One of the biggest issues plaguing the political forefront right now is the matter of how our actions have and are effecting the climate. When we first began to mine coal and oil to run engines and create the electricity we now require, no one knew what the consequences would be fifty years down the road. Unfortunately, they weren't good and now the globe is in a bit of a crisis.
While I don't think it's as serious as some people claim, due to the trends of El Nino and La Nina, I do believe that there is a problem, and that we all need to do our little bit to make some changes happen. Some will have to be done at a government level, and others have to be done on a personal level.
The biggest one though is our dependency, in the United States, on oil. More specifically, the fact that our cars run on gasoline that is refined from oil. Right now we are entirely dependent on this product in order to gain transportation anywhere, be it by car or bus, and we are wasting it. The technology and ability to create a more-efficient carburetor and engine is out there, but the US does not use it. I fully believe this is due to the greed of the oil companies, look at how high gas prices went after all! And unfortunately for we, the people, the government has their fingers dipped into oil stocks and would hate to loose money because the profits dropped. And as such, we don't have gas-efficient cars.
The electric car is a novel idea, but for people like myself who live out in the mountains, they're not as wonderful as everyone thinks. It takes a lot more for cars to get up our hills, and we don't have cute little short distances to drive. Everything is generally thirty or more minutes from where we live, and there isn't any public transportation to take you there. So until an electric car is efficient enough to go 300-500 miles a day on one charge, they probably won't be a viable option for some of us.
Another issue with the electric car is the safety of our rescue squads who may have to cut us out of the vehicle in the event of an accident. There needs to be some sort of way to wire it so that those fine young men and women won't get electrocuted trying to save our lives.
Second largest issue with the US, is the fact that we have not signed the Kyoto Agreement. Doing so would put us under the same standards that many other countries have accepted, and would help us to do our part in cleaning up the environment.
On a more individual level, there are many small things that can be done that will contribute best when many are doing it.
If everyone used energy-efficient products it would help cut down on the consumption of electricity, and thus less coal would be burned. It'll also help if people learn how to most efficiently place lights and windows in their homes, so that it takes less energy to light a room. Similarly, turning lights off in rooms you aren't using will save on energy consumption as well.
Recycling what we can will cut back on the removal of trees and other natural resources to make more. Trees are vital to our environment since they scrub the carbon dioxide out of the air we breathe.
Carpooling when possible will cut down on our emissions output, and it will save us all a lot of money!
Businesses that are able to go paperless should, and save on the amount of paper products used each year.
Participation in Earth Hour, where you use no electricity for just one hour, is another really great way to help the environment. It's amazing just how much you can do by going without electricity for one hour of the year!
I think the biggest reason why people don't do things like this though, is because they're always asking "why?", and because they don't think that there is anything wrong with the environment.
What everyone has to realize is that the effects are slow to appear. However, the Earth's attempts to remedy itself aren't hard to see. Sars, Katrina, tsunamis, earth quakes, bird flu, swine flu--you name a pandemic or national disaster, and I'll bet you anything it was created by the earth to try and get rid of the problem it's having.
If we don't learn to take care of what we have, there won't be anything left to take care of tomorrow.
We already have a hole in the ozone layer, shrinking polar caps, and screwed up seasons. What more do we have to see before we start to realize that there is a problem?
Something that fascinates me though, is the fact that our polar caps are shrinking, and sea levels are rising. Looking at that, and then looking at mythology from around the world, it makes me wonder if all the end of the world myths were right--we're going to loose everything to a great flood.
I certainly hope not, and that's why I'm trying to do my part to help keep my Earth clean. Are you?
Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change
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Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
This is why you should be an informed voter!
Let me start this off by saying that this is not meant to be a rant, but it may sound like it in parts. I also want to say that I live in a VERY small town of less than 2,000 people spread out over a lot of land (aka the middle of nowhere in the backwoods), so if anything you have to say in a comment concerns population size, please keep that in mind.
So, with those key points out of the way, let me get into my story.
In my town we have two fire stations, so that everyone is within a five-mile range of a station should their house catch on fire. We're an entirely volunteer system, and have seen a lot of changes over the past few years as management has changed. Ten years ago when my father and a friend of the family were in the department, there were always fundraisers going on, and events organized. Mostly because those two could motivate people and get stuff done. However, my father had to go out on social (means he's a part of the department but cannot respond to calls) because of his knee surgeries, and the friend of the family left because he had put in at least twenty years, and decided it was time to get more new people in. After this however, as more and more of the former generation left, everything went downhill. No one organizes fundraisers anymore, politics get in the way of everything, and certain people keep trying to stay in the upper ranks to control the show and have a power trip, not for the good of the town nor the stations. What's sad is that when the board of commissioners tries to rectify this situation, politics get in again, and nothing really gets fixed.
Over the years our fire stations have gone to waste. Maintenance and repairs haven't been done to keep them up to code, and now we're facing the fact that we can't have trucks that are up to code because they don't fit through the station doors. Someday I will snag some photos of how old these stations are, but the one is looking to be condemned soon it's so bad. No one in town is joking when they say that if you kick it, it might fall over.
Because of the disrepair that these stations are in, over the last five years the commissioners have been working on plans to not only build a new station on the land that the soon-to-be-condemned one is on, but to repair the other one since its not in as bad of shape, but it does need to be brought up to code and made to handle the newer trucks that are coming out. Yesterday evening, as everything is coming to a head, the station went up to vote. Do the townspeople want the new station, or not.
I'm sure many of you remember the Scott Murphey update, when he came and spoke at our station. He spoke there so that he could see the station that the grant was being put in for, and so he could better lobby for us to get state money to fix what we need. We're actually in the running to have the entire station built on state money, and have enough to cover the repairs to the other building as well. Meaning that no taxpayer money would be used on these buildings.
However, politics interfered, and one woman (whose name will not be mentioned, but was a part of the planning party for the new station) made it known to the people that she did not want this station anymore, and told everyone she could that it was going to raise their taxes more than was necessary, and basically just slung mud about the entire thing. It is speculated that the unsigned letter that went out slamming everything that our fire commissioners were trying to do was sent by her, based on the writing style and her animosity, but we are not sure. Either way, because of this, things went downhill. And the whole reason she did this, as far as we are aware, is because she didn't want one of the fire-fighters whom she doesn't care for to get something he wanted--the new station.
What's sad is that the new station got shot down last night, because enough voters didn't go to the informational meetings, of which two were held, to learn about everything that the commissioners were doing, and to learn of the grant. The meetings were well-publicized, but because of the mud-slinging barely anyone showed up for the meetings, and no one could be bothered to become an informed voter.
This is their safety that went up for vote, and because they shot down the new station, if and when the grant is offered, the commissioners now have to turn it down because the people said they don't want the new station. Tax payer money will now have to pay for the repairs to the old station, because it has to be brought up to code, and the second station is going to have to be condemned. However, because it's still property of the fire department, it still has to be maintained, and so it's just a money-hole. The station that is staying is over five miles from my house, and I live on the outskirts of town. It's going to probably be faster for the fire department from the next town over to get to my house than my own town, and so I will hope that my home never catches fire now because there'd be no saving it unless we did it ourselves. And this means that a good portion of people are outside that range, and for some insurance companies, that means their coverage can be dropped.
So all their worrying over taxes being raised is going to come right around to bite them, because by shooting down the new station, the grant must now be denied. The town can't accept the grant for a station that's not going to be built. And this all came about because political games won out instead of information.
It was really sad, too, because I heard that after the votes were counted, one woman who is a part of the town council went up to the president of the commissioners and said "I'm sorry, I voted no." And I'm proud to say our commissioner told her "Don't worry, I have a long memory."
How do I know some of this? My mother has been a commissioner for quite a few years. And I know exactly what was put out at those informational meetings, and I know more things that are going on but can't be said publicly. But on behalf of the townspeople, they are going to try to rectify things, but legally they may not be able to.
If you take this scenario of one small town, and then apply it to the country as a whole, is it any wonder our voting system no longer works properly? People are forced to vote based on political games because that's all our politicians play, and it's difficult to get the information they need to properly vote. Or they vote based entirely on what party they are, and don't even try to look at the information given. The majority of this country doesn't make an informed vote anymore, and that's why things are getting as bad as they are!
Politicians, while corrupt, are only as corrupt as we the people allow them to be!
So the next time you're getting ready to vote, and to exercise your right to do so, remember this one small town who may no longer have proper fire coverage because the people were not informed. And instead of just listening to one side, and to the political games, get out there, get yourself informed, and make a good decision based on the information you learn!
I have no issues with the people who were informed and voted no, they didn't want the station. But I don't think they were the majority, based on the fact that maybe ten people showed up for the informational meetings.
So now I can only hope that things can be rectified in the end, and that karma makes sure all of these people are made aware of the decision that they made.
And I truly hope that each and every one of you who lives in the United States, and who is old enough to vote, takes note of this story and never makes an uninformed vote again.
So, with those key points out of the way, let me get into my story.
In my town we have two fire stations, so that everyone is within a five-mile range of a station should their house catch on fire. We're an entirely volunteer system, and have seen a lot of changes over the past few years as management has changed. Ten years ago when my father and a friend of the family were in the department, there were always fundraisers going on, and events organized. Mostly because those two could motivate people and get stuff done. However, my father had to go out on social (means he's a part of the department but cannot respond to calls) because of his knee surgeries, and the friend of the family left because he had put in at least twenty years, and decided it was time to get more new people in. After this however, as more and more of the former generation left, everything went downhill. No one organizes fundraisers anymore, politics get in the way of everything, and certain people keep trying to stay in the upper ranks to control the show and have a power trip, not for the good of the town nor the stations. What's sad is that when the board of commissioners tries to rectify this situation, politics get in again, and nothing really gets fixed.
Over the years our fire stations have gone to waste. Maintenance and repairs haven't been done to keep them up to code, and now we're facing the fact that we can't have trucks that are up to code because they don't fit through the station doors. Someday I will snag some photos of how old these stations are, but the one is looking to be condemned soon it's so bad. No one in town is joking when they say that if you kick it, it might fall over.
Because of the disrepair that these stations are in, over the last five years the commissioners have been working on plans to not only build a new station on the land that the soon-to-be-condemned one is on, but to repair the other one since its not in as bad of shape, but it does need to be brought up to code and made to handle the newer trucks that are coming out. Yesterday evening, as everything is coming to a head, the station went up to vote. Do the townspeople want the new station, or not.
I'm sure many of you remember the Scott Murphey update, when he came and spoke at our station. He spoke there so that he could see the station that the grant was being put in for, and so he could better lobby for us to get state money to fix what we need. We're actually in the running to have the entire station built on state money, and have enough to cover the repairs to the other building as well. Meaning that no taxpayer money would be used on these buildings.
However, politics interfered, and one woman (whose name will not be mentioned, but was a part of the planning party for the new station) made it known to the people that she did not want this station anymore, and told everyone she could that it was going to raise their taxes more than was necessary, and basically just slung mud about the entire thing. It is speculated that the unsigned letter that went out slamming everything that our fire commissioners were trying to do was sent by her, based on the writing style and her animosity, but we are not sure. Either way, because of this, things went downhill. And the whole reason she did this, as far as we are aware, is because she didn't want one of the fire-fighters whom she doesn't care for to get something he wanted--the new station.
What's sad is that the new station got shot down last night, because enough voters didn't go to the informational meetings, of which two were held, to learn about everything that the commissioners were doing, and to learn of the grant. The meetings were well-publicized, but because of the mud-slinging barely anyone showed up for the meetings, and no one could be bothered to become an informed voter.
This is their safety that went up for vote, and because they shot down the new station, if and when the grant is offered, the commissioners now have to turn it down because the people said they don't want the new station. Tax payer money will now have to pay for the repairs to the old station, because it has to be brought up to code, and the second station is going to have to be condemned. However, because it's still property of the fire department, it still has to be maintained, and so it's just a money-hole. The station that is staying is over five miles from my house, and I live on the outskirts of town. It's going to probably be faster for the fire department from the next town over to get to my house than my own town, and so I will hope that my home never catches fire now because there'd be no saving it unless we did it ourselves. And this means that a good portion of people are outside that range, and for some insurance companies, that means their coverage can be dropped.
So all their worrying over taxes being raised is going to come right around to bite them, because by shooting down the new station, the grant must now be denied. The town can't accept the grant for a station that's not going to be built. And this all came about because political games won out instead of information.
It was really sad, too, because I heard that after the votes were counted, one woman who is a part of the town council went up to the president of the commissioners and said "I'm sorry, I voted no." And I'm proud to say our commissioner told her "Don't worry, I have a long memory."
How do I know some of this? My mother has been a commissioner for quite a few years. And I know exactly what was put out at those informational meetings, and I know more things that are going on but can't be said publicly. But on behalf of the townspeople, they are going to try to rectify things, but legally they may not be able to.
If you take this scenario of one small town, and then apply it to the country as a whole, is it any wonder our voting system no longer works properly? People are forced to vote based on political games because that's all our politicians play, and it's difficult to get the information they need to properly vote. Or they vote based entirely on what party they are, and don't even try to look at the information given. The majority of this country doesn't make an informed vote anymore, and that's why things are getting as bad as they are!
Politicians, while corrupt, are only as corrupt as we the people allow them to be!
So the next time you're getting ready to vote, and to exercise your right to do so, remember this one small town who may no longer have proper fire coverage because the people were not informed. And instead of just listening to one side, and to the political games, get out there, get yourself informed, and make a good decision based on the information you learn!
I have no issues with the people who were informed and voted no, they didn't want the station. But I don't think they were the majority, based on the fact that maybe ten people showed up for the informational meetings.
So now I can only hope that things can be rectified in the end, and that karma makes sure all of these people are made aware of the decision that they made.
And I truly hope that each and every one of you who lives in the United States, and who is old enough to vote, takes note of this story and never makes an uninformed vote again.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Damages: Update 1
We have the damage totals back from the contractor!
For the wall damage and painting: $2,850
For carpeting beyond cleaning: $1,484
Damaged drop ceiling panels: $80
Misc Repairs (doors, woodwork, ect): $750
Total: $5,164
The new grand total is about $7,464. That is a lot of money. Something tells me Bob isn't going to get off as easy anymore.
He did at least $7,464 in damages, plus stole a deadly weapon, and desecrated the American flag. Looks like he crossed a line and there's no turning back for him. :P
For the wall damage and painting: $2,850
For carpeting beyond cleaning: $1,484
Damaged drop ceiling panels: $80
Misc Repairs (doors, woodwork, ect): $750
Total: $5,164
The new grand total is about $7,464. That is a lot of money. Something tells me Bob isn't going to get off as easy anymore.
He did at least $7,464 in damages, plus stole a deadly weapon, and desecrated the American flag. Looks like he crossed a line and there's no turning back for him. :P
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Damages
This is a follow up to Cleaning the Aftermath, so if you haven't read what comes before, you probably won't understand what I'm talking about here. I shall summarize though.
Steve had a tenant-gone-bad (Bob, for all intent and purposes), who after being told by a judge that he was going to be evicted, totally trashed Steve's house. The cops had to be called, and Bob was taken in, but released. That aside, we then had to start cleaning the house, and get estimates for the damages. Well, the cleaning is doing pretty good, so now it's coming down to money.
/end summary
So, now you have a basic idea should you not want to read the novellas. >_>;
Anyways... on the better half of society...
This morning (about 8am to be exact), I met up with my father and a contractor at Steve's house. Steve had to work, so unfortunately he couldn't be there as well. The guy is someone my father knows through the fire service or something, so he did the consultation for free, which is nice.
He couldn't give us any exacts, but after seeing the ceilings, walls, carpets, and other damages; he said we're probably looking at over $3,000 in damages. He'll have a better idea by this weekend though, after he makes the phone calls to the guys he knows that do painting and carpeting. He just took measurements and recorded what needed to be done to let them know. And the walls are going to be a nightmare because there's crayon and spray paint on them. >_<;
All total though, we're getting close to $5,000 in damages. We have:
-Two TVs at $1,100 total
-Two Mattresses, one full and one twin, approximately $800
-One Boxspring, approximately $400
-Damages estimated by the contractor, approximately $3,000+
-Damaged foosball table, unknown (not sure if it's claimable)
This alone totals at $5,300 or more.
Plus, we require the following items:
-Slipcovers for the furniture with paint on it (un-claimable, happened before this incident)
-New dining room table
-New coffee table
-New silverware
-New bath towels (tenants were using them like toilet paper because they're gross *gag*)
-Lightbulbs (minor, but it adds up)
-New Curtains/Drapes (Bob threw Steve's out because he didn't like them.)
Of those items, I have some pots, pans, and silverware from when I was in Massachusetts that I can give Steve, but we don't know yet if it'll be enough.
Dad says we probably won't actually see any restitution from Bob, since the county will put a judgment against him, but that doesn't mean he can/will pay it. However, with all this we will be able to file a claim with Steve's home owners insurance, and he'll get the money that way. Then if Bob does make any restitution payments, Steve will see money from him. Totally messed up, but at the very least it's better than nothing at all.
So there really is a light at the end of the tunnel. It's just difficult to see through all the fog.
Steve had a tenant-gone-bad (Bob, for all intent and purposes), who after being told by a judge that he was going to be evicted, totally trashed Steve's house. The cops had to be called, and Bob was taken in, but released. That aside, we then had to start cleaning the house, and get estimates for the damages. Well, the cleaning is doing pretty good, so now it's coming down to money.
/end summary
So, now you have a basic idea should you not want to read the novellas. >_>;
Anyways... on the better half of society...
This morning (about 8am to be exact), I met up with my father and a contractor at Steve's house. Steve had to work, so unfortunately he couldn't be there as well. The guy is someone my father knows through the fire service or something, so he did the consultation for free, which is nice.
He couldn't give us any exacts, but after seeing the ceilings, walls, carpets, and other damages; he said we're probably looking at over $3,000 in damages. He'll have a better idea by this weekend though, after he makes the phone calls to the guys he knows that do painting and carpeting. He just took measurements and recorded what needed to be done to let them know. And the walls are going to be a nightmare because there's crayon and spray paint on them. >_<;
All total though, we're getting close to $5,000 in damages. We have:
-Two TVs at $1,100 total
-Two Mattresses, one full and one twin, approximately $800
-One Boxspring, approximately $400
-Damages estimated by the contractor, approximately $3,000+
-Damaged foosball table, unknown (not sure if it's claimable)
This alone totals at $5,300 or more.
Plus, we require the following items:
-Slipcovers for the furniture with paint on it (un-claimable, happened before this incident)
-New dining room table
-New coffee table
-New silverware
-New bath towels (tenants were using them like toilet paper because they're gross *gag*)
-Lightbulbs (minor, but it adds up)
-New Curtains/Drapes (Bob threw Steve's out because he didn't like them.)
Of those items, I have some pots, pans, and silverware from when I was in Massachusetts that I can give Steve, but we don't know yet if it'll be enough.
Dad says we probably won't actually see any restitution from Bob, since the county will put a judgment against him, but that doesn't mean he can/will pay it. However, with all this we will be able to file a claim with Steve's home owners insurance, and he'll get the money that way. Then if Bob does make any restitution payments, Steve will see money from him. Totally messed up, but at the very least it's better than nothing at all.
So there really is a light at the end of the tunnel. It's just difficult to see through all the fog.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Cleaning the Aftermath: Update 2
So, we've gotten a lot more cleaning done since I last updated! :O
My mom and brother came over to wash the dishes, and before they could they cleaned up the counters and the stove. The stove does need to be hit again because it was so gross, but at least the majority of the nasty is gone.
They both agree with my friend though, those dishes were a life changing experience. As it is, we're going to have to throw a lot out because even after being brillowed and bleached, they didn't come fully clean. So Steve and I are going through everything, and any that have black spots on them where mold must have eaten away at the coating or something are getting tossed. Thankfully I have some silverware from when I went to college that he can have, but we'll have to buy more eventually. Add that to our list of expenses.
I guess while we were off picking up Subway for everyone though, Mom and Ethan went to start the pots, and opened a lid... and had to vacate the house because it smelled so bad. >_>; And this is after Brendan dumped out most of the contents. >_<; So gross! So they left the pots to us, and we're going to do them soon. Along with bleaching the island and small eating area. After that all we have to do is sweep up the floor and mop it with some Lysol, and the kitchen is done, aside from changing one of the florescent bulbs, but that's neither here nor there. Steve cleaned up the fridge after Mark cleaned it out, and I don't think Mark wanted to have lunch after that. >_>; So we really are close in the kitchen!
Meanwhile, Mark and Dan got all the mats in the workout room scrubbed down with Lysol, and then Steve and I swept and tidied in there. It was probably the easiest room in the house, and now we can practice martial arts there! :D Plus, Steve is going to offer private lessons out of his home to help pay the bills. Seems like a great idea to me!
We also got the living room and dining room back in order, so all the furniture is arranged. As crappy as it is to have the graffiti on the walls, it's nice to walk in and see furnished and tidy(ish) rooms. We'll be moving the furniture when it comes time to have the carpets cleaned and to paint the walls. We're actually thinking of tearing the carpet out of the dining room though, since there's hardwood below. But that's a distant project right now.
The dining room table cannot be saved though. My mom was kind enough to point out that it's laminate, and so we can't sand it down and putty it up. So we'll be taking the advice offered to us by you wonderful people, and looking into places where we can get furniture cheap!
Oh! We also have hot water now. A friend of Steve's came over and hooked up the hot water heater, and so Steve can use all his home functions again. His Dad fixed the thermostat for him, which turns out that a wire had been deliberately cut it in.
We got in contact with the cops last Saturday as well, and upon informing him of the fact that Steve's katana was missing, among a few other things, an APB was put out on Bob for him to be arrested on sight for theft of a deadly weapon. Considering Bob was the only other one living there at the time the katana went missing, and we've searched everywhere, it's safe to say he stole it. He's also getting charges for peeing on his boxspring, mattress, and floor; and because he desecrated an American flag. But the noose thing nothing will come of, because it was so poorly done the cop said they'd claim we were drawing conclusions. At least he's honest. Still, there's so much more that can be claimed. So this guy... I'll honestly loose all faith in the judicial system of this country if he doesn't do some serious time.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel though! We get the estimates on the walls this Thursday, and possibly the flooring as well where it was peed on. Then it's just some minor cleaning from there, and purchasing items to replace what's ruined.
All total, here's what we need:
-Slipcovers for the furniture with paint on it (un-claimable, happened before this incident)
-Either new TVs or possibly replacement plugs, if possible
-New dining room table
-New coffee table
-New silverware
-New bath towels (tenants were using them like toilet paper because they're gross *gag*)
-Walls painted in three rooms(and it's an old house, so the ceilings are really high)
-New carpeting in one room (possibly, we think the urine might have soaked into the sub-flooring >_<;; )
-Carpets cleaned in the living and dining room
-Minor porch repairs (done before this incident)
-Reimbursement for the damaged foosball table (if we can get it)
-New Curtains/Drapes (Bob threw Steve's out because he didn't like them.)
There's probably other stuff as well, but that's all I can remember off the top of my head.
So... we aren't quite out of the woods yet. :P
My mom and brother came over to wash the dishes, and before they could they cleaned up the counters and the stove. The stove does need to be hit again because it was so gross, but at least the majority of the nasty is gone.
They both agree with my friend though, those dishes were a life changing experience. As it is, we're going to have to throw a lot out because even after being brillowed and bleached, they didn't come fully clean. So Steve and I are going through everything, and any that have black spots on them where mold must have eaten away at the coating or something are getting tossed. Thankfully I have some silverware from when I went to college that he can have, but we'll have to buy more eventually. Add that to our list of expenses.
I guess while we were off picking up Subway for everyone though, Mom and Ethan went to start the pots, and opened a lid... and had to vacate the house because it smelled so bad. >_>; And this is after Brendan dumped out most of the contents. >_<; So gross! So they left the pots to us, and we're going to do them soon. Along with bleaching the island and small eating area. After that all we have to do is sweep up the floor and mop it with some Lysol, and the kitchen is done, aside from changing one of the florescent bulbs, but that's neither here nor there. Steve cleaned up the fridge after Mark cleaned it out, and I don't think Mark wanted to have lunch after that. >_>; So we really are close in the kitchen!
Meanwhile, Mark and Dan got all the mats in the workout room scrubbed down with Lysol, and then Steve and I swept and tidied in there. It was probably the easiest room in the house, and now we can practice martial arts there! :D Plus, Steve is going to offer private lessons out of his home to help pay the bills. Seems like a great idea to me!
We also got the living room and dining room back in order, so all the furniture is arranged. As crappy as it is to have the graffiti on the walls, it's nice to walk in and see furnished and tidy(ish) rooms. We'll be moving the furniture when it comes time to have the carpets cleaned and to paint the walls. We're actually thinking of tearing the carpet out of the dining room though, since there's hardwood below. But that's a distant project right now.
The dining room table cannot be saved though. My mom was kind enough to point out that it's laminate, and so we can't sand it down and putty it up. So we'll be taking the advice offered to us by you wonderful people, and looking into places where we can get furniture cheap!
Oh! We also have hot water now. A friend of Steve's came over and hooked up the hot water heater, and so Steve can use all his home functions again. His Dad fixed the thermostat for him, which turns out that a wire had been deliberately cut it in.
We got in contact with the cops last Saturday as well, and upon informing him of the fact that Steve's katana was missing, among a few other things, an APB was put out on Bob for him to be arrested on sight for theft of a deadly weapon. Considering Bob was the only other one living there at the time the katana went missing, and we've searched everywhere, it's safe to say he stole it. He's also getting charges for peeing on his boxspring, mattress, and floor; and because he desecrated an American flag. But the noose thing nothing will come of, because it was so poorly done the cop said they'd claim we were drawing conclusions. At least he's honest. Still, there's so much more that can be claimed. So this guy... I'll honestly loose all faith in the judicial system of this country if he doesn't do some serious time.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel though! We get the estimates on the walls this Thursday, and possibly the flooring as well where it was peed on. Then it's just some minor cleaning from there, and purchasing items to replace what's ruined.
All total, here's what we need:
-Slipcovers for the furniture with paint on it (un-claimable, happened before this incident)
-Either new TVs or possibly replacement plugs, if possible
-New dining room table
-New coffee table
-New silverware
-New bath towels (tenants were using them like toilet paper because they're gross *gag*)
-Walls painted in three rooms(and it's an old house, so the ceilings are really high)
-New carpeting in one room (possibly, we think the urine might have soaked into the sub-flooring >_<;; )
-Carpets cleaned in the living and dining room
-Minor porch repairs (done before this incident)
-Reimbursement for the damaged foosball table (if we can get it)
-New Curtains/Drapes (Bob threw Steve's out because he didn't like them.)
There's probably other stuff as well, but that's all I can remember off the top of my head.
So... we aren't quite out of the woods yet. :P
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Cleaning the Aftermath: Update 1
Today we had what I guess you could call a cleaning party. There were supposed to be four of us, but one guy couldn't make it due to vehicle issues. So it was just myself, Steve, and Brendan--a friend of mine from high school who knows Steve from karate.
Brendan is a great guy, and we were so thankful to have his help. Especially since he gave us plenty of giggles and memorable quotes.
We managed to get another bedroom under control, though not perfected, today; by working all together. It was soooooo gross too because there were used condoms on the floor. I don't think I've ever been so disgusted. And I can never look at the person who left them the same way again. In fact, if I see said person I may have to slap them... because that is just plain raunchy. Thank god for latex gloves, and no latex allergy.
After we got that room under control, we split up. Steve started scrubbing the showers, I cleaned up all the hallways (with a little help here and there from Brendan or Steve to tackle the garbage), and Brendan was a brave soul who rather than help myself or Steve exclusively, volunteered to do the kitchen.
I think he might regret it. >_>;
Aside from the bathrooms, the kitchen is by far the WORST room in the house. I don't know how many different types of mold are growing in there, but the dishes have been sitting in that sink for at least five months now. Steve's tenants didn't believe in doing the dishes until they had none left... which is gross. Really, really gross. How do I know Steve didn't dirty them? Because he was at my house or the dojo almost all the time. He wasn't home long enough to dirty anything. So... Brendan was the brave soul.
There wasn't much he could do though, since the hot water heater won't be hooked up until tomorrow. The tenants who had the hot water heater they bought to replace the one that broke knocked off their back rent payments went ahead and sold it in anger and split the money. So, my parents had an old one in our basement that we took out when we renovated, and they gave it to Steve. Just has to be hooked up.
In the mean time though, Brendan organized all the dirty dishes and threw out the trash. So that did a lot, and it doesn't smell as much.
Steve and I also walked around looking to see if we could find the missing bed frames, and instead discovered a desecrated American flag, a huge mess upstairs, realized that Bob peed all over his bed before vacating the room, and that Steve's father's antique and practically priceless 60s Sears motorcycle is gone from the back shed. In fact, most of that shed has been cleaned out. You couldn't even really walk into it before, and now it's empty. So when we're able to get in touch with the officer who is handling this report tomorrow, he's going to be getting quite the earful.
In the mean time, we have to go to the town hall and see about a dump permit, because not much more cleaning can happen until we can get rid of the accumulated trash. We're running out of places to store it, and the shed's not an option because it's all the way across the yard. For you who live in the city, it's not a small square. We're talking a good 100 yards away, and in the back yard nonetheless. It's just not worth the effort to haul them all out back there, only to have to haul them back to toss them. So, gotta dispose of the trash we have before we can throw out more.
Like I said previously though, Brendan provided us with some humorous quotes, so I shall share them now.
"It's officially the House of 1000 Stenches!"
"That kitchen was a life-altering event."
"There was powdery green mold in a pot! POWDERY!"
"I've never seen a banana rot to that point! I didn't know they could do that!"
"I smelled smells in there that I will never be able to un-smell."
And yet he offered to come back and help more. Loyal friends like him are hard to come by. So Mom has asked him to help her, since she offered to wash the dishes and the fridge, although we are responsible for cleaning the fridge out.
Please don't worry, either. We bought masks to protect ourselves from the mold.
So this is what we have left to do:
-Chunk of the Kitchen
-Workout Room
-Three and a half Bedrooms
Once we get that done, we'll begin thinking about furniture repairs and the likes.
Brendan is a great guy, and we were so thankful to have his help. Especially since he gave us plenty of giggles and memorable quotes.
We managed to get another bedroom under control, though not perfected, today; by working all together. It was soooooo gross too because there were used condoms on the floor. I don't think I've ever been so disgusted. And I can never look at the person who left them the same way again. In fact, if I see said person I may have to slap them... because that is just plain raunchy. Thank god for latex gloves, and no latex allergy.
After we got that room under control, we split up. Steve started scrubbing the showers, I cleaned up all the hallways (with a little help here and there from Brendan or Steve to tackle the garbage), and Brendan was a brave soul who rather than help myself or Steve exclusively, volunteered to do the kitchen.
I think he might regret it. >_>;
Aside from the bathrooms, the kitchen is by far the WORST room in the house. I don't know how many different types of mold are growing in there, but the dishes have been sitting in that sink for at least five months now. Steve's tenants didn't believe in doing the dishes until they had none left... which is gross. Really, really gross. How do I know Steve didn't dirty them? Because he was at my house or the dojo almost all the time. He wasn't home long enough to dirty anything. So... Brendan was the brave soul.
There wasn't much he could do though, since the hot water heater won't be hooked up until tomorrow. The tenants who had the hot water heater they bought to replace the one that broke knocked off their back rent payments went ahead and sold it in anger and split the money. So, my parents had an old one in our basement that we took out when we renovated, and they gave it to Steve. Just has to be hooked up.
In the mean time though, Brendan organized all the dirty dishes and threw out the trash. So that did a lot, and it doesn't smell as much.
Steve and I also walked around looking to see if we could find the missing bed frames, and instead discovered a desecrated American flag, a huge mess upstairs, realized that Bob peed all over his bed before vacating the room, and that Steve's father's antique and practically priceless 60s Sears motorcycle is gone from the back shed. In fact, most of that shed has been cleaned out. You couldn't even really walk into it before, and now it's empty. So when we're able to get in touch with the officer who is handling this report tomorrow, he's going to be getting quite the earful.
In the mean time, we have to go to the town hall and see about a dump permit, because not much more cleaning can happen until we can get rid of the accumulated trash. We're running out of places to store it, and the shed's not an option because it's all the way across the yard. For you who live in the city, it's not a small square. We're talking a good 100 yards away, and in the back yard nonetheless. It's just not worth the effort to haul them all out back there, only to have to haul them back to toss them. So, gotta dispose of the trash we have before we can throw out more.
Like I said previously though, Brendan provided us with some humorous quotes, so I shall share them now.
"It's officially the House of 1000 Stenches!"
"That kitchen was a life-altering event."
"There was powdery green mold in a pot! POWDERY!"
"I've never seen a banana rot to that point! I didn't know they could do that!"
"I smelled smells in there that I will never be able to un-smell."
And yet he offered to come back and help more. Loyal friends like him are hard to come by. So Mom has asked him to help her, since she offered to wash the dishes and the fridge, although we are responsible for cleaning the fridge out.
Please don't worry, either. We bought masks to protect ourselves from the mold.
So this is what we have left to do:
-Chunk of the Kitchen
-Workout Room
-Three and a half Bedrooms
Once we get that done, we'll begin thinking about furniture repairs and the likes.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Cleaning the Aftermath
This is a follow-up from Cops and Court Dates, since we arrived at the house today and found no new damage to the outside. We are, however, continuing to find damage on the inside as we clean.
We have found out where Bob is staying as well, and it is a decent distance away from where Steve's is, so that is a comforting thought.
Over the last two days we've put five and a half hours into cleaning this house. All total we have to clean:
-Living Room
-Dining Room
-Workout Room
-Two Bathrooms
-Five Bedrooms
-The Hallways
All rooms are in varying states of disrepair.
So far, we have cleaned to the best of our ability both bathrooms (just gotta do the showers), the living room, dining room, and most of one bedroom.
The bathrooms were GROSS. I wouldn't help Steve with them. LOL;;; Both toilets had been used and NOT flushed since before the power went out, and were used after it had gone out as well. The power was gone from July 16th to September 10th--almost two months. It would have been back sooner had the electric company not jerked Steve around so much, he'd been working on it since about August 10th. So there was nasty sludge and the smell was horrendous. Not only that, but in both bathrooms, especially the one just for the tenants, it seemed like the trash had never been taken out, and that towels had been used for toilet paper. The tenants also never cleaned their personal bathroom... which is gross. But aside from the showers, both bathrooms are completely clean and usable again.
Steve then set to work on his bedroom, which his ex left quite a mess for him. Our reasoning is thus: Steve is going to be moving into the master bedroom (finally), and if we move him in there ASAP, then we can use his old room as the kitty room, and thus shut the cats in while we're cleaning so they aren't exposed to the chemicals and molds. While we have masks for safety, the kitties don't. So we're trying to get them that space as fast as possible. And then it'll be there space after all is said and done as well.
I cleaned up the living room and dining room, since I'm shorter and can thus run the shop vac better. There was bits of cat poop still littered around with scraps of the wall paper that the tenants ripped off the wall. I'm going to still have to go through and try to get the paint out of the carpet, but I don't know how much I'll be able to do. I also cleaned up some of the spots where Bob scuffed cat poop into the carpet (he wanted to tile both rooms and was PISSED at being told no and having his tiles hidden on him after he bought them anyways). In the end though, Steve's uncle who has a carpet cleaning business of some sort is going to come in and do what he does best, since I can't get it all out.
As we moved the furniture back into these rooms though, we discovered a slash in the couch cushions, and the dining room table has HUGE dents in it, like it was hit with something. I know there's no way we can sand it out, but Mom is gonna take a look and see if maybe she can't think of a way to repair it. The coffee table is pretty much destroyed. And everything has paint all over it from where Bob and the other tenant were careless and goofing off while probably drunk. Can't say anything about the dining room chairs though, since the cats did that damage. >_>;
At this point though, we're doing pretty well. Tomorrow we'll finish up Steve's room and get him moved, and then that afternoon we're having a cleaning party with a bunch of friends who volunteered. We probably won't touch Bob's room though, since A)It still reeks, and B)We don't want to be accused of loosing his stuff.
The trick is going to be replacing things, like the curtains and mattresses, that Bob destroyed. Steve's only just getting back into work this coming Wednesday, and my hours are hit-or-miss at the office thanks to severe computer issues. Somehow though, hopefully, we're going to make it work. The restitution payment will definitely help.
We have found out where Bob is staying as well, and it is a decent distance away from where Steve's is, so that is a comforting thought.
Over the last two days we've put five and a half hours into cleaning this house. All total we have to clean:
-Living Room
-Dining Room
-Workout Room
-Two Bathrooms
-Five Bedrooms
-The Hallways
All rooms are in varying states of disrepair.
So far, we have cleaned to the best of our ability both bathrooms (just gotta do the showers), the living room, dining room, and most of one bedroom.
The bathrooms were GROSS. I wouldn't help Steve with them. LOL;;; Both toilets had been used and NOT flushed since before the power went out, and were used after it had gone out as well. The power was gone from July 16th to September 10th--almost two months. It would have been back sooner had the electric company not jerked Steve around so much, he'd been working on it since about August 10th. So there was nasty sludge and the smell was horrendous. Not only that, but in both bathrooms, especially the one just for the tenants, it seemed like the trash had never been taken out, and that towels had been used for toilet paper. The tenants also never cleaned their personal bathroom... which is gross. But aside from the showers, both bathrooms are completely clean and usable again.
Steve then set to work on his bedroom, which his ex left quite a mess for him. Our reasoning is thus: Steve is going to be moving into the master bedroom (finally), and if we move him in there ASAP, then we can use his old room as the kitty room, and thus shut the cats in while we're cleaning so they aren't exposed to the chemicals and molds. While we have masks for safety, the kitties don't. So we're trying to get them that space as fast as possible. And then it'll be there space after all is said and done as well.
I cleaned up the living room and dining room, since I'm shorter and can thus run the shop vac better. There was bits of cat poop still littered around with scraps of the wall paper that the tenants ripped off the wall. I'm going to still have to go through and try to get the paint out of the carpet, but I don't know how much I'll be able to do. I also cleaned up some of the spots where Bob scuffed cat poop into the carpet (he wanted to tile both rooms and was PISSED at being told no and having his tiles hidden on him after he bought them anyways). In the end though, Steve's uncle who has a carpet cleaning business of some sort is going to come in and do what he does best, since I can't get it all out.
As we moved the furniture back into these rooms though, we discovered a slash in the couch cushions, and the dining room table has HUGE dents in it, like it was hit with something. I know there's no way we can sand it out, but Mom is gonna take a look and see if maybe she can't think of a way to repair it. The coffee table is pretty much destroyed. And everything has paint all over it from where Bob and the other tenant were careless and goofing off while probably drunk. Can't say anything about the dining room chairs though, since the cats did that damage. >_>;
At this point though, we're doing pretty well. Tomorrow we'll finish up Steve's room and get him moved, and then that afternoon we're having a cleaning party with a bunch of friends who volunteered. We probably won't touch Bob's room though, since A)It still reeks, and B)We don't want to be accused of loosing his stuff.
The trick is going to be replacing things, like the curtains and mattresses, that Bob destroyed. Steve's only just getting back into work this coming Wednesday, and my hours are hit-or-miss at the office thanks to severe computer issues. Somehow though, hopefully, we're going to make it work. The restitution payment will definitely help.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Cops and Court Dates: Update 2
So tonight Steve and I went to get the cleaning supplies (which cost close to $100) to start working on the house. And we did start cleaning the house. We managed to get both bathrooms (minus tubs and showers), the living room, and part of a bedroom cleaned up.
As we were cleaning we noticed a few things:
1. Steve's real katana is missing.
2. Bob poured pineapples on the foosball table.
3. Somehow we missed the fact that two bedframes are gone.
So we're going to wait for the light of day tomorrow to look for some of this stuff out back, but we're pretty sure it's gone.
The biggest problem though was what we found upon arrival. There is brand new damage to the porch, in a huge chunk that appears to be smashed in on the left supporting post (when you're facing it), and on the same side one of the little rungs is broken almost in half.
What was the scariest though was the present left. There was a pile of rope not there the night before that was tied at the end like a noose. I'm not kidding.
So we called the direct line of the cops, and are waiting to hear back from them. But if it was Bob who did all this, now he's in violation of the restraining order against the house.
If it wasn't him, then it's probably the bastards across the street who he talked into watching the house constantly. They seem to be his little minions.
When is it all going to end? D:
Maybe we will take up my Aunt's idea and call the news. They'd probably have a field day with the story, and it might mean that Bob isn't let off on a plea bargain. :P
As we were cleaning we noticed a few things:
1. Steve's real katana is missing.
2. Bob poured pineapples on the foosball table.
3. Somehow we missed the fact that two bedframes are gone.
So we're going to wait for the light of day tomorrow to look for some of this stuff out back, but we're pretty sure it's gone.
The biggest problem though was what we found upon arrival. There is brand new damage to the porch, in a huge chunk that appears to be smashed in on the left supporting post (when you're facing it), and on the same side one of the little rungs is broken almost in half.
What was the scariest though was the present left. There was a pile of rope not there the night before that was tied at the end like a noose. I'm not kidding.
So we called the direct line of the cops, and are waiting to hear back from them. But if it was Bob who did all this, now he's in violation of the restraining order against the house.
If it wasn't him, then it's probably the bastards across the street who he talked into watching the house constantly. They seem to be his little minions.
When is it all going to end? D:
Maybe we will take up my Aunt's idea and call the news. They'd probably have a field day with the story, and it might mean that Bob isn't let off on a plea bargain. :P
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Cops and Court Dates: Update 1
So today we spoke to a different officer since the station felt that was the proper course of action to take, and we found a few things out.
First and foremost, the report last night lacked a few details that the station wanted, so a second report was filed, but we didn't have to go to the station to do so.
The biggest problem though, was that the judge let Bob go last night. And it was the same judge we saw at the eviction hearing. Steve and I are both pissed.
Worst of all is that there was no order of protection issued. The only thing that Bob was told was that he could not set foot on Steve's property at all, and that at a time that was convenient to Steve he could retrieve his property while being escorted by an officer of the law.
Still, that doesn't mean he can't wait across the street with his buddies and stalk us else where. And I wouldn't put it past him to do it. He's that psychotic.
So Steve now has to contact the D.A.'s office, and demand restraining orders for both of us so that he can't come near us, and while we don't have to appear at court when Bob is sentenced, it may be in our best interests.
Bob will have to pay restitution, and a judgment will be put out on him for it. The county will give Steve the money though.
It really bites though, because this is a felony offense, and the officer today told us that the most Bob is looking at is a few months in county, simply because they'll probably plea-bargain down to that. I really hope not.
All the officers are really pissed off that Bob got off as well, the officer today told us that.
So I don't even know what's going on at this point. All I know is that I don't feel totally safe anymore knowing that this bastard walked with nothing but court dates at this point, and I know he's probably gloating silently to himself.
The officer did tell us it was a good thing that we took our own photos, and that we may need them. So I'm tucking that memory card away for future usage.
So much for a fair and just system.
First and foremost, the report last night lacked a few details that the station wanted, so a second report was filed, but we didn't have to go to the station to do so.
The biggest problem though, was that the judge let Bob go last night. And it was the same judge we saw at the eviction hearing. Steve and I are both pissed.
Worst of all is that there was no order of protection issued. The only thing that Bob was told was that he could not set foot on Steve's property at all, and that at a time that was convenient to Steve he could retrieve his property while being escorted by an officer of the law.
Still, that doesn't mean he can't wait across the street with his buddies and stalk us else where. And I wouldn't put it past him to do it. He's that psychotic.
So Steve now has to contact the D.A.'s office, and demand restraining orders for both of us so that he can't come near us, and while we don't have to appear at court when Bob is sentenced, it may be in our best interests.
Bob will have to pay restitution, and a judgment will be put out on him for it. The county will give Steve the money though.
It really bites though, because this is a felony offense, and the officer today told us that the most Bob is looking at is a few months in county, simply because they'll probably plea-bargain down to that. I really hope not.
All the officers are really pissed off that Bob got off as well, the officer today told us that.
So I don't even know what's going on at this point. All I know is that I don't feel totally safe anymore knowing that this bastard walked with nothing but court dates at this point, and I know he's probably gloating silently to himself.
The officer did tell us it was a good thing that we took our own photos, and that we may need them. So I'm tucking that memory card away for future usage.
So much for a fair and just system.
Cops and Court Dates
What a hectic two days. Good freaking god. =_=; If I never see another legal proceeding, it will be too soon. Let me explain why.
My boyfriend Steve has been renting a room to a tenant, who we'll call Bob for the sake of my ass not being brought up on libel and slander charges. Bob is not a nice person, and has already been to county jail four times now, at least.
Last night was the court date for the eviction process, and this guy went in there trying to claim the house had always been unlivable, and that he was brought in to try and fix it up and stuff. That he wasn't supposed to pay rent, but to mow the lawn and do the dishes. Which is bullshit, first and foremost, and even if that was why he was brought in, he didn't do that stuff anyways. The guy just drank his life away. Then he's trying to claim he has $60,000 worth of a lawsuit in fines for the tenants bill of rights that was broken, which is also complete shit. I'll explain in a moment. The whole thing was started by unpaid rent, but the judge ruled that since there was no actual paper trail or contract to prove it, that it didn't make a convincing case. He did say however that it didn't seem like a good situation, and then asked Steve if he was more worried about claiming the money or reclaiming his home. Steve told him he didn't care about the money, he just wanted his home back. So the judge asked Bob if he would be willing to just leave and avoid the legal proceedings, and he said no. The judge asked him why, and he started in with the lawsuit shit again. The judge stopped him in the middle of it, told him that played no part in this case, and asked him again if he'd take the offer. Bob said no. The judge said then, "Maybe I'm getting old here, but I fail to see the logic in your decision. You're claiming this house is uninhabitable, and yet you're fighting to stay." You know what Bob's response was? "Yes sir."
The court hearing took far longer than it should have though, because Bob kept trying to adjourn so he could seek legal council on the lawsuit thing, and to show the judge photos he had taken, and all this other shit. None of it flew, and the judge denied him the chance to seek legal council because he didn't feel it was necessary. So he signed the papers to send them to the sheriff's office to issue the warrant, and began explaining it all to Bob. The sheriff's office would get the papers, and would serve them to Bob. He would have 72 hours after being served to vacate the premises or he would be removed by force. And that the whole process would take 7-10 days, including the 72 hours. Bob, upon realizing that he really was screwed, started claiming it's all rather sudden, and he has no where to go, could he get at least 30 days. He was denied, and the judge told him to call social services, and that they could put him up for a few extra days while he found a place. He then asked Bob if he really couldn't go anywhere, and Bob replied thus:
"Well, I had $660, and I was gonna put it as a down payment on an apartment that would be $480 a month, but then Steve said he really needed the money and that if I gave it to him I could stay. So I did."
The judge's response?
"Wait, you made the choice to give the money to Stephen when you could have gotten out of a place you say is unlivable? Why would you stay?"
So in the end, the judge did issue the warrant and sent it off. Bob was pissed, and gave both of us the worst look upon leaving. The best part is, we asked Steve's lawyer if Bob could sue for the tenants rights, and because there is no contract he definitely can't. He has no grounds. And that was it.
We went home, were worried, but tried not to be.
So today... it just all exploded. And if Bob had even the slightest chance of suing Steve, it's gone now.
Steve had some job interviews and stuff this morning, so he was out of the house by 8:30am. Bob shoved him on the stairs during their only interaction this morning, but Steve let it go and went about his business.
After the interviews, he came over to my place so that he could do his school work, and so we could decide on what to do today. Plus he really didn't want to be around Bob, and just wanted to let him pack. However, we did decide we wanted to get Steve's two cats out of the house and take them to his parents', just in case. Both of us had this sick feeling in the bottom of our stomachs.
We arrived at Steve's house around 5:30pm, and upon walking in the door I noticed two things immediately. First, I smelled paint. Second, the cats that always came running to greet us were no where to be found. So alarms were already going off in my mind. Three steps into the house I saw the damage.
Graffitied onto Steve's living and dining room walls with black spray paint and black crayons were the following messages:
"$60,000 in civil rights."
"Enjoy the power I paid for"
"I paid for the paint"
"Cocky box, don't cross me" This one was aimed at me. Box is a derogatory slang for the vagina for any who don't know.
"This house is cursed."
And then just plain drawings of skulls and scribbles.
He smeared cat shit into the carpets in both rooms as well, and ironically the power does not work in either room. The dining room has been out for a while, but not the living room.
Our next move was to go upstairs. By now my mind is back on the cats, and it's telling me they're dead. So I began checking rooms. In the first room I went in (there are five), the mattress was slashed, and the piled up garbage that was left by the other tenant who left after getting the 3 day notice was strewn everywhere. But no cats. There was no damage in Steve's room, that we noticed, and then came the room with the stairs to the attic. The cats were in there, safe and sound but starved and confused. However, there was also another slashed mattress in this room, and a hole in the wall. Shit was flung everywhere in here too, and a knife was jabbed into the stairs to the attic.
Since we've now already found damage in two of the rooms, we check the final ones. One seemed fine upon looking, but in the room Bob was renting... it's almost indescribable.
Graffitied onto the walls with the same black spraypaint is "Puff the Magic Dragon", and there are two butcher knives holding a note to the door, one of which wasn't just in the door, it was sticking out the other side. We did see that before entering. It smelled like drugs and urine, and considering this asshole urinated all over his ex's clothing, we figure he did the same to the carpet in the room. The note was very liberal in its use of derogatory terms against Steve, and then on the door in crayon was another note that included Bob's cell phone number.
We called my parents to bring me my camera, I took photos of everything, and we called the cops. More specifically the sheriff's office.
So they sent out someone to look at the place, and he took down the information he needed. He was in his car when a taxi showed up, and don't you know it's Bob. Ironically the assholes he has across the street watching Steve's house for him showed back up at the exact same time. The deputy got out of his car, looked at us to confirm it was Bob, and then went over to Bob and asked "Are you Bob?" And the idiot said yes. The deputy then asked him "What's with the damage to the property?"
Do you know what Bob said? Oh god I still laugh at this exchange.
Bob tells him, and I shit you not, "What damage?"
So the deputy says "There's no damage to the property?", with that sarcastic kind of tone. Bob replies with a no, and the deputy made me smile when he said "Do I look retarded to you?"
He lead Bob into the house, and started grilling him as to why he did it. How could he possibly think it was okay. And he took none of the lawsuit shit Bob was trying to spew, and so Bob told him he owned the paint that was on the walls because he bought it and painted it on. So he just added some more. The deputy told him to his face that was a stupid move.
Bob then asked if he could just go upstairs and get the last of his stuff and leave. The deputy denied him, sat his ass outside on the hood of the car and told him "Don't you move from this spot, or I'll put a warrant out for your arrest." and proceeded to tell the cab driver, who was a friend of Bob's, "And if you take him anywhere, I'll have you arrested too."
Another cop was called, this one a sergeant, to take photos, and because the current deputy is a K9 patrol unit, so he couldn't take Bob in. By now though Bob is in handcuffs. So he finagles his cell phone out of his pocket to call his whore, because he already told us he doesn't want a girl for anything other than sex, and goes "Yeah, I'm getting arrested. Apparently trying to reclaim my paint is a criminal offense." Then they made kissy noises at each other, since he couldn't get it to his ear and had to use speaker phone we were all privy to this conversation, and the deputy is in his car chuckling at Bob. You could tell by how his body moved. It's like, seriously? You were reclaiming your property? Wow.
The other thing was this backpack Bob had that he was going to have sent to her. As soon as the deputy heard, he took possession of it to check for illegal substances and such. No idea what they found, but we heard Bob say there was a pocket knife in it.
So we were required to go down to the station to make the written complaint. No big. When we got there Bob saw us, and we got another dirty, dirty look. But we made the complaint, and asked for an order of protection. Unfortunately, because no physical threats were made, it's unlikely that we'll get one. However, the deputy is going to push for it because of the knives stuck into the door and such.
We figured that was it though. Bob was going to be brought up on felony charges since the damage would probably be over $1,000, and he's definitely going to prison. For right now though, he's being held in county jail until his official court date.
Upon returning to his house tonight, Steve went to play a bit of video games to calm his nerves, and I got a text that said "The bastard cut the cords to my TVs." I called him right up, and from what he told me, I'll see the damage tomorrow, Bob cut half the wires on both his TVs so that they won't work. Something so small it's easy to miss. So we have to scour the house tomorrow, and Steve called the sheriff's right back. So we get to see that fine deputy again tomorrow.
What a mess.
I spoke with my friend Brendan on the phone about it all as well. Apparently everyone at the market, which is where he works and where Bob and Steve frequented for food and stuff, saw Bob today, totally stoned out of his brain, or drunk, or both. But he's an angry drunk, and today he was being really friendly. They then saw him board a bus to Saratoga with his bicycle, and this was after 4:30pm. So we literally just missed him.
I'll know more of what's going to happen tomorrow, and what else has been damaged. We're taking the cats to Steve's parents' house anyways, simply because now there's a shitton of work to be done and whatnot, and we don't know what the smell is in Bob's room.
I also don't know if we'll have to appear in court, but the TVs were worth $1,100, meaning it's definitely a felony, and Bob could be looking at more than two years.
The past 48 hours have been absolute chaos, and I don't think we've seen the last of it just yet. Thankfully, it's almost over.
My boyfriend Steve has been renting a room to a tenant, who we'll call Bob for the sake of my ass not being brought up on libel and slander charges. Bob is not a nice person, and has already been to county jail four times now, at least.
Last night was the court date for the eviction process, and this guy went in there trying to claim the house had always been unlivable, and that he was brought in to try and fix it up and stuff. That he wasn't supposed to pay rent, but to mow the lawn and do the dishes. Which is bullshit, first and foremost, and even if that was why he was brought in, he didn't do that stuff anyways. The guy just drank his life away. Then he's trying to claim he has $60,000 worth of a lawsuit in fines for the tenants bill of rights that was broken, which is also complete shit. I'll explain in a moment. The whole thing was started by unpaid rent, but the judge ruled that since there was no actual paper trail or contract to prove it, that it didn't make a convincing case. He did say however that it didn't seem like a good situation, and then asked Steve if he was more worried about claiming the money or reclaiming his home. Steve told him he didn't care about the money, he just wanted his home back. So the judge asked Bob if he would be willing to just leave and avoid the legal proceedings, and he said no. The judge asked him why, and he started in with the lawsuit shit again. The judge stopped him in the middle of it, told him that played no part in this case, and asked him again if he'd take the offer. Bob said no. The judge said then, "Maybe I'm getting old here, but I fail to see the logic in your decision. You're claiming this house is uninhabitable, and yet you're fighting to stay." You know what Bob's response was? "Yes sir."
The court hearing took far longer than it should have though, because Bob kept trying to adjourn so he could seek legal council on the lawsuit thing, and to show the judge photos he had taken, and all this other shit. None of it flew, and the judge denied him the chance to seek legal council because he didn't feel it was necessary. So he signed the papers to send them to the sheriff's office to issue the warrant, and began explaining it all to Bob. The sheriff's office would get the papers, and would serve them to Bob. He would have 72 hours after being served to vacate the premises or he would be removed by force. And that the whole process would take 7-10 days, including the 72 hours. Bob, upon realizing that he really was screwed, started claiming it's all rather sudden, and he has no where to go, could he get at least 30 days. He was denied, and the judge told him to call social services, and that they could put him up for a few extra days while he found a place. He then asked Bob if he really couldn't go anywhere, and Bob replied thus:
"Well, I had $660, and I was gonna put it as a down payment on an apartment that would be $480 a month, but then Steve said he really needed the money and that if I gave it to him I could stay. So I did."
The judge's response?
"Wait, you made the choice to give the money to Stephen when you could have gotten out of a place you say is unlivable? Why would you stay?"
So in the end, the judge did issue the warrant and sent it off. Bob was pissed, and gave both of us the worst look upon leaving. The best part is, we asked Steve's lawyer if Bob could sue for the tenants rights, and because there is no contract he definitely can't. He has no grounds. And that was it.
We went home, were worried, but tried not to be.
So today... it just all exploded. And if Bob had even the slightest chance of suing Steve, it's gone now.
Steve had some job interviews and stuff this morning, so he was out of the house by 8:30am. Bob shoved him on the stairs during their only interaction this morning, but Steve let it go and went about his business.
After the interviews, he came over to my place so that he could do his school work, and so we could decide on what to do today. Plus he really didn't want to be around Bob, and just wanted to let him pack. However, we did decide we wanted to get Steve's two cats out of the house and take them to his parents', just in case. Both of us had this sick feeling in the bottom of our stomachs.
We arrived at Steve's house around 5:30pm, and upon walking in the door I noticed two things immediately. First, I smelled paint. Second, the cats that always came running to greet us were no where to be found. So alarms were already going off in my mind. Three steps into the house I saw the damage.
Graffitied onto Steve's living and dining room walls with black spray paint and black crayons were the following messages:
"$60,000 in civil rights."
"Enjoy the power I paid for"
"I paid for the paint"
"Cocky box, don't cross me" This one was aimed at me. Box is a derogatory slang for the vagina for any who don't know.
"This house is cursed."
And then just plain drawings of skulls and scribbles.
He smeared cat shit into the carpets in both rooms as well, and ironically the power does not work in either room. The dining room has been out for a while, but not the living room.
Our next move was to go upstairs. By now my mind is back on the cats, and it's telling me they're dead. So I began checking rooms. In the first room I went in (there are five), the mattress was slashed, and the piled up garbage that was left by the other tenant who left after getting the 3 day notice was strewn everywhere. But no cats. There was no damage in Steve's room, that we noticed, and then came the room with the stairs to the attic. The cats were in there, safe and sound but starved and confused. However, there was also another slashed mattress in this room, and a hole in the wall. Shit was flung everywhere in here too, and a knife was jabbed into the stairs to the attic.
Since we've now already found damage in two of the rooms, we check the final ones. One seemed fine upon looking, but in the room Bob was renting... it's almost indescribable.
Graffitied onto the walls with the same black spraypaint is "Puff the Magic Dragon", and there are two butcher knives holding a note to the door, one of which wasn't just in the door, it was sticking out the other side. We did see that before entering. It smelled like drugs and urine, and considering this asshole urinated all over his ex's clothing, we figure he did the same to the carpet in the room. The note was very liberal in its use of derogatory terms against Steve, and then on the door in crayon was another note that included Bob's cell phone number.
We called my parents to bring me my camera, I took photos of everything, and we called the cops. More specifically the sheriff's office.
So they sent out someone to look at the place, and he took down the information he needed. He was in his car when a taxi showed up, and don't you know it's Bob. Ironically the assholes he has across the street watching Steve's house for him showed back up at the exact same time. The deputy got out of his car, looked at us to confirm it was Bob, and then went over to Bob and asked "Are you Bob?" And the idiot said yes. The deputy then asked him "What's with the damage to the property?"
Do you know what Bob said? Oh god I still laugh at this exchange.
Bob tells him, and I shit you not, "What damage?"
So the deputy says "There's no damage to the property?", with that sarcastic kind of tone. Bob replies with a no, and the deputy made me smile when he said "Do I look retarded to you?"
He lead Bob into the house, and started grilling him as to why he did it. How could he possibly think it was okay. And he took none of the lawsuit shit Bob was trying to spew, and so Bob told him he owned the paint that was on the walls because he bought it and painted it on. So he just added some more. The deputy told him to his face that was a stupid move.
Bob then asked if he could just go upstairs and get the last of his stuff and leave. The deputy denied him, sat his ass outside on the hood of the car and told him "Don't you move from this spot, or I'll put a warrant out for your arrest." and proceeded to tell the cab driver, who was a friend of Bob's, "And if you take him anywhere, I'll have you arrested too."
Another cop was called, this one a sergeant, to take photos, and because the current deputy is a K9 patrol unit, so he couldn't take Bob in. By now though Bob is in handcuffs. So he finagles his cell phone out of his pocket to call his whore, because he already told us he doesn't want a girl for anything other than sex, and goes "Yeah, I'm getting arrested. Apparently trying to reclaim my paint is a criminal offense." Then they made kissy noises at each other, since he couldn't get it to his ear and had to use speaker phone we were all privy to this conversation, and the deputy is in his car chuckling at Bob. You could tell by how his body moved. It's like, seriously? You were reclaiming your property? Wow.
The other thing was this backpack Bob had that he was going to have sent to her. As soon as the deputy heard, he took possession of it to check for illegal substances and such. No idea what they found, but we heard Bob say there was a pocket knife in it.
So we were required to go down to the station to make the written complaint. No big. When we got there Bob saw us, and we got another dirty, dirty look. But we made the complaint, and asked for an order of protection. Unfortunately, because no physical threats were made, it's unlikely that we'll get one. However, the deputy is going to push for it because of the knives stuck into the door and such.
We figured that was it though. Bob was going to be brought up on felony charges since the damage would probably be over $1,000, and he's definitely going to prison. For right now though, he's being held in county jail until his official court date.
Upon returning to his house tonight, Steve went to play a bit of video games to calm his nerves, and I got a text that said "The bastard cut the cords to my TVs." I called him right up, and from what he told me, I'll see the damage tomorrow, Bob cut half the wires on both his TVs so that they won't work. Something so small it's easy to miss. So we have to scour the house tomorrow, and Steve called the sheriff's right back. So we get to see that fine deputy again tomorrow.
What a mess.
I spoke with my friend Brendan on the phone about it all as well. Apparently everyone at the market, which is where he works and where Bob and Steve frequented for food and stuff, saw Bob today, totally stoned out of his brain, or drunk, or both. But he's an angry drunk, and today he was being really friendly. They then saw him board a bus to Saratoga with his bicycle, and this was after 4:30pm. So we literally just missed him.
I'll know more of what's going to happen tomorrow, and what else has been damaged. We're taking the cats to Steve's parents' house anyways, simply because now there's a shitton of work to be done and whatnot, and we don't know what the smell is in Bob's room.
I also don't know if we'll have to appear in court, but the TVs were worth $1,100, meaning it's definitely a felony, and Bob could be looking at more than two years.
The past 48 hours have been absolute chaos, and I don't think we've seen the last of it just yet. Thankfully, it's almost over.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
A New Project: Black and White Flowers
I have started a new project, and so far it's going really well. My goal is to get 25 really good b+w flower photos that I can combine into a book with inspirational-type quotes. I am having a great time with this, and I can't wait to actually complete the entire project. The quotes are going to be just as difficult at getting enough good photos though, probably, so I still have a ways to go.
If you want to see what I have so far, I urge you to visit here:
Here are a few of my favourites though, just to give you an idea. And yes, this book will be available to any who are interested. :)
Nestled Inside by =Saknika on deviantART
Leafy Form by =Saknika on deviantART
The Solitary Flower by =Saknika on deviantART
A Short Life Span B+W by =Saknika on deviantART
Cradle of Life B+W by =Saknika on deviantART
Ruffled B+W by =Saknika on deviantART
If you want to see what I have so far, I urge you to visit here:
Here are a few of my favourites though, just to give you an idea. And yes, this book will be available to any who are interested. :)
Nestled Inside by =Saknika on deviantART
Leafy Form by =Saknika on deviantART
The Solitary Flower by =Saknika on deviantART
A Short Life Span B+W by =Saknika on deviantART
Cradle of Life B+W by =Saknika on deviantART
Ruffled B+W by =Saknika on deviantART
Monday, August 31, 2009
I Quit
It's official, I have quit Stewart's. I just couldn't stand it anymore, and here's why. Although, I told my manager that it was because I couldn't match pace and felt it wasn't the place for me when I turned in my two weeks.
1. I felt that one of my coworkers is getting special treatment because she's a friend of the manager.
2. The hours were shit. One week I'd have 20, and the next I'd be lucky to get 8.
3. I had to sweep the LEAVES up out of the parkinglot. So said the DISTRICT Manager.
4. People went too fast in transactions, and as such major cash losses were recorded with my name too, since we have to share registers.
5. Incentive is unfair and causes nasty rivalries in the workplace.
6. It's too hard to keep track of gas.
7. The cooler and freezer do not feel safe to me.
8. Really rotten customers.
9. Lack of proper breaks.
That's all I can come up with right now, but basically it was driving me insane. I know that no job is perfect, but for a month straight I woke up for work depressed, and came home angry. Every day, without fail.
So I put in my two weeks, and am back working for my mom now doing data entry. It's a bill collection office, so most people don't like us... but oh well. It's pretty much a full time job, and now I'll be able to pay my bills by myself and still have money left over to actually do things with my life.
This summer has been so boring because I haven't had the money to do ANYTHING. Like... I literally had enough to go to Subway with Steve once a week. That's it. And my parents had to cover half of my student loan, because I was lucky to make $300 a month.
So I have left one job for another. My feet are very pleased with this decision.
1. I felt that one of my coworkers is getting special treatment because she's a friend of the manager.
2. The hours were shit. One week I'd have 20, and the next I'd be lucky to get 8.
3. I had to sweep the LEAVES up out of the parkinglot. So said the DISTRICT Manager.
4. People went too fast in transactions, and as such major cash losses were recorded with my name too, since we have to share registers.
5. Incentive is unfair and causes nasty rivalries in the workplace.
6. It's too hard to keep track of gas.
7. The cooler and freezer do not feel safe to me.
8. Really rotten customers.
9. Lack of proper breaks.
That's all I can come up with right now, but basically it was driving me insane. I know that no job is perfect, but for a month straight I woke up for work depressed, and came home angry. Every day, without fail.
So I put in my two weeks, and am back working for my mom now doing data entry. It's a bill collection office, so most people don't like us... but oh well. It's pretty much a full time job, and now I'll be able to pay my bills by myself and still have money left over to actually do things with my life.
This summer has been so boring because I haven't had the money to do ANYTHING. Like... I literally had enough to go to Subway with Steve once a week. That's it. And my parents had to cover half of my student loan, because I was lucky to make $300 a month.
So I have left one job for another. My feet are very pleased with this decision.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tiny Dog Pawty
So I photographed a Tiny Dog Pawty on July 26th, and it was a lot of fun. Everyone there was very kind, and the dogs were tons of fun to be around! They seemed very curious about myself and Steve, too, since they just all kind of congregated around us as soon as we arrived. It was super cute.
Some must have felt I was invading their territory though, since they kicked dirt at me. Haha, silly pooches.
There was this one poor poodle too. It just wanted to play, but since it was twice the size of all the other dogs, they all just kind of ran away from it. Except for this one really beautiful white dog. I wanted to take that one home with me. >_>
The best part was that this was a paid assignment. Not only did I get paid for coming out to do candids, but I did some posed work that has gained some interest. Definitely a double win for me!
Here are some of the photos:
Hi, Please Pet Me by =Saknika on deviantART
I'm Coming by =Saknika on deviantART
Happily Lazy by =Saknika on deviantART
Get My Good Side by =Saknika on deviantART
It's All About Us by =Saknika on deviantART
Some must have felt I was invading their territory though, since they kicked dirt at me. Haha, silly pooches.
There was this one poor poodle too. It just wanted to play, but since it was twice the size of all the other dogs, they all just kind of ran away from it. Except for this one really beautiful white dog. I wanted to take that one home with me. >_>
The best part was that this was a paid assignment. Not only did I get paid for coming out to do candids, but I did some posed work that has gained some interest. Definitely a double win for me!
Here are some of the photos:
Hi, Please Pet Me by =Saknika on deviantART
I'm Coming by =Saknika on deviantART
Happily Lazy by =Saknika on deviantART
Get My Good Side by =Saknika on deviantART
It's All About Us by =Saknika on deviantART
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Meeting of Chance or Fate?
I met a young boy, who couldn't have been more than six years old, today while I was out doing some flower photography. After the terrible week I had at work, and the bad night last night with my stomach, this child had a vast effect on me, and really made me stop and be thankful for what I had, and not angry at what was going wrong.
The reason why this is, is because I was doing flower photography in a graveyard today. Graveyards always have the best flowers, don't they? But anyways, aside from the photos...
So I was taking photos, and I heard his voice calling out "Hi there, what's your name?" This is pretty strange, since I'm in a graveyard, and it was stranger to look over and see a six year old calling that out to me. So I told him my name and asked his. It was Collin, and he proceeded to tell me the following:
"Hi Samantha! I'm here praying at my Mom's grave, are you here praying too? (I told him I was not) Oh, well I come every day to pray at her grave, my grandparents bring me because I never knew my father. And my great-great-great grandfathers are in here too. One died in WWI and the other died in WWII. (I asked him if he was proud of them for dying honorably.) Yeah I am. And one day, I saw an American flag on the ground, so I picked it up and washed it at home and put it at my Mom's grave. (I didn't have the heart to tell him you're supposed to burn the flag, he was trying to right the wrong in his own way. I then asked if he liked to leave flowers at his Mom's grave too.) Yeah, I do. I pick them, well actually I'm killing them, but I pick them myself for her grave. Once I pulled out a flower's roots too, so I dug a hole and put them in it. (I asked if they were still alive.) Yes, they are! (He looked so proud. By now we were wandering towards the exit since I had to get back to my friends. I asked if he was at the playground with people.) Yeah, I am with my grandparents. I really like looking at the big gravestones in here though, they're cool. Are you leaving Samantha? (I told him yes, I had to get going.) Bye Samantha! (I said goodbye, and he waved, and ran off to go meet back up with his people at the graveyard.)"
Honestly... what are the chances? It broke my heart, but at the same time it made me so thankful that I do have a complete family, and good friends. The fact that he prays every day at his mother's grave though, and did that with the American flag... This is the kind of youth America needs. A respectful youth, and a youth that's proud of their country.
Collin is a special little boy. I really just wanted to give him a hug. I hope the rest of his life is a happy one. So far, it seems like it, but I think he's lonely.
Thank you Collin for teaching me a lesson I had forgotten.
The reason why this is, is because I was doing flower photography in a graveyard today. Graveyards always have the best flowers, don't they? But anyways, aside from the photos...
So I was taking photos, and I heard his voice calling out "Hi there, what's your name?" This is pretty strange, since I'm in a graveyard, and it was stranger to look over and see a six year old calling that out to me. So I told him my name and asked his. It was Collin, and he proceeded to tell me the following:
"Hi Samantha! I'm here praying at my Mom's grave, are you here praying too? (I told him I was not) Oh, well I come every day to pray at her grave, my grandparents bring me because I never knew my father. And my great-great-great grandfathers are in here too. One died in WWI and the other died in WWII. (I asked him if he was proud of them for dying honorably.) Yeah I am. And one day, I saw an American flag on the ground, so I picked it up and washed it at home and put it at my Mom's grave. (I didn't have the heart to tell him you're supposed to burn the flag, he was trying to right the wrong in his own way. I then asked if he liked to leave flowers at his Mom's grave too.) Yeah, I do. I pick them, well actually I'm killing them, but I pick them myself for her grave. Once I pulled out a flower's roots too, so I dug a hole and put them in it. (I asked if they were still alive.) Yes, they are! (He looked so proud. By now we were wandering towards the exit since I had to get back to my friends. I asked if he was at the playground with people.) Yeah, I am with my grandparents. I really like looking at the big gravestones in here though, they're cool. Are you leaving Samantha? (I told him yes, I had to get going.) Bye Samantha! (I said goodbye, and he waved, and ran off to go meet back up with his people at the graveyard.)"
Honestly... what are the chances? It broke my heart, but at the same time it made me so thankful that I do have a complete family, and good friends. The fact that he prays every day at his mother's grave though, and did that with the American flag... This is the kind of youth America needs. A respectful youth, and a youth that's proud of their country.
Collin is a special little boy. I really just wanted to give him a hug. I hope the rest of his life is a happy one. So far, it seems like it, but I think he's lonely.
Thank you Collin for teaching me a lesson I had forgotten.
Friday, July 17, 2009
I hate my job
I seriously cannot put enough emphasis on how much I HATE my job. Seriously, I will NEVER work in food service again, because this shit is ridiculous. Stewart's, you are the WORST work experience I've ever had.
To start off, I have injured my right shoulder from scooping ice cream. It aches every night now when I get home from work if I've scooped a lot of ice cream or moved a lot of really heavy items.
My feet, legs, knees, hips, and back all KILL from standing all day, because those special pads are only at the registers, and they don't work very well anyways.
It's DEADLY HOT even with AC, because all we have are these heavy-fabric shirts, and we HAVE to wear long pants, but not jeans! So good luck finding anything decent for the summer.
You have to do EVERYTHING in the store. You ring customers, stock shelves, stock the cooler, stock freezers, sweep and mop, clean the bathroom, make coffee, make food, scoop ice cream, and various other tasks. And you know what the pay rate is? Not nearly enough. I do all this for $8.50/hr.
So the job was shit from the start, but I put up with it because it's money in an even shittier economy.
Yesterday I went in, and my manager bitched me out for leaving my coworker alone for an hour on Wednesday with only a stocker. Lemme tell ya, I was scheduled until 4, and it is NOT my fault that no one was scheduled to relieve me until 5. My coworker did not ask me to stay, nor was it busy, and instead she told my other coworker to man dip for the hour. So to me, who was leaving, everything seemed to be a-okay.
No, obviously not. My other coworker said it was crazy when she got there, and my manager flipped out on me for leaving when I was scheduled to. So I told her flat out that I didn't know the other kid wasn't register trained, because hell, far as I knew he was. And I was generally just like "What did you want me to do? No one asked me to stay and it wasn't crazy when I left." To which I got "It doesn't matter, your coworker wouldn't have left you alone with nothing but a stocker. I messed up the schedule, but you shouldn't have left."
I had no idea and I told her as much, and she basically didn't care. Far as I could tell I was being blamed for her mistake, because I didn't take responsibility for it.
Of course, the week before we all got yelled at for not selling enough and loosing a lot of cash.
So now I must make sure to ask every customer who buys only one pack of cigarettes "You know, if you buy a second pack you save 50 cents." I am disgusted with myself for having to do it or lose my job. Seriously, we have to promote bad health choices now? I'm okay with asking if they want a danish with their coffee, or a milkshake to go, but pushing more cancer sticks on someone? It's just not right.
And you should see the amount of lottery tickets people buy! They need to call the gambler hotline, seriously, it's that bad. We have so many people who everyday come in and buy $50 worth of tickets to gamble on. It's disgusting.
So today while I was there, the morning wasn't bad. But the afternoon... good god. I'm trying to leave, and things are just insane. There is a cash check going on, so we're down one register, and a huge line of people. I can do NOTHING to help, because everyone just wants to check out, so I feel useless to start. Then as soon as I am able to ring in the last five minutes of my shift, I asked my coworker if she could take over for me so I could pull my report for the night. And I got a snotty "No I cannot. I'm in the middle of redoing the cash check because it came out wrong. You have to stay until it's done anyways, and you should care about the outcome since this effects you as well."
She's been there a month. She's just everyone's favourite because she used to be a manager at a pizzaria, and so she's being taught everything right off. So she acts like a bigger person than she probably should. Needless to say though, I didn't appreciate the attitude I got. But I said nothing back, because I wasn't going to cause shit in front of the customers. I really wanted to tell her that it didn't really matter what the outcome was though, since there would be nothing I could do about it anyways. The cash drawers are shared, so you can't tell who lost the money.
My one other coworker rang shakes I made up for people under her number as well at the beginning of the week. And this is a big deal because this week our shake numbers are what matter most towards us getting a bonus at the beginning of next month or so. So I was pissed, but once again, there was nothing I could do about it.
Overall, I am just really sick of the bullshit at this job. I know there is bullshit at every job, but this is above and beyond. So I'm going to go to temp agencies after my engagement shoot tomorrow (the bday girl opted not to have me attend her party) or something, because I need something different.
Usually in the summer, I'm fine without my anti-depressant pills. But Stewart's is driving me head first into a really bad depression again. I shouldn't have to take medication because of a job, and it's starting to look that way.
To start off, I have injured my right shoulder from scooping ice cream. It aches every night now when I get home from work if I've scooped a lot of ice cream or moved a lot of really heavy items.
My feet, legs, knees, hips, and back all KILL from standing all day, because those special pads are only at the registers, and they don't work very well anyways.
It's DEADLY HOT even with AC, because all we have are these heavy-fabric shirts, and we HAVE to wear long pants, but not jeans! So good luck finding anything decent for the summer.
You have to do EVERYTHING in the store. You ring customers, stock shelves, stock the cooler, stock freezers, sweep and mop, clean the bathroom, make coffee, make food, scoop ice cream, and various other tasks. And you know what the pay rate is? Not nearly enough. I do all this for $8.50/hr.
So the job was shit from the start, but I put up with it because it's money in an even shittier economy.
Yesterday I went in, and my manager bitched me out for leaving my coworker alone for an hour on Wednesday with only a stocker. Lemme tell ya, I was scheduled until 4, and it is NOT my fault that no one was scheduled to relieve me until 5. My coworker did not ask me to stay, nor was it busy, and instead she told my other coworker to man dip for the hour. So to me, who was leaving, everything seemed to be a-okay.
No, obviously not. My other coworker said it was crazy when she got there, and my manager flipped out on me for leaving when I was scheduled to. So I told her flat out that I didn't know the other kid wasn't register trained, because hell, far as I knew he was. And I was generally just like "What did you want me to do? No one asked me to stay and it wasn't crazy when I left." To which I got "It doesn't matter, your coworker wouldn't have left you alone with nothing but a stocker. I messed up the schedule, but you shouldn't have left."
I had no idea and I told her as much, and she basically didn't care. Far as I could tell I was being blamed for her mistake, because I didn't take responsibility for it.
Of course, the week before we all got yelled at for not selling enough and loosing a lot of cash.
So now I must make sure to ask every customer who buys only one pack of cigarettes "You know, if you buy a second pack you save 50 cents." I am disgusted with myself for having to do it or lose my job. Seriously, we have to promote bad health choices now? I'm okay with asking if they want a danish with their coffee, or a milkshake to go, but pushing more cancer sticks on someone? It's just not right.
And you should see the amount of lottery tickets people buy! They need to call the gambler hotline, seriously, it's that bad. We have so many people who everyday come in and buy $50 worth of tickets to gamble on. It's disgusting.
So today while I was there, the morning wasn't bad. But the afternoon... good god. I'm trying to leave, and things are just insane. There is a cash check going on, so we're down one register, and a huge line of people. I can do NOTHING to help, because everyone just wants to check out, so I feel useless to start. Then as soon as I am able to ring in the last five minutes of my shift, I asked my coworker if she could take over for me so I could pull my report for the night. And I got a snotty "No I cannot. I'm in the middle of redoing the cash check because it came out wrong. You have to stay until it's done anyways, and you should care about the outcome since this effects you as well."
She's been there a month. She's just everyone's favourite because she used to be a manager at a pizzaria, and so she's being taught everything right off. So she acts like a bigger person than she probably should. Needless to say though, I didn't appreciate the attitude I got. But I said nothing back, because I wasn't going to cause shit in front of the customers. I really wanted to tell her that it didn't really matter what the outcome was though, since there would be nothing I could do about it anyways. The cash drawers are shared, so you can't tell who lost the money.
My one other coworker rang shakes I made up for people under her number as well at the beginning of the week. And this is a big deal because this week our shake numbers are what matter most towards us getting a bonus at the beginning of next month or so. So I was pissed, but once again, there was nothing I could do about it.
Overall, I am just really sick of the bullshit at this job. I know there is bullshit at every job, but this is above and beyond. So I'm going to go to temp agencies after my engagement shoot tomorrow (the bday girl opted not to have me attend her party) or something, because I need something different.
Usually in the summer, I'm fine without my anti-depressant pills. But Stewart's is driving me head first into a really bad depression again. I shouldn't have to take medication because of a job, and it's starting to look that way.
Friday, July 3, 2009
The Good and The Bad
Today has been both a good and a bad day. I woke up to excellent news. Not only did I secure a job photographing a doggy-get-together event, but the same people emailed me back and are wondering if I'd be available to photograph their daughter's sweet sixteen party. Um... yes? Not a difficult question to answer. It'll be a bit of a trip though, since it is in Grafton at the state park, but hey, for the right price I am willing to work with you. I will have to find an assistant though. Shouldn't be too hard, since it's on a Saturday.
I also received a message from my cousin, since he is engaged, and he would like engagement photos. Well, to be more accurate his fiance contacted me, but close enough. So I will be doing those as well, which should be nice.
Later today I went with Steve to meet his grandparents, since they did want to meet me, and so he could help them out a bit. They are wonderful people, and his grandmother is an excellent cook. We were treated to lunch upon arriving, and I think the most awkward part of the entire day was saying grace. I have nothing against it, it's just not something my family has ever practiced at every meal. I'm only accustomed to it on holidays. So it did throw me a bit, but I don't think anyone noticed nor minded.
I helped Steve out with what needed to be done, and his grandmother ran a few errands. Actually, she asked if I wanted to accompany her instead of working, but I declined since I figured Steve could use a helping hand. And he did, since he can't bend down well to use a dust pan. xD
After that the four of us sat and watched the birds and chatted on an enclosed porch. Their house is really cute, reminded me a lot of my late grandmother's house, on my mother's side.
I'm pretty sure I left a good impression too, because I got hugs when I left. :)
It wasn't until after we got home that things started going downhill.
I didn't get much sleep last night, unfortunately, and then I had a long day today. So that started the whole mess. The next big thing was the Def Leppard, Poison, and Cheap Trick concert tonight--I really wanted to go, but because I work tomorrow from 6am-noon, I couldn't. The fact that my mother and brother still aren't back yet from it (my sister left early since she didn't care for Def Leppard so much) is evidence that I made the more responsible decision.
However, I LOVE Poison. They were my first real concert, and I really wanted to go again. I'm also a good fan of the other two bands, too. I've wanted to go to this concert since I found out about it four months ago. But we never made any commitments, so I couldn't get the time off; and even if I had asked for it, it would have been denied since we're all supposed to work every holiday. I was honestly hoping that they didn't go, since Mom bought the tickets today, because I am very envious. I can admit to that. The fact that they did go though depresses me, because I know I'm missing out on something really awesome due to work.
The other concert I wanted to see was REO Speedwagon. But guess when they're coming to SPAC. The correct answer is tomorrow, and I already have plans. Seriously, what band performs on a holiday? It sucks all around. And the Billy Joel and Elton John concert sold out on me. :< I really wanted to see Billy Joel in concert too, have since I first started listening to him when I was in elementary school.
So my summer concert schedule is pretty much bust this year, which blows. And I blame my job at Stewart's, because they demand so much and pay so little.
I'm also upset because I have a six hour shift tomorrow. I know I volunteered for it, but I was kind of hoping she'd cut me a break anyways. But that's not the case, because I'm working the morning and therefore we don't get the holiday rush the afternoon will get. Yeah. Right. Most people will be leaving for the lake bright and early, meaning between 8 and 10am, I bet we'll be swamped.
Definitely not looking forward to it.
And because I was already starting to get depressed over these two things, I didn't want to let go of Steve. I'm a little clingy when I'm depressed, but mostly because I just want company I can trust. Steve does have to go home at night though to take care of his kitties, at least if we don't plan ahead, and so he did have to leave. And that was pretty much the icing on the cake for really dropping my mood tonight.
So it's been a lot of ups and downs today. I'm hoping tomorrow goes smoothly enough, since I work, then I have a picnic to attend, and then I'm doing fireworks. I'm really looking forward to the fireworks though. <3
I also received a message from my cousin, since he is engaged, and he would like engagement photos. Well, to be more accurate his fiance contacted me, but close enough. So I will be doing those as well, which should be nice.
Later today I went with Steve to meet his grandparents, since they did want to meet me, and so he could help them out a bit. They are wonderful people, and his grandmother is an excellent cook. We were treated to lunch upon arriving, and I think the most awkward part of the entire day was saying grace. I have nothing against it, it's just not something my family has ever practiced at every meal. I'm only accustomed to it on holidays. So it did throw me a bit, but I don't think anyone noticed nor minded.
I helped Steve out with what needed to be done, and his grandmother ran a few errands. Actually, she asked if I wanted to accompany her instead of working, but I declined since I figured Steve could use a helping hand. And he did, since he can't bend down well to use a dust pan. xD
After that the four of us sat and watched the birds and chatted on an enclosed porch. Their house is really cute, reminded me a lot of my late grandmother's house, on my mother's side.
I'm pretty sure I left a good impression too, because I got hugs when I left. :)
It wasn't until after we got home that things started going downhill.
I didn't get much sleep last night, unfortunately, and then I had a long day today. So that started the whole mess. The next big thing was the Def Leppard, Poison, and Cheap Trick concert tonight--I really wanted to go, but because I work tomorrow from 6am-noon, I couldn't. The fact that my mother and brother still aren't back yet from it (my sister left early since she didn't care for Def Leppard so much) is evidence that I made the more responsible decision.
However, I LOVE Poison. They were my first real concert, and I really wanted to go again. I'm also a good fan of the other two bands, too. I've wanted to go to this concert since I found out about it four months ago. But we never made any commitments, so I couldn't get the time off; and even if I had asked for it, it would have been denied since we're all supposed to work every holiday. I was honestly hoping that they didn't go, since Mom bought the tickets today, because I am very envious. I can admit to that. The fact that they did go though depresses me, because I know I'm missing out on something really awesome due to work.
The other concert I wanted to see was REO Speedwagon. But guess when they're coming to SPAC. The correct answer is tomorrow, and I already have plans. Seriously, what band performs on a holiday? It sucks all around. And the Billy Joel and Elton John concert sold out on me. :< I really wanted to see Billy Joel in concert too, have since I first started listening to him when I was in elementary school.
So my summer concert schedule is pretty much bust this year, which blows. And I blame my job at Stewart's, because they demand so much and pay so little.
I'm also upset because I have a six hour shift tomorrow. I know I volunteered for it, but I was kind of hoping she'd cut me a break anyways. But that's not the case, because I'm working the morning and therefore we don't get the holiday rush the afternoon will get. Yeah. Right. Most people will be leaving for the lake bright and early, meaning between 8 and 10am, I bet we'll be swamped.
Definitely not looking forward to it.
And because I was already starting to get depressed over these two things, I didn't want to let go of Steve. I'm a little clingy when I'm depressed, but mostly because I just want company I can trust. Steve does have to go home at night though to take care of his kitties, at least if we don't plan ahead, and so he did have to leave. And that was pretty much the icing on the cake for really dropping my mood tonight.
So it's been a lot of ups and downs today. I'm hoping tomorrow goes smoothly enough, since I work, then I have a picnic to attend, and then I'm doing fireworks. I'm really looking forward to the fireworks though. <3
A Forum for Photographers
It's complete! I have finally completed my pet project! What is it you ask? Well, if you read the title, you've probably already figured it out, but I'll tell you anyways!
Over the past week I've been working with a couple of friends on a forum specifically for photographers to share their work, get feedback, and discuss the industry. I know, there are places like DA to do such things, but it's still not a really localized community. We're still spread out, and making connections is still tough. That, and keeping up with specific topics on the DA forums aren't easy.
So that's why I decided to build a forum just for photography. If you're wondering why I was so specific, it's because I had one geared towards all art, and it bombed miserably. So just photography folks, and nothing more. I'm thinking about expanding it to photomanipulations and digital darkroom type stuff eventually, but we shall see how it goes for now.
Still with me and interested in taking a peek? Well, then head on over to this [link] and see what I'm so excited about! And if you're a photographer, I hope to see you there. :3
Over the past week I've been working with a couple of friends on a forum specifically for photographers to share their work, get feedback, and discuss the industry. I know, there are places like DA to do such things, but it's still not a really localized community. We're still spread out, and making connections is still tough. That, and keeping up with specific topics on the DA forums aren't easy.
So that's why I decided to build a forum just for photography. If you're wondering why I was so specific, it's because I had one geared towards all art, and it bombed miserably. So just photography folks, and nothing more. I'm thinking about expanding it to photomanipulations and digital darkroom type stuff eventually, but we shall see how it goes for now.
Still with me and interested in taking a peek? Well, then head on over to this [link] and see what I'm so excited about! And if you're a photographer, I hope to see you there. :3
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I have my Fireworks Schedule!
It's that time of the year again! I LOVE fireworks, like, a crazy insane amount. And as such, I attend as many displays as I can possibly fit in to my summer. This year, the only hindrance will probably be all the rain we've been getting, but I've found four I could attend so I should make at least one!
July third, this coming Friday, Lanzi's on the Lake is having their display. However, there is a 50% chance of rain and storms so I'll have to play it by ear. That, and I might still be in Glens Falls with Steve, because his grandparents would like to meet me, and they have some things they need help with from Steve. However, it is a possibility.
This Saturday, right on the fourth, I will be very busy. First, I will be working from 6am until noon, and everyone should come visit me and get a waffle cone to celebrate! They're on sale, and we have the best ice cream. After work, I will be coming home to change, and then I am heading to Steve's parents' house for a picnic. Once the sun starts getting low, Steve and I are then heading out to go to Congress Park, where there will be a FANTASTIC display of fireworks. If any of you remember the shots I got last year, it was at this display. You just have to hand it to Saratoga. Saturday's forecast, at least right now, is calling for isolated thunderstorms, but only at a 30% chance. So it should be excellent weather for the weekend.
Since it will definitely be excellent weather on Sunday, the fifth, I will probably be able to make the display at the Sport Island Pub. I've been to that one as well, and it's always well done. Better than Lanzi's, and the two places are owned by the same person. xD
The last stop will be the I Go Inn on the eleventh. That's too far in the future to determine how the weather will be, but I'm crossing my fingers for it to be a wonderful day. These will be the only fireworks I haven't seen before, which is very exciting!
So it looks like this:
July 3rd: Lanzi's on the Lake at Dusk, meaning about 9pm I would think.
July 4th: Congress Park at Dark, meaning about 9:30pm usually.
July 5th: Sport Island Pub at Dusk.
July 11th: I Go Inn at Dusk.
The cool thing about Lanzi's, the Pub, and the Inn; is that you can actually watch the fireworks on the Sacandaga Lake from your boat. That's how we always did it when we could afford a marina slip, and it was so much fun.
And hey, if you plan on attending any of these and want to tag along, and I actually know you, drop me a line. We can meet up or something.
It's sure to be a blast!
July third, this coming Friday, Lanzi's on the Lake is having their display. However, there is a 50% chance of rain and storms so I'll have to play it by ear. That, and I might still be in Glens Falls with Steve, because his grandparents would like to meet me, and they have some things they need help with from Steve. However, it is a possibility.
This Saturday, right on the fourth, I will be very busy. First, I will be working from 6am until noon, and everyone should come visit me and get a waffle cone to celebrate! They're on sale, and we have the best ice cream. After work, I will be coming home to change, and then I am heading to Steve's parents' house for a picnic. Once the sun starts getting low, Steve and I are then heading out to go to Congress Park, where there will be a FANTASTIC display of fireworks. If any of you remember the shots I got last year, it was at this display. You just have to hand it to Saratoga. Saturday's forecast, at least right now, is calling for isolated thunderstorms, but only at a 30% chance. So it should be excellent weather for the weekend.
Since it will definitely be excellent weather on Sunday, the fifth, I will probably be able to make the display at the Sport Island Pub. I've been to that one as well, and it's always well done. Better than Lanzi's, and the two places are owned by the same person. xD
The last stop will be the I Go Inn on the eleventh. That's too far in the future to determine how the weather will be, but I'm crossing my fingers for it to be a wonderful day. These will be the only fireworks I haven't seen before, which is very exciting!
So it looks like this:
July 3rd: Lanzi's on the Lake at Dusk, meaning about 9pm I would think.
July 4th: Congress Park at Dark, meaning about 9:30pm usually.
July 5th: Sport Island Pub at Dusk.
July 11th: I Go Inn at Dusk.
The cool thing about Lanzi's, the Pub, and the Inn; is that you can actually watch the fireworks on the Sacandaga Lake from your boat. That's how we always did it when we could afford a marina slip, and it was so much fun.
And hey, if you plan on attending any of these and want to tag along, and I actually know you, drop me a line. We can meet up or something.
It's sure to be a blast!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I am so Inconsistent
Wow, am I inconsistent. I used to update this blog 50x a day it seemed, and now I'm lucky if I update once a month. *headwall* What happened to my drive!?
Oh wait, I know what happened.
I started working again, and have been sicker than hell.
So the pink eye cleared up relatively fast, which was good, and I was able to continue working with no issues. In fact, I was finally starting to adjust to and kind of enjoy my job at Stewart's. Miranda and I ended up blowing everyone away at the milkshake sale, and I've been earning incentive for being good at upselling and a good worker.
Sadly, the dojo did have to close near the end of May. Steve just wasn't able to pay the rent when we lost another five students to the economy, and he still had himself to think of because he was unemployed still, despite every effort made to change this fact. So the dojo is gone, but private lessons are going to continue out of his home. It just has to be cleaned, and a couple of unruly tenants need to either do some serious shaping up (haha... this isn't the first time they've been asked to do as much) or leave.
On my end, I finally got a 26 hour week at Stewart's, and I worked 28 hours that week because they needed me. What was terrible was that I was so sick I pretty much lost my entire voice. Everyone said I sounded A) Like Rachel Ray, B) Like a Man, or C) Like a Dead Horse. I coughed like crazy, sometimes uncontrollably, and I barely slept at night because of it. I have no idea how I managed 28 hours, but I did.
I finally started to recover from that illness, when I caught another. I worked with it for about a week and a half, and then I finally had to go see the doctor. Why? Well, because my glands were so swollen they were touching each other and you couldn't see the back of my throat too well--but on what you could see were ginormous white spots. I called out of work last Monday because of it, and the doctor prescribed me penicillin and forbid me from working Tuesday as well. She gave me a doctor's note and I was on my way. So last week I got only eight hours, which really sucks because it means I'll have about enough for a little gas and a little food money. Thank goodness I already have this month's car payment. But it's not helping me for next month with student loans and my next car payment. However, I told myself not to worry, because this week was coming and it'd make up for it.
I was given ten hours this week, six of which I'm working on Independence Day. And upon looking closer at the schedule, I am the only one with under 20 hours this week aside from the one person going on vacation. Even the new hires have at least 21 hours.
I don't get it either, but it feels like I'm being punished for calling out. My manager despises call outs, and in fact anyone you talk to that knows Stewart's will tell you that the whole company is a bitch about being sick and calling out. I would not be shocked if someone got fired for being sick too much.
Mom said to wait and see what the do next week, so I'm not saying anything just yet. We'll see if my hours are shit again next week, and if they are then I might have to start asking why. Possibly raising a stink as well.
In the mean time I'm looking for either a second job, or a definite full time position. I'd honestly prefer the full time job though, and just walk away from Stewart's at this point. I love my coworkers, and the work isn't difficult, it's just not the kind of place where I feel I'm a good fit. I can do it, and I do it as well as I can, but when it gets super busy I feel I'm more a burden than asset which can't be good. It's probably because I'm also trying not to pick up some of the bad habits other employees have. >_>;
But anyways, enough about my crappy job.
On the flip side of things, for those who aren't aware of it yet, I did start dating Steve. This caused quite an upset with my one ex who decided I had lied yet again, and that it was shit I didn't tell her but she instead found out through a mutual friend. She actually IMed me to find out what was running through my head, and when I tried to explain to her civilly, she just exploded and swore at me a lot in anger. All I could do was laugh, really, at how immature she sounded. I think what I laughed the hardest at, was that she said if I had told her from the start she wouldn't have been angry. Which is a load of crap because she would have bitched then too. There was no way to win, honestly.
But yes, I have been in a relationship with Steve for a little over two months now, but it feels like a lot longer. Every moment I spend with him is enjoyed, and every minute apart I can't wait for the next moment I see him again. I know it sounds clingy, but honestly it's not because we both feel the same way, but understand that we do need our time apart, and that we both have to work and such. So it's actually a healthy relationship, which I am incredibly thankful for.
On the photography side, I got some of my work hung in the Hair Art Salon and Spa in Saratoga, and it's for sale. I'm not sure if any sold, but I have to go pick them up sometime this week. I suppose I will know then. We also had this place called Jax Kitchen open that is a delivery place and restaurant, and they're looking for art so I'll be in contact with them as well. He's already interested, so that's a plus. I was supposed to contact him either Sunday or yesterday, but things just got way too hectic and I wasn't able to.
I'm also planning on doing a pinup shoot sometime soon, which will be fun. I'm just waiting for when my little studio in the basement can be created so that I have the space. Just have to help get the upstairs finished so that we can move my brother's furniture back into his room.
Once that studio is created, I'll also have the ability to really work the senior portraits and stuff. So I will be advertising like crazy, and I hope it works out well. I know I have at least one person that's very interested in having me do her's. Score!
Speaking of seniors, my sister graduated this past Saturday, and we had her party. It was pretty fun. Congrats class of 2009!
I think that's pretty much if to playing catch-up. So here is my latest photography, enjoy!
Hello Kitty Cat by =Saknika on deviantART
Dreaming of Fish... Maybe... by =Saknika on deviantART
A Little Unbalanced by =Saknika on deviantART
Perky and Pink by =Saknika on deviantART
Feeling a Little Blue by =Saknika on deviantART
Entering for Souls by =Saknika on deviantART
Bridge of Sanzu by =Saknika on deviantART
Prom09 CLassic Togetherness by =Saknika on deviantART
Elegant Couple: Prom 09 by =Saknika on deviantART
The First Infrared by =Saknika on deviantART
Surreal Blue River by =Saknika on deviantART
Cryptic Stones by =Saknika on deviantART
Painted Infrared Lake by =Saknika on deviantART
Lake Sunset 2009 by =Saknika on deviantART
Elegant Walkway from the Past by =Saknika on deviantART
Delicately Pink by =Saknika on deviantART
Optimistically Orange by =Saknika on deviantART
The Heart of the Plant by =Saknika on deviantART
As Time Passes By by =Saknika on deviantART
Hidden Falls by =Saknika on deviantART
Rushing Falls by =Saknika on deviantART
Oh wait, I know what happened.
I started working again, and have been sicker than hell.
So the pink eye cleared up relatively fast, which was good, and I was able to continue working with no issues. In fact, I was finally starting to adjust to and kind of enjoy my job at Stewart's. Miranda and I ended up blowing everyone away at the milkshake sale, and I've been earning incentive for being good at upselling and a good worker.
Sadly, the dojo did have to close near the end of May. Steve just wasn't able to pay the rent when we lost another five students to the economy, and he still had himself to think of because he was unemployed still, despite every effort made to change this fact. So the dojo is gone, but private lessons are going to continue out of his home. It just has to be cleaned, and a couple of unruly tenants need to either do some serious shaping up (haha... this isn't the first time they've been asked to do as much) or leave.
On my end, I finally got a 26 hour week at Stewart's, and I worked 28 hours that week because they needed me. What was terrible was that I was so sick I pretty much lost my entire voice. Everyone said I sounded A) Like Rachel Ray, B) Like a Man, or C) Like a Dead Horse. I coughed like crazy, sometimes uncontrollably, and I barely slept at night because of it. I have no idea how I managed 28 hours, but I did.
I finally started to recover from that illness, when I caught another. I worked with it for about a week and a half, and then I finally had to go see the doctor. Why? Well, because my glands were so swollen they were touching each other and you couldn't see the back of my throat too well--but on what you could see were ginormous white spots. I called out of work last Monday because of it, and the doctor prescribed me penicillin and forbid me from working Tuesday as well. She gave me a doctor's note and I was on my way. So last week I got only eight hours, which really sucks because it means I'll have about enough for a little gas and a little food money. Thank goodness I already have this month's car payment. But it's not helping me for next month with student loans and my next car payment. However, I told myself not to worry, because this week was coming and it'd make up for it.
I was given ten hours this week, six of which I'm working on Independence Day. And upon looking closer at the schedule, I am the only one with under 20 hours this week aside from the one person going on vacation. Even the new hires have at least 21 hours.
I don't get it either, but it feels like I'm being punished for calling out. My manager despises call outs, and in fact anyone you talk to that knows Stewart's will tell you that the whole company is a bitch about being sick and calling out. I would not be shocked if someone got fired for being sick too much.
Mom said to wait and see what the do next week, so I'm not saying anything just yet. We'll see if my hours are shit again next week, and if they are then I might have to start asking why. Possibly raising a stink as well.
In the mean time I'm looking for either a second job, or a definite full time position. I'd honestly prefer the full time job though, and just walk away from Stewart's at this point. I love my coworkers, and the work isn't difficult, it's just not the kind of place where I feel I'm a good fit. I can do it, and I do it as well as I can, but when it gets super busy I feel I'm more a burden than asset which can't be good. It's probably because I'm also trying not to pick up some of the bad habits other employees have. >_>;
But anyways, enough about my crappy job.
On the flip side of things, for those who aren't aware of it yet, I did start dating Steve. This caused quite an upset with my one ex who decided I had lied yet again, and that it was shit I didn't tell her but she instead found out through a mutual friend. She actually IMed me to find out what was running through my head, and when I tried to explain to her civilly, she just exploded and swore at me a lot in anger. All I could do was laugh, really, at how immature she sounded. I think what I laughed the hardest at, was that she said if I had told her from the start she wouldn't have been angry. Which is a load of crap because she would have bitched then too. There was no way to win, honestly.
But yes, I have been in a relationship with Steve for a little over two months now, but it feels like a lot longer. Every moment I spend with him is enjoyed, and every minute apart I can't wait for the next moment I see him again. I know it sounds clingy, but honestly it's not because we both feel the same way, but understand that we do need our time apart, and that we both have to work and such. So it's actually a healthy relationship, which I am incredibly thankful for.
On the photography side, I got some of my work hung in the Hair Art Salon and Spa in Saratoga, and it's for sale. I'm not sure if any sold, but I have to go pick them up sometime this week. I suppose I will know then. We also had this place called Jax Kitchen open that is a delivery place and restaurant, and they're looking for art so I'll be in contact with them as well. He's already interested, so that's a plus. I was supposed to contact him either Sunday or yesterday, but things just got way too hectic and I wasn't able to.
I'm also planning on doing a pinup shoot sometime soon, which will be fun. I'm just waiting for when my little studio in the basement can be created so that I have the space. Just have to help get the upstairs finished so that we can move my brother's furniture back into his room.
Once that studio is created, I'll also have the ability to really work the senior portraits and stuff. So I will be advertising like crazy, and I hope it works out well. I know I have at least one person that's very interested in having me do her's. Score!
Speaking of seniors, my sister graduated this past Saturday, and we had her party. It was pretty fun. Congrats class of 2009!
I think that's pretty much if to playing catch-up. So here is my latest photography, enjoy!
Hello Kitty Cat by =Saknika on deviantART
Dreaming of Fish... Maybe... by =Saknika on deviantART
A Little Unbalanced by =Saknika on deviantART
Perky and Pink by =Saknika on deviantART
Feeling a Little Blue by =Saknika on deviantART
Entering for Souls by =Saknika on deviantART
Bridge of Sanzu by =Saknika on deviantART
Prom09 CLassic Togetherness by =Saknika on deviantART
Elegant Couple: Prom 09 by =Saknika on deviantART
The First Infrared by =Saknika on deviantART
Surreal Blue River by =Saknika on deviantART
Cryptic Stones by =Saknika on deviantART
Painted Infrared Lake by =Saknika on deviantART
Lake Sunset 2009 by =Saknika on deviantART
Elegant Walkway from the Past by =Saknika on deviantART
Delicately Pink by =Saknika on deviantART
Optimistically Orange by =Saknika on deviantART
The Heart of the Plant by =Saknika on deviantART
As Time Passes By by =Saknika on deviantART
Hidden Falls by =Saknika on deviantART
Rushing Falls by =Saknika on deviantART
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Pink Eye... Epidemic?
Okay, seriously, I don't know what the hell is up, but it's annoying. About a month ago, not quite, Steve got severe pink eye. It was near the very end of April. It was bad enough that the doctor was kind of worried about it, and told him to return if it didn't clear up in ten days. Gave him drops and sent him on his way. And the drops did get rid of it. Too bad it didn't clear as fast as it came on, because this shit came out of NO WHERE.
So about five days after Steve's pink eye cleared up, I got it. Even though after every time I did his drops for him I washed my hands, and we bleached the dojo and stuff. Somehow I still got it. We were super freaking careful! Mine was no where near as severe though, and in fact I would have only had it in one eye except for the fact that I transferred it when I removed my contacts that night, since I thought it was just contact irritation. Wouldn't have been so naive, except I was determined not to get pink eye. But I did, and I didn't suffer--aside from my drops o' death that burned a bit. Same shit I had for the ulceration, only I don't remember them burning then--just tasting real bad. And they still do. xP
So mine cleared up, and has been gone for well over two weeks now.
Tonight Steve and I were watching Family Guy, and then headed into my bedroom to just sit and chat. His eyes were FINE during Family guy, and an hour later I looked at him and was like "Holy shit Steve, your eye is BEAT RED." Upon closer look we discovered the nasty green discharge and it was an "ALKDGLJG;LA" moment. Seriously, where the hell did it come from?! So I threw my drops o' death in his eyes since we lacked his at my house, and he's going to call the doctor tomorrow. This is nuts. But just like last time, he's sick as hell just before he got it. So I wonder if it's not the cold that's doing it or something.
But in lieu of this, I washed my hands, took out my contacts and threw them into solution to disinfect, and then threw the drops o' death in my eyes just to be on the safe side since it looks like a little bit of pink was forming around the iris. I'll be damned if I get this shit again. Hell, I'll probably just bust out new contacts tomorrow or something to be on the safe side. This is crazy!
I doubt I'll get it again though, since we caught everything so fast this time. Cross your fingers for me just in case though!
So about five days after Steve's pink eye cleared up, I got it. Even though after every time I did his drops for him I washed my hands, and we bleached the dojo and stuff. Somehow I still got it. We were super freaking careful! Mine was no where near as severe though, and in fact I would have only had it in one eye except for the fact that I transferred it when I removed my contacts that night, since I thought it was just contact irritation. Wouldn't have been so naive, except I was determined not to get pink eye. But I did, and I didn't suffer--aside from my drops o' death that burned a bit. Same shit I had for the ulceration, only I don't remember them burning then--just tasting real bad. And they still do. xP
So mine cleared up, and has been gone for well over two weeks now.
Tonight Steve and I were watching Family Guy, and then headed into my bedroom to just sit and chat. His eyes were FINE during Family guy, and an hour later I looked at him and was like "Holy shit Steve, your eye is BEAT RED." Upon closer look we discovered the nasty green discharge and it was an "ALKDGLJG;LA" moment. Seriously, where the hell did it come from?! So I threw my drops o' death in his eyes since we lacked his at my house, and he's going to call the doctor tomorrow. This is nuts. But just like last time, he's sick as hell just before he got it. So I wonder if it's not the cold that's doing it or something.
But in lieu of this, I washed my hands, took out my contacts and threw them into solution to disinfect, and then threw the drops o' death in my eyes just to be on the safe side since it looks like a little bit of pink was forming around the iris. I'll be damned if I get this shit again. Hell, I'll probably just bust out new contacts tomorrow or something to be on the safe side. This is crazy!
I doubt I'll get it again though, since we caught everything so fast this time. Cross your fingers for me just in case though!
Monday, May 11, 2009
It's been a while...
So it's taken me about a month to update this thing, but a lot has happened. Like, I have been so busy over the last month that I don't know where time went. It was just gone. It's disturbing, in a way. But I wouldn't change it for the world, since there was a lot of good mixed in with the bad. And, it was a ton of fun.
The biggest laugh and crisis over the month was the VA trips. Steve and I ended up visiting the ER three times in eleven days. Apparently, his doctor cannot take care of cauliflower ear, so we had no choice but to visit the VA. He's supposed to go see a plastic surgeon, but never made the consultation appointment because of illness.
You see, Steve later got pink eye... in both eyes very severely. To the point of severe light sensitivity and pain. So I was helping him with the drops as well (and washing my hands like it was going out of style), and just trying to keep him optimistic about his health, since he was getting sick.
Well.. I got a call at about 10:30am on the Friday that he was supposed to go to the plastic surgeon to fix his ear properly. It was from his brother Dan, and apparently Steve was unable to take himself to see the surgeon.
Not good.
So I made it to his parents' house, where he had made it to, in about twenty minutes. Which means I was speeding a bit, but I was severely worried. What I saw when I got there was Steve lying on a couch fairly unresponsive and not acknowledging me when I spoke to him at all, and unable to open his eyes. So I told him he wasn't making the consult because he was in no condition to, and took him home. We both napped for a few hours before making the dojo.
Everyone knows I don't particularly enjoy my job at Stewarts. In fact, there are some days that I totally despise it, but I think that's pretty normal. But I was hecka angry at them on the Friday I had to work and couldn't because...
I got pink eye. >_<
Michelle had told me the night before that my left eye looked red and stuff, but I ignored it and just pulled the contact out, figuring it was irritation. It wasn't bothering me at all. So I pulled the other contact out when it was time for bed, and just went to sleep figuring it would be gone come morning.
Oh hell no, I woke up with pink eye in both of my eyes. The doctor figures it was from when I took out my other contact, that I transferred it. Thankfully, it was no where near as bad as Steve's, and it never caused me any real discomfort except for getting really dry.
But when I called Stewarts that morning, pretty much as soon as I woke up at 10am (I worked at noon), they flipped. Said I needed to give a sooner notice, and that this really screwed them up, and that I'd better have a doctor's note, yadda yadda yadda. Personally, I think that they were very rude considering the situation, since if I had just come in with Pink Eye, they would have had to sanitize the entire place and could have been fined since it's illegal to work during the first 24 contagious hours of the illness. So that really irked me bad.
But enough about the bad... onto the good!
Saturday the 2nd of May, we had a demo in Latham for the Martial Arts section of ABC Sport and Fitness we're opening up. Yup, we're doing a gym merger to give us a second location, all thanks to Tom Cronin. And yes folks, this means I have met him. If you don't know who he is, he is the founder and publisher of Success Magazine in the capital district, and he's also written at least one book on running a business and such. The man is brilliant. But anyways, so we had a demo.
The demo went well, but the expo was a flop. Not a good turnout because so many people didn't hold up their end of the bargain, which sucked. But, we did well and that's all that matters.
That, and the fact that I got to beat up both Steve and Tom. 8D It was so funny too, because it was for self defense, and Tom came over and was like "So if I were to attack Sam like this..." and grabbed me--to which I torqued his wrist and popped it up and then came within two centimeters of kicking him right in the groin and he was all "OOOOOOOKAAAY..."
Steve and I were rolling with laughter. Self defense is amazingly fun. :D
In fact, speaking of self defense, I am actually going to be teaching both that and weapons for Steve. And getting paid as soon as the money is there. *0*
But... I must learn all eight weapons for him as well. Which is gonna be CRAZY!
I already have the bokken down. But I still have to learn the sais, nunjaku, escrima/kali sticks, bo staff, military combat knife, tonfa, and twin swords. Someone seriously ought to record some of this, because it's going to be hilarious and could probably take the grand prize on America's Funniest Home Videos. xD
Also concerning the dojo, I finally finished the website, and we just have minor content left to be placed in it. You can see it here:
I also have been doing some photography, which I will list at the bottom of this journal. Nothing too exciting, but better than not doing any at all. Waiting for the snow to be gone so I could really get outside was a bitch.
This past weekend I met Steve's parents, and it went really well. We figured that since he knew most of my family, I ought to meet more of his as well. It was fun, and we had a good time. Plus there was this really delicious Angel Food cake... >w> <3
Then yesterday it was yard work Sunday. So we helped Mom with yard work all day, and I got a sunburn. xP
The next big thing is Memorial Day, which I'm going to try to get the time off to be able to go with Steve up to Fort Ticonderoga for a wreath laying ceremony at 11am, and then after that we're going to explore the fort since he's never been before. Definitely a good way to spend Memorial Day in my book.
Oh, and this Friday is my birthday. I'm going to be 20. O___O;
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, that'd be it! :O PHOTO TIME! 8D
My Daily Deviation from April 16th:
Firework Waterfall by =Saknika on deviantART
That actually got me 234 pageviews the first day, and 174 the next. *0*
Wondering Breeze by =Saknika on deviantART
Curious Return by =Saknika on deviantART
Depths of Emotions by =Saknika on deviantART
Try Me Sweetheart by =Saknika on deviantART
Somewhere Far Away by =Saknika on deviantART
The biggest laugh and crisis over the month was the VA trips. Steve and I ended up visiting the ER three times in eleven days. Apparently, his doctor cannot take care of cauliflower ear, so we had no choice but to visit the VA. He's supposed to go see a plastic surgeon, but never made the consultation appointment because of illness.
You see, Steve later got pink eye... in both eyes very severely. To the point of severe light sensitivity and pain. So I was helping him with the drops as well (and washing my hands like it was going out of style), and just trying to keep him optimistic about his health, since he was getting sick.
Well.. I got a call at about 10:30am on the Friday that he was supposed to go to the plastic surgeon to fix his ear properly. It was from his brother Dan, and apparently Steve was unable to take himself to see the surgeon.
Not good.
So I made it to his parents' house, where he had made it to, in about twenty minutes. Which means I was speeding a bit, but I was severely worried. What I saw when I got there was Steve lying on a couch fairly unresponsive and not acknowledging me when I spoke to him at all, and unable to open his eyes. So I told him he wasn't making the consult because he was in no condition to, and took him home. We both napped for a few hours before making the dojo.
Everyone knows I don't particularly enjoy my job at Stewarts. In fact, there are some days that I totally despise it, but I think that's pretty normal. But I was hecka angry at them on the Friday I had to work and couldn't because...
I got pink eye. >_<
Michelle had told me the night before that my left eye looked red and stuff, but I ignored it and just pulled the contact out, figuring it was irritation. It wasn't bothering me at all. So I pulled the other contact out when it was time for bed, and just went to sleep figuring it would be gone come morning.
Oh hell no, I woke up with pink eye in both of my eyes. The doctor figures it was from when I took out my other contact, that I transferred it. Thankfully, it was no where near as bad as Steve's, and it never caused me any real discomfort except for getting really dry.
But when I called Stewarts that morning, pretty much as soon as I woke up at 10am (I worked at noon), they flipped. Said I needed to give a sooner notice, and that this really screwed them up, and that I'd better have a doctor's note, yadda yadda yadda. Personally, I think that they were very rude considering the situation, since if I had just come in with Pink Eye, they would have had to sanitize the entire place and could have been fined since it's illegal to work during the first 24 contagious hours of the illness. So that really irked me bad.
But enough about the bad... onto the good!
Saturday the 2nd of May, we had a demo in Latham for the Martial Arts section of ABC Sport and Fitness we're opening up. Yup, we're doing a gym merger to give us a second location, all thanks to Tom Cronin. And yes folks, this means I have met him. If you don't know who he is, he is the founder and publisher of Success Magazine in the capital district, and he's also written at least one book on running a business and such. The man is brilliant. But anyways, so we had a demo.
The demo went well, but the expo was a flop. Not a good turnout because so many people didn't hold up their end of the bargain, which sucked. But, we did well and that's all that matters.
That, and the fact that I got to beat up both Steve and Tom. 8D It was so funny too, because it was for self defense, and Tom came over and was like "So if I were to attack Sam like this..." and grabbed me--to which I torqued his wrist and popped it up and then came within two centimeters of kicking him right in the groin and he was all "OOOOOOOKAAAY..."
Steve and I were rolling with laughter. Self defense is amazingly fun. :D
In fact, speaking of self defense, I am actually going to be teaching both that and weapons for Steve. And getting paid as soon as the money is there. *0*
But... I must learn all eight weapons for him as well. Which is gonna be CRAZY!
I already have the bokken down. But I still have to learn the sais, nunjaku, escrima/kali sticks, bo staff, military combat knife, tonfa, and twin swords. Someone seriously ought to record some of this, because it's going to be hilarious and could probably take the grand prize on America's Funniest Home Videos. xD
Also concerning the dojo, I finally finished the website, and we just have minor content left to be placed in it. You can see it here:
I also have been doing some photography, which I will list at the bottom of this journal. Nothing too exciting, but better than not doing any at all. Waiting for the snow to be gone so I could really get outside was a bitch.
This past weekend I met Steve's parents, and it went really well. We figured that since he knew most of my family, I ought to meet more of his as well. It was fun, and we had a good time. Plus there was this really delicious Angel Food cake... >w> <3
Then yesterday it was yard work Sunday. So we helped Mom with yard work all day, and I got a sunburn. xP
The next big thing is Memorial Day, which I'm going to try to get the time off to be able to go with Steve up to Fort Ticonderoga for a wreath laying ceremony at 11am, and then after that we're going to explore the fort since he's never been before. Definitely a good way to spend Memorial Day in my book.
Oh, and this Friday is my birthday. I'm going to be 20. O___O;
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, that'd be it! :O PHOTO TIME! 8D
My Daily Deviation from April 16th:
Firework Waterfall by =Saknika on deviantART
That actually got me 234 pageviews the first day, and 174 the next. *0*
Wondering Breeze by =Saknika on deviantART
Curious Return by =Saknika on deviantART
Depths of Emotions by =Saknika on deviantART
Try Me Sweetheart by =Saknika on deviantART
Somewhere Far Away by =Saknika on deviantART
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