworker alone for an hour on Wednesday with only a stocker. Lemme tell ya, I was scheduled until 4, and it is NOT my fault that no one was scheduled to relieve me until 5. My coworker did not ask me to stay, nor was it busy, and instead she told my other coworker to man dip for the hour. So to me, who was leaving, everything seemed to be a-okay.

No, obviously not. My other coworker said it was crazy when she got there, and my manager flipped out on me for leaving when I was scheduled to. So I told her flat out that I didn't know the other kid wasn't register trained, because hell, far as I knew he was. And I was generally just like "What did you want me to do? No one asked me to stay and it wasn't crazy when I left." To which I got "It doesn't matter, your coworker wouldn't have left you alone with nothing but a stocker. I messed up the schedule, but you shouldn't have left."

I had no idea and I told her as much, and she basically didn't care. Far as I could tell I was being blamed for her mistake, because I didn't take responsibility for it.

Of course, the week before we all got yelled at for not selling enough and loosing a lot of cash.

So now I must make sure to ask every customer who buys only one pack of cigarettes "You know, if you buy a second pack you save 50 cents." I am disgusted with myself for having to do it or lose my job. Seriously, we have to promote bad health choices now? I'm okay with asking if they want a danish with their coffee, or a milkshake to go, but pushing more cancer sticks on someone? It's just not right.

And you should see the amount of lottery tickets people buy! They need to call the gambler hotline, seriously, it's that bad. We have so many people who everyday come in and buy $50 worth of tickets to gamble on. It's disgusting.

So today while I was there, the morning wasn't bad. But the afternoon... good god. I'm trying to leave, and things are just insane. There is a cash check going on, so we're down one register, and a huge line of people. I can do NOTHING to help, because everyone just wants to check out, so I feel useless to start. Then as soon as I am able to ring in the last five minutes of my shift, I asked my coworker if she could take over for me so I could pull my report for the night. And I got a snotty "No I cannot. I'm in the middle of redoing the cash check because it came out wrong. You have to stay until it's done anyways, and you should care about the outcome since this effects you as well."

She's been there a month. She's just everyone's favourite because she used to be a manager at a pizzaria, and so she's being taught everything right off. So she acts like a bigger person than she probably should. Needless to say though, I didn't appreciate the attitude I got. But I said nothing back, because I wasn't going to cause shit in front of the customers. I really wanted to tell her that it didn't really matter what the outcome was though, since there would be nothing I could do about it anyways. The cash drawers are shared, so you can't tell who lost the money.

My one other coworker rang shakes I made up for people under her number as well at the beginning of the week. And this is a big deal because this week our shake numbers are what matter most towards us getting a bonus at the beginning of next month or so. So I was pissed, but once again, there was nothing I could do about it.

Overall, I am just really sick of the bullshit at this job. I know there is bullshit at every job, but this is above and beyond. So I'm going to go to temp agencies after my engagement shoot tomorrow (the bday girl opted not to have me attend her party) or something, because I need something different.

Usually in the summer, I'm fine without my anti-depressant pills. But Stewart's is driving me head first into a really bad depression again. I shouldn't have to take medication because of a job, and it's starting to look that way.


Friday, July 3, 2009

The Good and The Bad

Today has been both a good and a bad day. I woke up to excellent news. Not only did I secure a job photographing a doggy-get-together event, but the same people emailed me back and are wondering if I'd be available to photograph their daughter's sweet sixteen party. Um... yes? Not a difficult question to answer. It'll be a bit of a trip though, since it is in Grafton at the state park, but hey, for the right price I am willing to work with you. I will have to find an assistant though. Shouldn't be too hard, since it's on a Saturday.

I also received a message from my cousin, since he is engaged, and he would like engagement photos. Well, to be more accurate his fiance contacted me, but close enough. So I will be doing those as well, which should be nice.

Later today I went with Steve to meet his grandparents, since they did want to meet me, and so he could help them out a bit. They are wonderful people, and his grandmother is an excellent cook. We were treated to lunch upon arriving, and I think the most awkward part of the entire day was saying grace. I have nothing against it, it's just not something my family has ever practiced at every meal. I'm only accustomed to it on holidays. So it did throw me a bit, but I don't think anyone noticed nor minded.

I helped Steve out with what needed to be done, and his grandmother ran a few errands. Actually, she asked if I wanted to accompany her instead of working, but I declined since I figured Steve could use a helping hand. And he did, since he can't bend down well to use a dust pan. xD

After that the four of us sat and watched the birds and chatted on an enclosed porch. Their house is really cute, reminded me a lot of my late grandmother's house, on my mother's side.

I'm pretty sure I left a good impression too, because I got hugs when I left. :)

It wasn't until after we got home that things started going downhill.

I didn't get much sleep last night, unfortunately, and then I had a long day today. So that started the whole mess. The next big thing was the Def Leppard, Poison, and Cheap Trick concert tonight--I really wanted to go, but because I work tomorrow from 6am-noon, I couldn't. The fact that my mother and brother still aren't back yet from it (my sister left early since she didn't care for Def Leppard so much) is evidence that I made the more responsible decision.

However, I LOVE Poison. They were my first real concert, and I really wanted to go again. I'm also a good fan of the other two bands, too. I've wanted to go to this concert since I found out about it four months ago. But we never made any commitments, so I couldn't get the time off; and even if I had asked for it, it would have been denied since we're all supposed to work every holiday. I was honestly hoping that they didn't go, since Mom bought the tickets today, because I am very envious. I can admit to that. The fact that they did go though depresses me, because I know I'm missing out on something really awesome due to work.

The other concert I wanted to see was REO Speedwagon. But guess when they're coming to SPAC. The correct answer is tomorrow, and I already have plans. Seriously, what band performs on a holiday? It sucks all around. And the Billy Joel and Elton John concert sold out on me. :< I really wanted to see Billy Joel in concert too, have since I first started listening to him when I was in elementary school.

So my summer concert schedule is pretty much bust this year, which blows. And I blame my job at Stewart's, because they demand so much and pay so little.

I'm also upset because I have a six hour shift tomorrow. I know I volunteered for it, but I was kind of hoping she'd cut me a break anyways. But that's not the case, because I'm working the morning and therefore we don't get the holiday rush the afternoon will get. Yeah. Right. Most people will be leaving for the lake bright and early, meaning between 8 and 10am, I bet we'll be swamped.

Definitely not looking forward to it.

And because I was already starting to get depressed over these two things, I didn't want to let go of Steve. I'm a little clingy when I'm depressed, but mostly because I just want company I can trust. Steve does have to go home at night though to take care of his kitties, at least if we don't plan ahead, and so he did have to leave. And that was pretty much the icing on the cake for really dropping my mood tonight.

So it's been a lot of ups and downs today. I'm hoping tomorrow goes smoothly enough, since I work, then I have a picnic to attend, and then I'm doing fireworks. I'm really looking forward to the fireworks though. <3

A Forum for Photographers

It's complete! I have finally completed my pet project! What is it you ask? Well, if you read the title, you've probably already figured it out, but I'll tell you anyways!

Over the past week I've been working with a couple of friends on a forum specifically for photographers to share their work, get feedback, and discuss the industry. I know, there are places like DA to do such things, but it's still not a really localized community. We're still spread out, and making connections is still tough. That, and keeping up with specific topics on the DA forums aren't easy.

So that's why I decided to build a forum just for photography. If you're wondering why I was so specific, it's because I had one geared towards all art, and it bombed miserably. So just photography folks, and nothing more. I'm thinking about expanding it to photomanipulations and digital darkroom type stuff eventually, but we shall see how it goes for now.

Still with me and interested in taking a peek? Well, then head on over to this [link] and see what I'm so excited about! And if you're a photographer, I hope to see you there. :3

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I have my Fireworks Schedule!

It's that time of the year again! I LOVE fireworks, like, a crazy insane amount. And as such, I attend as many displays as I can possibly fit in to my summer. This year, the only hindrance will probably be all the rain we've been getting, but I've found four I could attend so I should make at least one!

July third, this coming Friday, Lanzi's on the Lake is having their display. However, there is a 50% chance of rain and storms so I'll have to play it by ear. That, and I might still be in Glens Falls with Steve, because his grandparents would like to meet me, and they have some things they need help with from Steve. However, it is a possibility.

This Saturday, right on the fourth, I will be very busy. First, I will be working from 6am until noon, and everyone should come visit me and get a waffle cone to celebrate! They're on sale, and we have the best ice cream. After work, I will be coming home to change, and then I am heading to Steve's parents' house for a picnic. Once the sun starts getting low, Steve and I are then heading out to go to Congress Park, where there will be a FANTASTIC display of fireworks. If any of you remember the shots I got last year, it was at this display. You just have to hand it to Saratoga. Saturday's forecast, at least right now, is calling for isolated thunderstorms, but only at a 30% chance. So it should be excellent weather for the weekend.

Since it will definitely be excellent weather on Sunday, the fifth, I will probably be able to make the display at the Sport Island Pub. I've been to that one as well, and it's always well done. Better than Lanzi's, and the two places are owned by the same person. xD

The last stop will be the I Go Inn on the eleventh. That's too far in the future to determine how the weather will be, but I'm crossing my fingers for it to be a wonderful day. These will be the only fireworks I haven't seen before, which is very exciting!

So it looks like this:
July 3rd: Lanzi's on the Lake at Dusk, meaning about 9pm I would think.
July 4th: Congress Park at Dark, meaning about 9:30pm usually.
July 5th: Sport Island Pub at Dusk.
July 11th: I Go Inn at Dusk.

The cool thing about Lanzi's, the Pub, and the Inn; is that you can actually watch the fireworks on the Sacandaga Lake from your boat. That's how we always did it when we could afford a marina slip, and it was so much fun.

And hey, if you plan on attending any of these and want to tag along, and I actually know you, drop me a line. We can meet up or something.

It's sure to be a blast!